The Dragon Empire I

Up within the skies, her eyes were lined up on a young man pristinely covered up within a white robe. Elegant and divine in nature, with long gray hair cascading down his back, and golden eyes briming with an intense glow wisdom and intellect.

Just his gaze on her gave her the feeling that she was laid bare right before his eyes. That everything about her, was already known by him!!

All that, and his young appearance, made him the most handsome entity she's come across in both lifetimes, and Mirai's memories. Not even the handsome silver prince, rumored to rival those above, could hold a candle against him!!

"Uhm, young miss, would you perhaps put on something more descent first?" The young man spoke, his magnetic voice pulling her deeper into him, almost drowning her serenity.

"...Huh?" Almost, though. As she exclaimed out in confusion, not hearing a word he just uttered. Thus left her embarrassed and ashamed of herself. 'My chances is going to slip by me..!!'