The Unfortunate Mirai


Year 52 of the End Times

Entree No.625

Dear Diary.

It's me again. And it's yet another another month of the End Times, and the 3,615th month that I have been in this god forsaken world, taken away from my home world, and represented his cursed dragoness.

And today was no different from the previous months, nothing 'interesting' has occurred, and I've survived another month living by wallowing in fear, while being protected by my trusted subordinates.

After all, the situation outside has yet to change. Ever since the darkness blanketed the world, and the sun disappeared, everything has become a living nightmare for me.

Actually, dying seems to be more of a salvation than living in this current time period. And I, Mirai, vouch for that. Hell, there are terrifying beings stronger than me dying day in, day out. What of me?