Chapter Seven

What the fuck is going on?

My body was numbing from the beating and I got sent to the hospital but that wasn't the problem.

Right here in the bathroom of my series with trash and urine covering most of the floor and one or two fresh faeces dump in the angles I was staring at the brief reflection I had caught while enduring a terrible beating.

There was no doubt.

It is my face. Or at least a close copy of it.

The scars that I have accumulated over the years are all there, though most of them are hidden by the heavy facial hair but the most prominent could not be hidden. The ones I got from the accident : The unique big bolt like scar that runs across my left eye. An injury that turned my entire left eye white but still allowed sight.

There is seriously no doubt, it is indeed my face.

I retreated from the bathroom mirror.

What the fuck is going on? This has gone too long to be a nightmare. But if it is not a nightmare then what the fuck is it?

I saw a group of people walk in and I recognize two of them to be the ones I saw in the last nightmare

"I heard Anthony said you still have to fulfill your quota." one of them said. He too was familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Yeah" I heard myself reply him, taking another look at what should be me. "Whatever that means"

"You should have laid low, Jude" another said. I don't know who he should be. "It's already less than an hour to sunrise and now you have to day walk"

"They know too damn well he can't fight"

"Anthony just wants to get rid of him" another added. "It's been a long time coming"

"Why would they want to get rid of their lucky magnet?"

"Well he hasn't been lucky recently, has he?"

The old bastards just went on and on in this reeking dump like I'm suppose to know what they are talking about. And the fact that I think I should know at least 6 of them made it worse.

One of them peered outside.

" A bot is coming "

A what?

Then I heard the heavy footsteps.

They all kept quiet as if they were listening to the rhythm of the steps, which then stopped outside the reeking bathroom.

"This is your last reminder"

I heard a gruff voice say.

There was silence after. The group was looking at me. Some urging me on, some expectant and then there was the Jake would be who was stoic with folded arms just staring at me. He had said nothing through out and that kind of made me happy of some sorts because the Jake I knew would be never shut up.

The men made way as I walked past, some slapping my shoulders. There are nine of them but they had been ten the last time I saw them. Blondie was missing.

I came outside and met the 'bot' who turned out to be a man in faded black clothes with face masked like a warring soldier just like the ones who had beaten the shit out of me.

He didn't say anything, just started walking and after some seconds I followed.

We came into a big and incredibly lighted room that was divided in non-equal half.

The first one which is the bigger one had men and women stark naked, and people wearing the type of protective clothing you would expect scientists in a dangerously contaminated area to wear. The ones in the protective kits were hitting the naked people with water from fire hoses and then inspecting them closely after they which they move to the second side through the small door of the iron fence with their backpacks and clothes which were also sprayed and dried.

There were also two smaller rooms which were made with net barricades, where depressed people are waiting. The ones who had been cleansed hand over their bags, clothes and crude weapons to the ones waiting within the barricaded room, and then their clothes are handed back to them and they wear them and move.

"Here you go" the bot who had brought me forced a club binded with spiky thin metal ropes. He also dropped a backpack at my feet.

He added nothing and left.

I stood there stunned, wondering where the fuck I was.

"You have minutes away before they lock down Shelter for sunrise." I heard someone say behind me. I turned to find should be Jake. His face was still stolid and I was beginning to doubt he said anything but then his lips moved again. "And then they will kill you for subordination"

"I don't know what the fuck to do" I found myself saying to him. I was getting emotional. The fear was overwhelming me, the unknown was overwhelming me.

Something flickered in his eyes, something I couldn't read at all. There for a second then gone.

"Just go" he said. "You have a better chance surviving out there in the day than in here if that gate comes down"

And then he left.

I watched him leave without turning back, and when he was gone I turned and watched the hose men clean the last of the mad max people.

I picked up the backpack and started walking towards the small barricade door.

I could feel their eyes on me as I walked through it. My legs just kept on moving till I reached the second door. I pushed it open, using more force than I thought. I walked through and it was slammed shut immediately. I was now in what looked like it had been a kind of receptionist area. It was heavily wrecked and where it's door should have been was open and bigger than usual as if it had been smashed through.

I walked through it into the street.

A red sun was rising on the horizon and my eyes couldn't believe what was been revealed.

There was no doubt about it.

I'm fucked.