The Dragon Empire II

"Impressive, no doubt. For your mind to be able to contain all this knowledge pertaining to Outer creatures in just a year is indeed amazing. I'll give you praise for that." Teach praised, looking at the content Mirai before him.

It genuinely was impressive. For even the minds of Outer Demigods couldn't so easily compute matters related to genuine Outer beings or anything related to them. To them, it was like giving a five year old child a calcus exam paper to solve.

Where would they even begin? Yet here she was, doing so in just a single year. 'In comparison, this is like a five year old learning knowledge of all twelve grades, including kindergarten, in just a single year.' He thought to himself.

"So, would you like to spend the remaing eight months resting, or... would you dedicate them to growing even stronger?" He added, and Mirai also took on a stern countenance. "Teacher, let us continue. I need to be as strong as possible. And soon!!" And she responded as such.