I learned that my Ultimate Skill [ Lord of Truth : Gandalf ] can scan all thing's without any delay.
Using my Ultimate Skill [ Covenant King Uriel ]'s sub skill [ Absolute Defense ] with Ultimate Skill [ Lord of Truth : Gandalf ] and Unique Skill [ Brain Cell Maximizer ], I can completely defend any type of attack.
I can scan any attack and make a deffence for the in comming attack, resulting to a true [ Ultimate Deffence ] that is a comparable with [ Cassle Guard ].
After 10 year's of training I was finally able to completely use all of my skill's by will.
At this point in time some might not even be able to fight me, like the demon lord's and maybe even Velgrynd or Velzard.
The energy around the space was empty and I already integrated the huge amount of energy into my own energy.
I can now even bend reality, it self using my Unique Skill [ Glitch ] and Ultimate Skill [ Covenant King Uriel ].
'Let's go'
I stood up and went to the blue dragon.
I put my right hand on it's forehead and my left hand on the casket.
'Good bye, [ Suzumebachi ]'
A white light raped around my right hand and a huge black butterfly raped around the entire space.
It then turned red and desstroying the entire place.
I teleported away using my Ultimate Skill [ Covenant king Uriel ].
I was outside and was on the raging sea.
Huge wave's of water was erupting everywhere and I waved my hand downward's.
I stoped the huge wave's of water.
I satrted to look for the cause of such big chaos on the sea's and land's.
I found the problem in just a spmit second.
It was milim firing multiple [ Drago Nova ] at Guy.
I teleported there to belp them out and I saw the both of them fighting at full force.
Ground's were all broken and the influx of energy was rapidly increasing.
I scanned all there in coming attack's.
It was quite easy and I already made some counter measure.
'Let's try to stop Milim first' I teleported to her back and made a Hamonka on the middle of her back.
She noticed me imdeately and she swung her left hand.
I was hit directly and my deffensis were all broken.
'It's fine'
I already expected my [ Absolute Barrier ] to brake to begin with.
I used my Unique Skill [ Glitch ] to force reality to shift.
I forced reality to shift and I was now on her stomach.
There were also no injuries on my body and ankther black butterfly was on her right cheek, left shoulder and stomack.
I dissapeared again with my tremendous speed.
"You'r interisting" Guy grined while looking at me.
I looked at him with my right eye and I dissapeared again.
A [ Drago Nova ] was sent at where we were, but we were still anle to dodge.
'Milim is not to be taken slightly' I teleported to her back and was going to hit the same spot.
A pink aura blocked my right hand and all my skill s were down.
'Is this a skill cancelation?'
I scanned it more and I was right. It was a skill cancelation skill.
All my skill's could not be used and her right hand was going to blow my head to bit's.
'But I am still stronger'
Another black butterfly mark appeared on the aura completely desstroying Milim's aura.
'As I thought [ Suzumebachi ] is not limitid to phisical attack's'
I teleported away and scanned the skill that she used.
It was one of her sub skill's from her Ultimate Skill [ Wrathful King Satan ].
'I am sure that this attack will work perfectly'
I fired multiple black butterflies and obviously she already knew what it could do to her so she dodged.
I smirked and Guy swung his sword.
Milim paried ut easily with her unstopable force.
Byt that was enough for me to hit one of the mark's that I left.
I was going to hit her left shoulder, but she exploded with multiple [ Drago Buster ].
I blocked all of it, but Milim was still anle to esvape.
"It's not over yet" I smirked and all of Milim's mark's turned red.
My Ultimate Skill called [ Lord of Truth : Gandalf ] priorotizes my computation skill and if it is true or not.
Once the computation was done.
I could see Milim's movement's like the back of my hand.
Three new Hamonka's was all over her body.
'Just one more hit then it's over'
We both exchanged our fist's, but she never hit me even once.
I could not even hit Milim even once.
Her strength was much much stronger than before and even with all my skill's combined, I would still die if I get hit once.
'Why am I even fighting her now?'
Guy was supose to fight Milim, but now I was the one holding her back.
I kept on trying to hit her, but Milim could read my next move and so can I.
We were on a stalemate on who would win and I just kept on dodging and I don't even have a way to defeat Milim.
This was my first fight and I was doing pretty good.
I was only able to keep up, because of my Ultimate Skill's, but I still did not even have a way to defeate her.
'When does she stop getting tired?'
I was still trying to find a way to stop Milim while dodging all her incoming attack's.
'This should be able to stop her'
My power was the emotion rage and I don't really have any Ultimate skill's related to rage, but I do have an intrinsic that has a rage type skill.
"[ Bloodless Rage ]" A red stream of air was coming near me.
I absorbed it and converted it into me.
It was pure rage that would desstroy a soul if put into one.
I was absorbing Milim's rage and converting it into my own energy.
Her strength keept on decreasing and by using all my skill's into [ Over Drive ] and trying to get all the information about Milim's skill's.
I could not copy her skill's, but by using the [ Bloodless Rage ] as a pasage way for me to scan her skill's.
I was able to copy all her skill's information, and I am now aboe to make a similar skill.
'As I thought, Milim has alot of skill's'
Milim had alot of skill's like her Unique Skill [ Milim Eye ] that can scan almost anything and is almost as strong as a Origin Skill.
I was only able to scan some of her skill's, because her defenses are almost unbreakable.
'Just a little bir more.'
I already gave up on taking information about her Orgin Skill [ Star Dust Breeder Reactor ] as it would take too much time.
I extended time for over 1 billion time's and every single part of my body cell was being regenerated and desstroyed over and over again.
I got some of Milim's [ Milim Eye ] and [ Wrathful King Satan ], but still not half of them.
Milim was getting weaker and weaker as I absorb more of her rage.
She was still punching and firing [ Drago Buster ] and [ Drago Nova ] at me.
I just kept on dodging while scanning her skill's.
"Let's end this" I was done holding back and release my over whelming strength.
I got all of the information about her Ultimate Skill and Unique Skill.
I teleported onto her back with a speed that surpased the speed before.
Ramiris and Guy noticed that I was going to make a hole into her body.
I lifted my left hand where [ Suzumebachi ] was on the right.
I was not going to kill her, but she would be assleep for at least over a day.
This might be a small amount of day's when compared to an immortal, but do you really think that one of the strongest being's in the planet would just sleep, by just a hole on her body?
Guy jumped in and fired a nuclear magic at me.
I stoped it easily and Ramiris took Milim away.
"I will only warn you once. Stop!" Guy put alot of aura on that threat, but not that much when he's actualy serious.
"Do I look like a child?" I teleported from Guy's back and we began to fight off.