Chapter 1 : Reincarnation.

Hello, my name is Katsuni Rin. My mom gave me this name even though it does not match my last name.

Anyway, I was just walking to the bookstore to buy some comics. Once I bought That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime.

I was walking back home, but suddenly a tsunami and a tornado formed all of a sudden in front of me.

'What's going on?'

Sirens sounded all of a sudden and the lights went out.

I felt like time stopped for a second, but that was just my imagination.

I was still taken by the huge tornado and was hit by a huge wall.

'Ahh, why does a tsunami have to go appear now? I haven't even read how milim Became a Demon Lord' For some reason my consciousness was still with me.

[ Notice: Unique Skill [ Destroyer of Sea's ] successful ]

'What was that? is this the VOTW?'

'Who the F*ck care. Let's think of skills' I did not care anymore at this point and just spew out anything I was thinking.

[ Notice: Unique Skill [ Lust ] successful ]

'True Dragon' I just said whatever I could think of.

[ ..... ]

'Well I did not expect anything, but still think' I was using every single brain cell I had to just stay awake and not lose consciousness.

[ Notice: Unique Skill [ Brain Cell Maximizer ] and Unique Skill [ Perfect Consciousness ] success ]

'Water gem.' I did not even know what I was thinking, but still said it.

[ Notice: Spirit of the raging, isolation, and judgment sea, Vania has been transplanted to the individual ???? ]

'What's up with the question marks?'

[ Notice: A glitch has been found ]

'How is having a name when going to the tensura verse a glitch?' I felt a little annoyed and hurt when the VOTW said that to me.

[ Notice: Unique Skill [ Glitch ] successful ]

[ Confirm: Glitch found.

The individual does not have a name to finish the sentences.

Generating name: Rain ]

'Well. Whatever I was speechless on how, well how to explain. special the VOTW is.

[ Notice: A mistake has just been found ]

'Aren't the VOTW supposed to be unmistakable?' I was still confused, but whatever.

[ Notice: I have done something the individual Rain did not wish for.

Compensating for the mistake

Calculating ]

'Well I'll take it I just ignored the pain in my body and just thought about what skill, I should get next.

[ Notice: Unique Skill [ Receiver ], Unique Skill [ Unmistakable ] success ]

I could feel my consciousness disappearing as a sword and a knife stabbed me in the head.

'Well, I just died by, two hits.' I just said bluntly in a bored tone.

[ Notice: Suzumebachi. The spirit that never fails to destroy any target on the second strike ]

'Wait isn't that Soi-Fun's weapon?'

[ Notice: Changing appearance into the individual Sui-Fēng ]

'Well, she is pretty. I don't care

[ Notice: Compensation for the glitch will be given shortly after reincarnation ]


My consciousness disappeared completely.

I woke up and saw that I was in the middle of the ocean.

'Is there anything different from my body?' I looked at my hand and it was not a hand, but a paw!!

'What the F*ck is this?' I looked at my body more and it was color blue.

Half of my body was a fish's tail and half of my body was a dragon's body. I had blue scales and a blue gem on the middle of my chest.

'Why am I an adult? aren't I suppose to be a child first?' I was just thinking of a solution.

My brain started to think of many possibilities and soon after thoughts just literally popped up in my head.

'Since I have a brain of an adult then, that explains why I have an adult body' For some unknown reason I just knew the answer.

I thought of it more and the same thing happened. I knew that it was because of my Unique Skill [ Brain Cell Maximizer ].

'Let's see if I have any other skills The same thing happened and I knew the basics of my skills.

'I am going to die if I get another Unique Skill' I was finding a solution to this big problem.

I was not feeling any pain because of my Unique Skill [ Perfect Consciousness ].

I found the solution right after I thought of the problem at hand.

'I see so that's how I can do it.'

Using my Unique Skill [ Receiver ], I can put some of my Unique Skills into its sub-skills called [ Skill Storage ].

It can only fit 3 skills at most, but that was enough for me to live on.

'Let's put the skills that I don't need for now.'

I put a single Unique Skill that I did not need right now, but is pretty strong, [ Glitch ].

'Let's try to check my stat' I thought of my stat and it just appeared out of nowhere.

<< Name: Rain

Race: True Dragon

Title: Raging True Dragon, Soul Reaper

Resistances :

Pain Nullification

Element Nullification

Physical Attack Nullification

Stun Nullification

Natural Element Nullification

Holy Attack Nullification

Spiritual Attack Nullification

Intrinsic Skills : [ True Dragon's Aura ], [ True Dragon Sence ], [ True Dragon Shapeshift ], [ True Dragon Breath ], [ Death Bomb ], [ OverDrive ], [ Raging Death ], [ Bloodless Rage ], [ Rage Domination ], [ Raging Mode ], [ Neutral / Sexless Mode ], [ Female / Computing Mode ], [ Male / Fighting Mode ]

Unique Skills : [ Destroyer of Seas ], [ Lust ], [ Glitch ], etc

Ultimate Skills: None ]

'Oh so that's the compensation, Noice' ( This is intentional )

'Let's just go with the female mode for now.' I am a female at heart, body, and soul and it was also perfect for me as my main skill is computing type.

I transformed into Sui-Fēng. I used a third-person view and looked at myself.

'I don't look half bad'

'Let's summon the spirits first'

I concentrated my thoughts and consciousness into summoning a spirit and concentrated mana on a place.

A sword came out of nowhere and a Chinese hair pen with the same blue gem was in the middle of it.

'Let's hide this onto my hair and put the sword onto the back of my waist'

I hid the hair pen in my hair and put the black sword on the back of my waist.

I wore the same clothes when Sui-Fēng used shunppo.


I will change the story as I want.

If you don't like it then create your own fan-fic and get out of my fan-fic. F*cker