chapter twenty

"Burn them.

  Burn them all... They're always watching, watching me, watching them and always watching her.

  One day I will be the one watching them, I will..."

   Alex sat next to code 001, he didn't say anything but tears fell down her face "code 001... who is the council?" Alex asked, code 001 glanced at Alex with a terrified expression "code 001? Hello?" Alex tried calling the girl but no response "what the actual fuck?" Eva asked loudly, "she's practically paralysed, the only thing she actually reacts to is Alex and the word council" Abbey said worried, code 001 looked over to Abbey with the same terrified expression "I'm back with the broom and the mop" Kylie announced, she took her time examining the situation that was in front of her "is she crying?" Kylie asked "kind of, she's mostly staring at the floor" Austin explained "is she in shock?" Kylie asked Abbey "at this point we all are" Eva commented "I don't know, she won't talk" Abbey answered "the second part of healing isn't really my thing but Liam may know something about it" Kylie said "Liam? The hacker?" Austin questioned "yes, Austin, Liam is an off-field agent so the least he knows is hacking and healing you idiot" Kylie explained slightly annoyed "ok then, Austin and Alex, you both can go get Liam" Abbey ordered "why us? Alex can hardly move" Austin complained "I doubt that you want to see your girlfriend checking for bruises on a topless twelve-year-old, so you better fuck off and get Liam or I swear" Abbey threatened "Jesus, sure! We will get the boy! Come on Alex!" Austin gave in, he tried picking up his friend but code 001 held Alex's hand, she whispered something into hear his ear and let go of his hand, Austin didn't pay much attention to it and just helped his friend up, they both left the room.

     Alex and Austin walked through the corridors in silence "so, what did code 001 whisper to you?" Austin asked curiously "she muttered something about the council and then said to be careful" Alex answered seriously "weird, but at this point, what isn't weird?" Austin commented "yeah... Well, we're here" Alex said, Austin knocked on the door that nearly immediately opened, "oh hey guys... what happened?" Liam asked shocked "long ass story but quick question, do you know anything about post-shock or something like that?" Austin asked desperately "uh- yeah, I do" Liam answered confused "well, giddy up mate 'cause we have a hell of a situation for you" Austin said sarcastically "who is it about?" Liam asked worried, he looked over to Alex that was close to tears "wait, is it about code 001?" Liam asked "bingo, now let's get to our main room before Abbey kills me" Austin ordered, the three boys walked as fast as possible to the Unit.5 main room. "We are here!" Austin announced to the girls that now we're on the couch "took your time" Eva provoked "maybe because I need to help my half-unconscious friend walk!" Austin said angrily "won't you two shut the fuck up and actually help!" Kylie shouted, the room went silent, not in a million years had someone heard Kylie swear especially in front of a child, "Liam... can you just go help her" Alex whispered "yeah... sure" Liam agreed, and he walked over to code 001 and kneeled in front of her "has she said anything? And what even happened?" Liam asked "she's muttering things about the council, I think" Abbey explained "the council!? Abbey, you need to answer this with all your honesty, did they take code 001 to see the council?" Liam asked with the same terrified expression that code 001 had "I don't know, she didn't say" Abbey answered distressed "they did... the guards came and she asked to be taken to them" Alex answered "she asked? Why would she ask?" Liam questioned "I don't know, she just did" Alex said, "ok then, did she mention anything about the CEP?" Liam looked more terrified after every question he asked "CEP? What is that?" Alex asked confused "Alex? You don't know what the CEP is?" Liam asked shocked "what does CEP even stand for? And why would Alex know about it?" Eva budged in the conversation "the CEP stands for child experiments project... and Alex is supposed to know about it because... like me and code 001..." Liam didn't dare to finish "like code 001 and you?" Kylie questioned "Alex was part of it" Liam said seriously "wha- how?! I don't have any memories of it! I think I would remember if I was a part of an experiment!" Alex protested "you're right, but do you remember anything before entering Unit.5?" Liam asked seriously "yeah- I remember meeting the unit at the home" Alex answered nervously "Alex... do you remember your birthdays before Unit.5?" Abbey asked "yeah, I spent them with you" Alex answered eagerly "that's the thing, Alex, you never spent your birthdays with me" Abbey explained "you were always at the lab, those memories were put into your head, they aren't real" Liam said "what the actual fuck are you two talking about?" Alex questioned "we will talk about this later, we need to focus on code 001" Kylie said nervously "no! You can't just not talk about this! I was just told my most precious memories were a lie! We're going to talk about it now!" Alex shouted angrily, code 001 looked at Alex with tears in her eyes "what are you looking at?!" Alex shouted at the girl, but she did not react, "Alex! Code 001 didn't wrong you or something!" Eva scolded her friend, code 001 got up from the couch and walked over to Alex, she pointed at him "Alexis" she said quietly, she then pointed at her "Coal" she whispered to him, Alex saw a slight flashback but in his memory, he had said what code 001 just said, a tear fell down his face "what did you say to him code 001?" Liam asked "what was needed" she answered plainly "oh thank god! She finally said something!" Eva cheered "you should take Alex back to his room, he's going to need some time" code 001 ordered politely "uh- yeah! Eva, can you help me?" Abbey agreed happily at the thought that her friend was back to normal, while the girls helped Alex walk back to his room Liam silently got up and walked to the door but code 001 grabbed his wrist "you should stay, he would like that" code 001 said with a faint smile, he nodded and headed to the boy's room, code 001 sat back on the couch and gave a loud sigh "are you ok? You scared us" Kylie asked code 001 "yes, I'm fine... I'm just, really tired and stressed" code 001 answered, "you must be, you should get some rest" Kylie said with her warm smile "I should clean the mess I made in our room" code 001 pointed out "don't worry about it, me and Austin will clean it up later" Kylie assured, code 001 nodded and went to the girl's room.