Chapter 8: The end of a fight.

This took me so much time.

You should thank the comment who told me to make another chap.

Took me 2 hours but worth it.

Of course i was doing sometjing else at the same tiem.


Time flowed again and I put all my defenses at max and was ready for the attack.

My [ Gandalf ] showed me all the weaknesses of the spell and all the information about the skill.

"Cleanse all the lands [ Tsunami ]."

A blue dragon came out of my body and went to the sky.

It started to rain heavily, but it was still too weak and the water turned to ice before it could even get near Velzard.

'This is enough.'

A white line pierced through Velzard's heart.

The [ Tsunami ] was just a distraction so that I could land a free hit on her.

The sealing magic was completely removed and a Hamonka appeared on her stomach, my first hit was made.

"Let's continue then little sister." I happily said as I was releasing a large portion of killing intent to her.

"[ Ice Dust Particle Explosion ]" The ice crystals surrounding us from the ice accumulated from the fight exploded.

The ice engulfed my entire body and I was completely frozen.

"Did you think this would work on me?" I asked her as the ice turned to water, revealing myself.

I put my right hand on the front and opened my palm. "[ Space Bullet ]" White lines started to fire off my hand and a huge ice crystal came out of her right hand.

'How is she still able to block that? When is she going to run out of mana?' I still had plenty of mana saved up but I already knew that her mana capacity is greater than mine.

[ Master, I greatly suggest putting [ Infinite Imprisonment ] on [ Suzumebachi ]. ]


[ [ Infinite Imprisonment ] can seal targets and [ Suzumebachi ] can kill anyone in the second strike ]

[ By combining the two skills, [ Infinite Imprisonment ] and [ Suzumebachi ]. [ Infinite Imprisonment ] can immobilize the enemy and that would be enough time to get the second hit of [ Suzumebachi ] ]

'Smart.' [ Suzumebachi ] glowed and there was something new about it.

"Let's keep this up, little sister. I want to play more with you." Velzard was just toying with me.

To be fair, I am not that old, and keeping up with Velzard who can literally freeze a million classes with just her aura alone, is already impressive as it gets.


3 hours later.

"No matter what I do. I still won't be able to stop you, won't I?" I stopped for a second and continued again.

"I guess. Your defensive skills and attack skills are good but you don't have enough power to break my defenses." Velzard looked at me and ice crystals started to appear.

I was already done scanning her Ultimate Skill and made multiple countermeasures and we were in a real stalemate.

I could not pierce her defenses and she can't destroy my defenses as well.

I was only alive because of my defenses and when I run out of mana I will be truly defeated.

'I have to think of countermeasures before I run out of mana.'

We were still fighting in our human form as it would be a disadvantage for her if she transforms into her True Dragon form.

With our ridiculously strong amount of force in out every attack, it made a battlefield where no one could enter.

My raging energy could not let anyone enter even Guy who was just watching from afar and Ramires who was containing all the overflowing energy.

Velzard opened her right palm and blue particles started to form around it.

After it completely formed a blue beam of [ Gabriel ]'s essence was launched at me.

{ Countermeasures have been put in. Defenses have been activated. [ Ultimate Defense ] has been put up to block the attack }

I was able to completely block the attack and Velzard was not even shocked and attacked me again.

{ I suggest using the Unique Skill [ Lust ] and I already have the information about the individual Velzard's strength. }

Without Velzard's defenses, I would be able to completely use, [ Hands of God ], and maybe or maybe not, I would be able to damage her.

"I will put everything on this attack." In reality, I could not damage Velzard but you never know until you try.

'[ Salamon ] activate all my skills to [ overdrive ] .' I put all my mana and skills into overdrive.

{ Activating [ Overdrive ] }

Blood veins started to appear all over my body. A burst of mana came out of my body.

My body could not take the pressure of 4 Ultimate Skills going overdrive and my mana circuit started to crack. ( I totally forgot how many Ultimate Skills I made )

Velzard noticed the amount of energy coming out of my body was abnormal and stopped time again.

"[ Salamon ] help me move." [ Salamon ] already had some information about stop time but not enough to let me move.

{ Danger!! I do not suggest moving in [ Suspended World ] as even a True Dragon cannot handle 4 Ultimate Skills }

[ Salomon ] was against it but I wanted to win and I did not want to hold back anymore.

"[ OverDrive ]"

{ Master can temporarily move in [ Suspended World ] }

I moved my body and attacked Velzard. Velzard was now low on mana as she kept on stopping the world's time.

Velzard did not hold back and released her true mana.

The surrounding temperature became colder and colder.

A blue beam came out of Velzard's body and ice spikes appeared all over the place.

"Ahhhh" All my skills were focused on my right hand.

As I targeted the hamonka on Velzard's stomach and Velzard froze me to death.

Velzard used all her power this time around. Velzard was almost out of mana and so was I.

Our energy collided making a huge amount of mana coalition. The mana coalition had the power to destroy the world.

Guy, Milim, and Ramiris put tons of barriers.

The barriers were broken by our attack force.

Velzard noticed the barrier braking so she lowered her mana and that was enough for me to Peirce through the hamonka.

The hamonka glowed red and time continued again.

I ran out of mana and Velzard was hit two times by my hamonka.

Half of my body turned to ice and my body was obliterated.

Velzard's body started to vanish and she was also obliterated.

"This much damage is not enough to kill me."

By using [ Glitch ] and [ OverDrive ] I can almost change fate and reality itself but at the cost of losing the skill [ Glitch ].

"[ Mammon ]" I started to steal Velzard's skill [ Gabriel ].

I could just regenerate my mana using [ Vania ], but it would be too dangerous to reveal every single trump card.