Chapter 13: Ivarage.

The light is every darkness in the surrounding areas.

"[ Summon ]" The Cardinal of Lightning, summoned a violet bird.

"*Scream*" The stupid purple bird spews out a voltage of lightning at Veloro.

A white aura blocked the attack and the other Cardinals summoned their familiars.

'As I thought, they mostly trust their familiars.' Veloro could see the power of every familiar.

The Cardinals were only A-rank, but their familiars were all around S-SS rank.

They were not as strong as Dagruel, but stronger than Dino, in his lazy form.

There are 24 familiars, yet Veloro was confident.

Even if they all attacked all at once, Veloro is still a True Dragon, so it was not that hard to kill them all.

'This will be troublesome.' Veloro strengthened her arms.

Veloro tilted [ Suzumebachi ] and a bolt of lightning, fire, ice, etc, we're launched at Veloro.

Veloro knew the dangers of the attack and went for the most optimal solution, which was to block it.

The attacks were still too weak to damage a True Dragon, but Veloro is a cowardly person, which is why she is always safe and has a backup plan.

"You are all too weak." Veloro laughed and 7 familiars were knocked out.

The Cardinals tried to take them back, but the aura of Veloro affected the entire place to the brim.

'Create a skill which I can steal other skills like [ Mammon ].' Veloro did not want to kill them all at once.

She wanted to take all their Ultimate Skills and absorb them as her own.

<{ The skill has been created. Ultimate Skill [ Creation King Duso ] has a new sub-skill.

[ Creation of All ] It is an improved version of [ Life Creation ] and no longer costs any mana, but in exchange, you can only make 1 creation. }>

'It's weaker.' Veloro felt disappointed and wanted to complain.

<{ It can be automatically switched to [ Life Creation ], but will cost more mana in return }>

Veloro opened her right palm and a red ball came out of it.

The red ball came flying to the top of the battlefield.

"[ Space Lock ]" The entire place was covered with a thick barrier which no one could leave it enters, even Veloro.

Veloro snapped his right hand and the red ball glowed bright red.

"W-Whats goi..." Find could not even talk as he was sucked into the red ball.

Every single person was sucked and everyone died expertly for Veloro.

Veloro snapped her fingers again and said. "I release you from existence." The red ball became ashes.

'Is there anything new?' Veloro asked.

<{ There is a lot of information about Unique Skills..... }>

[ Salamon ] could not even finish talking as a bolt of purple lightning came rushing at her.

Veloro was shocked as her defenses were penetrated.

'What happened?' Veloro was confused and was in a defensive stance.

<{ The individual Chloe Aubert has a similar Ultimate Skill which can pierce through any defenses }>

'Well, that's surprising.' Veloro noticed 6 figures coming out of the smoke.

"It seems you are not called the strongest Cardinal for nothing. The citizens are already outside of the barrier, aren't they?" Veloro already noticed a figure, evacuating a lot of people when the barrier was still not active.

"So are you." She disappeared and was on her back.

A white aura blocked her movements, but after another second, the barrier was down.

Veloro was going to make another creature that can defeat her, but she already knew what Veloro was up to and stopped her.

"[ Ice Rush ]" Ice ran down Veloro's body and a black beam came rushing forward.

<{ Alert. Alert. Putting barriers at 100% }>

Veloro was calm and teleported instead and just like [ Salamon ] predicted, the beam followed Veloro.

But it was enough time for the barrier to be completely active.

The barrier blocked the attacks and Veloro counter-attacked.

"[ Black Hole ]"

A black hole came out of nothing and started to suck everything.

"[ Suspended World ]" Le-Rin used her trump card and stopped time.

'This is unexpected.' Veloro could still move, but Le-Rin looked tired.

"Let's end this." A hamonka glowed red on Le-Rin's back and a howl of wolf rang.

'He was just too obsessed with protecting his familiars.' Veloro already noticed his familiars being un-summoned.

It was stupid, but she still felt it was the right call.

"Next target is....." As Veloro heard her heartbeat.

'W-What is this?' Veloro fell from the ground and felt a lot of his mana disappearing.

<{ Notice. Due too long of maintaining the aura inside of Master's body. A creature will be born. }>

'What? Then will the creature will be like Caribdus?' The sensation was not that hard to handle, but the feeling of another being coming out of your body is weird.

<{ Affirmative }>

'Then do something.'

<{ There is nothing that can be done. }>

After another second passed. A huge black dragon came out of the ground.

It roared and started to destroy everything in its path, but Veloro already left and went to a place where no one could see her.

She just created a space where she could see everything from a third-person view.

'It's the future Ivarage, isn't it?' Veloro already knew, but still wanted to ask.

<{ Affirmative }>

'Well, let's just watch.' As Veloro saw a lot of people appearing.

The people were Dagruel, Guy, Fen, Velzard, and Velgrind.

They were ridiculously weak at this point and even with all their strengths combined, they could only hold the thing off.

The Ivarage now is not that strong and is only 20.3 million in EV, but the beings who control the Cardinal World are too weak and the Cardinal World is also too weak too surpress Ivarage.

'It seems like the strongest people in this time is Dagruel and Fen.' Both of their skills in the fists are bad, but they are still True Giants.

The Two True Dragons can keep up, but Guy on the other hand, who just recently got summoned, is too weak.

'They are too weak or is the future Ivarage too strong?' Veloro noticed another presence watching the battle, but she could not find out who it was.

'Wait that's not Guy.' Veloro realized that he was looking at the wrong person and scanned it more.

It was the Cardinal of Light. Steve. He was ridiculously and was only barely alive.

The guy looked like he got slapped in the face, by just the mere aura of Ivarage.

Veloro also noticed a deer was helping them, but its help was still not enough to weaken Ivarage.

Veloro's heart started to beat really fast and felt a weird sensation.

'Huh? What am I feeling?' As Veloro saw Ivarage getting hurt, little by little.

She felt a sensation. It was a feeling that she just learned. It was love. True love for her offspring.

The feeling kept getting bigger and bigger.

'N-No, this must be a mistake.' Before Veloro could do anything, she turned off the camera.