Chapter 6 : Walpurgis

I went into the door and saw Guy, Ramiris and Milim already siting.

'This should be the second walpurgis' I walked to the side of Guy and sat next to him.

This wasn't the first walpurgis and the rule's and the demon lord's were still the same like the anime.

I was already making my own faction and and unstopable faction at that.

"Still as silent as ever. I'm afraid you might assasinate me" Guy looked at me with a smirk.

"Don't wory I will" I put some strong aura on what I just said making the other's scared.

I was really curious on what skill's does the Marionet Group, Luminous, and Dino.

'Let's try to scan them again'

I already got all the information about there Unique Skill's and was just cheking if they now had Ultimate Skill's.

'Let's try to find a suitable skill for me' I can make many Ultimate Skill's with the information I have, but I still don't have a skill that let's me make Ultimate Skill's.

'I just need to copy [ Degenerate ] from Shizu-Izawa' I was waiting for the moment that happened, but no matter what I do I could not find her.

"Why did you call me?" I drank some wine as all the other 2nd generation were silent.

"Rudra has been, taking his own faction..." Guy was going to explain the same boring thing over and over again.

"If it's about Rudra again. I'm going to leave"

Guy always talk's about Rudra non stop, as if he's in love with him.

"Alright, alright" Guy calmed me down and I put the wine on the table.

"I called you all here, because there have been alot of new candidate's and some will be removed" All there atention's looked at the portal and new people actualy acme out of it.

'Are there any type of new skill's' I activated my [ Eye of Truth ] and scaned there skill's with no problem's.

'Finaly Luminous, Leon and some new people are here' This was the moment I was waiting for, for over 100 year's.

"So who do you guy's wan't to chalenge?" I asked a smiple quistion and they all looked at me with antesipation.

"I wan't to chalenge you!" Two people said.

It was a oni and a tengen. They both attacked me at the same time, but before they could even move they were already eaten alive.

'They don't really have that much skill's' I already scaned there skill's once I ate there soul's and put the information onto [ Receiver ].

"Who's next?" I asked and flared my aura more.

They all fought each other and this time it was a little different than the anime.

Leon, Luminous, Kazaream, and Clayman were already apart of the 10 Greate Demon Lord's Council.

'As I thought, they don't really have Ultimate skill's, but they do still have a really strong skill's'

They all sat down and Rain and Mesery anounced there name's, title's, etc.

They actualy did not have that much land, because most of the land's of the contenent were already occupied by other strong being's.

I stood up amd was going to leave, but Guy stoped me.

"How about you come with me" Guy smiled at me.


"I have a surprise" Guy pushed me where his blue gate was ansd pushed me.

'Why now?'

"Little sister" A woman's voice said and was going to hug me.

I teleported from her back and saw that she was Velzard.

"Why so moody?" Velzard said in a chill tone.

"I do not like to be touched" I answered imediately.

"Why did you call me here again? if it's not important, I'm going to desstroy this entire place" I was already colecting information about Velzard's skill's and it was super hard not being able to get detected.

"Ara, that's a nice trick" Velzard already knew what I was doing even though I hid it really well.

I packed away and pulled out [ Suzumebachi ].

"Don't worry, it's fine" Velzard chuckled a little bit.

"You've already done it to me, so it's fine too" Guy also already knew about what I did and I was surprised.

"[ Truth Domain ]" A yellow field sorounded the entire ice contenent.

I proceded to use only [ Uriel ] so that my skill's would not be exposed too much and used [ Bloodless Rage ].

There were alot of demon's and Velzard's rage, sadness, envy, etc that was traped in her heart was being absorbed by a fast pace.

My strength exceeded 76 EV in a second.

I swung my sword at the both of them and they all dodged naturaly.

"Ara, please stop, i'm not here to hurt you" Velzard was trying to calm me down, but I just attacked ecen more.

"Then why did you call me?" I stoped and looked at the both of them with my same emotionless expresion.

"I just wanted too see you" Velzard happily said.

"Then this is a waste of time" I turned back and was about to leave.

"No you won't" Velzard chuckled and put a thick snow cloud around the entire ice contenent making me unable to use space magic.

I turned back too see the noth of them. I pulled out [ Suzumebachi ] and held [ Suzumebachi ] to my right hand.

"Sting my enemies to death [ Suzumebachi ]" A white cloth covered [ Suzumebachi ] and my right hand.

I put my right hand to the ground making a huge Hamonka on the ground.

"Did I not say if this was a waste of time, I would desstroy this place" I was about to hit the Hamonka again, but I was frozen.

'What is going on?' I was still able to think, but could not move.

'Is this [ Suspended World ]?' I was trying to move, but could not move.

'Let's try if [ Suzumebachi ] can work on stop time' I started to activate [ Suzumebachi ], but failed.

'I'll just have to wait then'

After 1 minute time was flowing again.

"Why did you stop time?" I asked Velzard a hard quistion.

"Ara, you were about to desstroy the entire place. I did not have a choice anymore" Velzard smiled at me.

"I will let this go, but let go of the [ Crystal Snow Storm ]"

"Sadly I can't" Velzard was on my back and picked me up like a princess.

"Let go of me" I tried to move, but all my skill's and body was frozen.

"You're on time out" Velzard huged me like a little kid and started to walk away.

"Enough" I broke free of her spell and teleported away from her.

I already saw Velgrynd's strength from the anime and it is best to take her seriously when fighting.

'I will put everything on the line' I used the saved up star dust magic.

I removed the cloth on my left shoulder and there was a Hamonka on it.

I put [ Suzumebachi ] on my own Hamonka and it glowed red.

It expanded covering my entire body and destroying the seal that was keeping all my strength.

I tried to control it, but for one second my real aura was expose, but I emidiately put it back before any one noticed.

I also put a simple barrier to make sure none of my aura could be seen.


( Feldway P.O.V. )

I was just doing my job like I usualy do and suddenly I felt a glipse of master's aura.

'Master, have you come back' I felt pure happiness, but i was the only one who felt it.

It's a little bit, weak and different, but it was still Master's aura.

I was really happy and decided to stay still and wait for master to come to us.