Chapter 11: Just a random chapter.

I'll be making a descord. Please wait.


As we arrived at their home base, after 1 day of traveling.

They left me off at one of their main buildings, called Seoul.

'Huh? Why is it the same name as Korea's capital city?' I was really confused but still went inside.

I faked all my documents and successfully entered the country of Japan.

'TF, why-no, no.' I calmed myself down and relaxed.

'Hey, [ Salamon ] can you weaken my mana capacity? It would be boring if I just name a random monster and it would transform into an S-rank monster.'

<{ It has been done. }>

I felt a large amount of mana leaving my body-no it was more like it was disappearing from inside me.

I stood up and went outside. Usually, I could see everything, from the smallest germ to the largest buildings, but this time, it was different as I could only see the one in front of me.

'This is a nostalgic feeling.' I saw the old me with my very own eyes.

I lifted my right hand and smelled the fresh air for a long time.

'I guess without mana, most of my skills are disabled.' I looked at the faraway land and my vision was the same.

I could still see hundreds of thousands of miles away, but at least I can't see my back like usual.

'Let's go to an adventurers Center.' I jumped from a 10-story building and kept on jumping till I reached the adventurers center.


The place was bustling with sound and every single person had a familiar by their side.

I felt left out but still looked at the appropriate level gaps from the map.

There was still a leveling system in this world and they are still the same way as usual systematic rankings.

'Let's go to the "Unknown Forest". '


As I walked around in a dense forest. I could not feel anything and just trusted my instincts.

'There is nothing here. Like literally.' I had a bad feeling about the forest but still could not find what it was.

As I went near and nearer the center of the forest.

I felt the temperature going up by a ridiculous amount.

'[ Salamon ] what is going on?' I focused my entire attention.

<{ The individual, Scorch dragon Velgrind has been born in the forest's vicinity }>

'Then is Veldanava coming?' I looked at it more and Velgrind was firing a huge fireball at me.

I held my right hand and the fire was blocked by my right hand.

<{ I believe not. I am currently scanning the entire world and I cannot find the individual, Veldanava. }>

'Then what?' I felt confused and a blue meteorite came crashing to the ground.

Once the smoke was gone. A girl with pure white hair was revealed.

Velzard is in her real form and is freezing the entire forest.

'Why is Velzard weaker than I thought?' I already scanned her EV and it is ridiculously low.

<{ It seems she was just born around 500 years ago. }>

'Oh, then why is she so mature?' I thought when True Dragons are born, they are children and in Velzard's case, she has an infinite life span so she ages more slowly.

<{ Their appearance is affected by their maturity. }>

'Oh, then ok.' Velzard looked at me.

We locked eyes and immediately backed away.

A burst of Thermal Energy came out of Velgrind's body, making the world to 100°C.

Velzard noticed the sudden heat and neutralized it with her Ultimate Skill.

Velzard became agitated and froze Velgrind on the spot.

While she was neutralizing the heat, I escaped and went to a lake.

The lake evaporated and a huge ice crystal was on the lake.

The coldness felt weird and I scanned it.

'As I thought. The entire world is affected by the sudden coldness.'

Since no one could neutralize an Ultimate Skill, the entire world became cold as ice.

Half of the ocean evaporated and the other turned to ice.

Huge monsters started to appear from the ice crystals.

'[ Salamon ] destroy the seal. I have to neutralize the mana passageways.' There was no time to lose.

<{ The seal has been broken }>

'Still as quick as ever.' I flew to the sky and started to fix the mana passageways.

Velzard neutralized Velgrind's sudden Thermal Burst when she was named, but not to the point where there was no damage.

Velzard releasing her real mana was already dangerous and this much damage was nothing.

The damage was only done because there was too less land.

'[ Salamon ] why is the world shaking?' I felt a huge pressure on the Cardinal world's core and started to investigate it.

The Cardinal World's outer shell was burned by Velgrind and was then frozen by Velzard.

'Why are there too less of defenses on the Cardinal World's core?' The Cardinal World was supposed to be an unbreakable world. Even an Origin Skill would not be enough to destroy it.

<{ I suspect that since no one has an Ultimate Skill, the individual, Veldanava must have put fewer defenses. }>

'I guess your right.' The Cardinal World is already healing at a fast pace and I only need to help it out.

Once I removed all the mana passageways' ice, the world became stable again.

I looked underneath and saw it all change to what the future Cardinal World looks like.

'It seems the structure of land changed.'

Before there were only small islands all over the place since the entire world was 90% water, but once most of the water evaporated, the land started to rise and water started to go down.

I teleported to the land where the humans were, but there was no one there.

I felt people coming out of an underground cell.

<{ They seem to be prisoners and were only saved thanks to the cage. }>

'Give me more details.' I looked at them from above and felt all the civilization of humans disappear.

'This type of change in the world is not enough to bring down human civilization.'

<{ Negative. This is just a small city on rural land. The real civilization of humans is from another space. }>

'What?' I was confused about what was happening and started to look around the world.

<{ There is a hidden space far from the lands and that's where humans who passed the S-rank stage come. }>

<{ It also seems like, their civilization is not that advanced from this city, but their familiar taming is stronger. }>

I found the space and looked at it. It was a real paradise for humans and is full of technology.

'Then I'll fake my identity again and enjoy around 1 thousand years there.' I felt enjoyment again and flew up.

<{ Negative: The security in that place is too dangerous. 7 people have Ultimate Skills and all of them have the strength of an Ultimate Skill holder. }>
