chapter twenty one

    "The CEP, I had forgotten about that project...

   It ended after they were certain mission 001 was a success...

   But sadly, the children that were experimented on didn't forget about it...

    Well, at least most of them didn't."

     Liam sat on the edge of Alex's bed checking from time to time if he was ok, Liam was about to leave when Alex started shaking his head from side to side so he got a bit closer to Alex's face and put his hand on his forehead to check if he had a fever, while Liam checked Alex slowly opened his eye "hey..." Alex said nearly whispering "hi, you shouldn't have woken up, you look tired" Liam said worried, Alex reached for Liam's hand and held it "you stayed..." Alex said happily "well, code 001 said it was best if I did" Liam admitted "oh, I should say sorry to her" Alex said disappointed in himself "you should, but I think she knew you didn't mean it" Liam assured, "how did I find such caring people?" Alex questioned with a smile "you're also caring! and I see how well you treat code 001, you two are like brother and sister" Liam said loudly "thanks, I really need that... I really appreciate it" Alex said happily, Liam tried not to look into Alex's eyes as he was scared of blushing even more "can you help me get up? I think I own the unit an apology" Alex admitted "rest a bit more, it's not going to kill you" Liam teased "fine, I will rest" Alex gave in to his friend's demand, Liam left the room and went to join the rest of the unit in the main room, when he entered the room Abbey gave him a tight hug "thank you, we own you one" she whispered into his ear "no worry, this unit means a lot to me" he whispered back, Abbey ended the hug and took him to the couch where the rest of the unit sat "so, how is code 001?" Liam asked "she looks a bit better, but I think it's been a hard day for her" Kylie answered calmly "hey, Liam, you were in that weird project with code 001, right?" Austin asked "yeah, we didn't really meet but I saw her occasionally, it's weird how I didn't really recognise her at first" Liam confirmed "so you must know what the medication code 001 takes is for? She said it was a pain killer but that doesn't sound right, to be honest" Austin asked curiously "a pain killer? Well, code 001 is the first experiment of the whole organisation so I wouldn't be surprised if she had more side effects than birth control" Liam answered a bit conflicted "it just doesn't sit right with me" Austin said worried "you're probably right, but I couldn't imagine what would happen if she went off those pills, I need to take a yearly one but she probably takes it daily" Liam said "oh god, I thought she already had it bad enough" Eva commented sincerely "I also saw some weird wires stuck to her skin while I checked for bruises, maybe it has to do with pills she takes" Kylie pointed out "yeah, it's not easy for any of us" Liam said sadly "if you don't mind me asking, what type of experiment did they do on you?" Kylie asked full of curiosity "I have literally no gender" Liam answered plainly "what do you mean? Is it like something to do with down there" Austin asked shocked "kinda, it's kind of a mix, it's weird, but I also can change my voice really easily and I have no reproduction organs" Liam explained, "wow, that is so cool!" Eva cheered "I agree, but do you know why they did that to you?" Abbey asked even more curious than Kylie "so it would be easier for me to go undercover as different people, I kinda like it" Liam said proudly "but I also need to ask something else, what did they do to Alex?" Abbey asked worried "I don't know much but I heard he is a type of social experiment" Liam said trying to remember any other details "did he go through any surgeries?" Austin asked "probably, everyone that was experimented on went through at least one surgery so I wouldn't be surprised" Liam answered, Abbey and Austin looked disappointed and Eva sighed "guys, it's been hard these past few weeks but the project isn't something we can rely on, we just need to fight, it will get better" Kylie assured the group "thanks Kylie, we're just a bit shocked" Abbey said with watery eyes, Eva hugged her and tears started streaming down her face "there have been many discreet revolutions, mostly kids that have been in experiments plan them" Liam said "seriously? That's great, how do you know about all this?" Kylie asked "I have been part of many revolutions, I was the one that shut off the computers for a whole day some years ago" Liam said with a slight chuckle "I remember that day, it was some days after I joined the unit, Abbey was going ballistic" Austin said with a soft smile "I remember that day! I was laughing my ass off" Eva pointed out proudly "it was a bad day" Abbey said with a small smile, she was using Eva's shoulder as a place to rest her head, "your unit is so sweet, I wish I was as lucky" Liam commented jokingly "what do we know? Maybe it will happen" Austin said confidently "hey Liam, do you wanna stay over for dinner?" Abbey offered "Jesus it's already that late? But I would love to tho" Liam accepted the offer politely "well, I should start cooking then" Austin said with a big smile.

   Code 001 slowly opened her eyes, she looked around the room as she sat down on her bed, she tried to remember what possessed her to burn all her clothing but the only thing she could think of was the blood coming out of her leg and the excruciating pain with every breath she took, as she connected the the wires on her chest to the liltle machine she had under her pyjamas she also remembered the conversation she had after that, like most of her memories it wasn't a good one, she smelled something coming from the kitchen so she got out o bed and headed to the main room with some struggle "hey code 001! Did you get some rest?" Kylie asked loudly "yes, I did, thank you" code 001 answered "formal as usual" Eva commented jokingly "why don't you come sit here, dinner I going to be ready in a sec" Kylie offered as she looked at the last free chair at the island "yes, I will do just that" code 001 agreed, she sat down next to Eva and Liam "smells great Austin!" Liam said happily "thank you, Liam, see guys! A compliment once in a while would be great wouldn't it" Austin said teasingly "me and Kylie are also helping thank you very much" Abbey said sarcastically, Kylie rolled her eyes and Liam chuckled, "do any of you want some water?" Eva asked Liam and code 001 as she got up "yeah I'll have some, thanks" Liam accepted politely "what about you code 001?" Eva asked again "I will have some, thank you" code 001 also accepted the offer, Eva walked over to the fridge and got a large jar of water from it, she poured some in to three cups and gave one to Liam and one for code 001 "dinner is nearly ready, can someone call Alex?" Austin asked "no need" Eva said as she pointed to the door that lead to the corridors, Alex was standing there with a small smile on his face "hey guys" he said shyly "hey Alex! Come join us!" Kylie said happily, he walked over to code 001 "hey code 001, I'm sorry... for what I said earlier" Alex tried apologising, code 001 got up with her glass of water still in hand and looked at him for some seconds, she quickly spilt at the water in her glass onto his face "I hope you colled off" she said sarcastically, Alex was too shocked to say anything "ah yes, the best trick in the book! Violence" Eva shouted but everyone was too lost in words to answer "isn't dinner burning?" code 001 asked Austin with a warm smile, Austin looked at her then at the dish and started panicking, Abbey and Kylie also started panicking because of the food while the rest of the unit was in awkward silence. When dinner was ready everyone sat down on the couches and chairs and started eating "remember that tomorrow is the divisions fitting for the ceremony" Abbey announced as everyone started eating "oh yeah, I had forgotten about that" Kylie said happily "what are you wearing Liam?" Abbey asked, "I'm going in a suit, the colour kinda looks like salmon but in a lighter shade" Liam answered enthusiastically "cool, but do you know what's even cooler, dates! Now tell us who is the lucky boy!" Eva begged with all her spirit and soul "well, a nice boy from Unit.4 invited me to come with him" Liam answered shyly.