Chapter Six

It hadn't even been a second that I slept and I was awake immediately.

The numbness I felt before were gone and though I was kind of wearied out it was just the kind you get from waking up from a long sleep.

I guess I slept longer than I thought.

The room was dark but I didn't remember turning off the lamp.

Did the power cut off again? And what is this subtle smell of a hospital ward?

I heard someone approaching but I didn't hear the low crackling sound the floors in front of Mom and Dad's room make when you walk on them.

I sat up and noticed in the dark that mom and dad's room had gotten a lot spacious but their bed smaller, and the worst part? I wasn't alone.

The light came on.

They were low and flickering with a buzzing sound but it had enough light for me to recognize Dr. Patel, and to confirm what I had already realized : I'm not home.

Neither was I alone.

The faint low cries and moans of people in pain seemed to increase with the coming of the lights.

I sat up.

Dozens of small beds were arranged side by side in long lines with only 4 people, including Dr. Patel inspecting of some sort.

I took noticed of the legs again and it made me jerk on the squeaky bed.

Dr. Patel was on the other side and she caught my movement.

Her eyes widened in excitement or shock, and she began rushing towards me, her breasts jiggling under the thin material of her cloth with each step.

"Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!" the aberration of Mrs. Patel hugged me tight. "You are already sunrise away from been regarded as a Freeloader"

I didn't hug her back. I didn't want the nightmare to mess up my sense of touch so I sat still and allowed her hug me. You could feel the emotion in the hug, and it was lasting.

And then she finally let go. Her eyes teary in the dim lights and her face stretched with smiles.

She went back again for a brief hug.

"You think you can walk?" she said when she finally let go again.


She smiled again.

"Who knew a full day sleep would bring back life in your eyes" she said, standing up. "Come let's go see Anthony. I think I've already exhausted my favors."

I gently swung to the side, my booted feet touching the ground.

I stared at it, not willing to trust that I could use them.

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Patel asked.

I looked at her. She looked worried.

"I'm fine" I said, pushed myself up, expecting to be wobbly on my feet but I was perfectly steady.

"Good. Let's go then."

And I was also much taller than Mrs. Patel.

We left the big hospital hall and walked out into a short narrow hallway.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Mrs. Patel paused halfway up a six step hard concrete staircase.

"I'm fine" I told her. I was just weird out about my walking. About everything. I had slapped myself to see if I could wake up from the dream but I didn't. Dumb of me to think that would work.

A woman in faded blue retail worker shirt was coming down the staircase with a bucket. Her depression more prominent than the dirt on her unwashed face, and as she passed she beared us no mind.

Fuck. Everything feels so real.

We climbed another set of stairs to come to a floor but Mrs. Patel was going for the next set of stairs with the relaxation of someone who has done it so many times, and I followed her. Another set of stairs more and we were in another floor but she was going for the next set again.

I took note on how different the environment were as we climbed up, and when we were in what felt like the second to the top most I was about to go upstairs again but Mrs Patel was going the other way. She looked back at me in surprise.

"Are you sure you are okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah" I replied, walking to her.

This is becoming too long to be a dream.

I followed her as we passed series of rooms with wastes littered in front of them.

There was no doubt. I was in a hostel of 4 floors, two wings and a very large compound inbetween that was cultivated upon.

My eyes met with that of someone that was coming our way. She passed Mrs. Patel with no comments but gave me a look that I thought was of disgust.

I turned and looked at her when she passed me.

Ugly ass bitch.

We finally arrived at the point where the wings of the building meet.

It has a room. Way bigger than the ones we've passed by all indications, and with a bigger corridor too.

There were two big men standing guard there.

"We are here to see Anthony" Mrs. Patel said.

"He is busy" one of them said simply but soon after the metal door clanked open and I saw a man I had seen before.

He stepped out and closed the door before I could get a glimpse of his room. He was shirtless and his body looked like it hadn't been put through enough strain.

"You always were a lucky one" he said, stepping forward. "Always one step away from doom".

What the fuck is going on?

There was no doubt that this man hates me and wants me harm but the fact that someone as comical as him was threatening me in a nightmare made me laugh.

Maybe that was why I was distracted and didn't see the weak ass punch coming and it hit me right by the jaw with enough force to send me to the ground.

Almost immediately I hit the ground, feet were kicking and stomping on me and by instinct I pulled myself together trying to protect my face and organs. I've been here numerous times before but never in a dream. Never one that hurts this much.

And why the fuck can't I wake up?

Wake up!
