John was sitting on a chair with both his hands on the table, holding a pen in one hand, he was lost in thought for a long time that suddenly he wanted to open the drawer of his table, as if he was searching for something, after a while his search ended and in his hands came the same letter, that he had last written for Lara. Seeing the letter in its place, he smiled and put it back and closed the drawer. Taking another blank paper, he wanted to write something on it, so he started writing.
"I am happy She is with me, I am glad, there is hope, there is a trust, which binds us together. Whether you love me or not, your love will live forever in my heart, when you speak, it's as if my ears are made only to hear your voice, special to this ordinary, so precious to this fool, You are the reason for me to live".
He wanted to write more, but sleepiness overcame him, and, leaning his head on the table, closing his eyes, he fell silent.
["Mom, I'm going to meet Lara, she'll be waiting for me on the beach," the twelve-year-old ran from her house to the beach, with a very happy face, bright eyes, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, he was running towards the beach. As if he wanted to end someone's waiting. He came to a sudden stop in his rapid pace, and seeing some roses on a small stool to his right, smiled, putting his hand into his pocket, took out some coins, and presented one of them to the cartman and demanded, he was short of money to buy the flower at which he became depressed and while putting the coins back in his pocket, the cartman said, "Take this, son, you take it from him for free." The child's face smiled. Taking out those coins from his pocket, he placed them on the man's cart, saying, "Keep it, I don't want to take it for free," and with the flowers in his hand, he again ran towards the beach. He started to cross the road with such speed that a speeding car out of control hit him so that he flew in the air and fell away, his head was badly injured and his eyes started to close"]
"John, wake up, why are you sleeping on the table? He would suddenly raise his head from the table when he heard his mother's voice as if his head had become quite heavy.
"son are you ok?", His mother asked.
He responds to his mother's words by nodding silently.
His head was feeling very heavy as if he had lifted a lot of weight on his head and dropped his head in his hands, he was feeling very tired. As if that incident was not part of his past but happened in his present, Leaving his writing unfinished, he stood up and left the room.
Lara, whose phone had been ringing continuously for a long time, finally, stepped out of the bathroom and picked it up.
"say Rosley?
"Lara, Ronnie wants to meet you, he asked me today at the university to give you this message,"
Rosley said to her.
"And you're giving me his message? Lara asked angrily.
"I was just telling you that he told me this today."
She says politely.
"There are many other subjects we could talk about besides Rooney, can you please ignore him? talking to him is pointless."
Lara explains to her.
"Ok", Rosley replies innocently.
"Did you like him? Lara asks teasing her.
"Never, do you think I'm like that? She said angrily.
"Just kidding." Lara laughed.
"Don't say that even in jest, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit."
Well meet later, Lara tells her laughing and ends the call, Placing her cell phone on the bed, she was about to leave the room when her cell phone rang again, seeing which she turned back and picked up the cell phone.
"Now whose message is to be delivered to me," Rosley? Lara asks humorously.
"Yes, there is a message, but it is not from anyone, it was to tell you that like every year, this time also there is a modelling show at the university and every time you and I will participate in it. But this time there is a different arrangement, I mean the couple will be modelling, a boy and a girl".
She excitedly explains to Lara.
"That is, the pair will do the modelling", Well, when has this been happening? Lara asked.
"Maybe next week", that's what I wanted to tell you, now I'm hanging up. Rosley said.
Ok, Lara smiles thoughtfully and runs down the hall when she hears the sound of her father's car.
Howard is doing his schoolwork when he suddenly stops his work and looks at his mother questioningly.
"Is money the solution to every problem?
His mother looks back at him and says,
"Not necessarily, but it seems to us poor people that money is the solution to every problem,
Money can only buy things, not happiness my son".
No mom, I think money can solve many problems, my school friend also says that everything can be achieved with money.
Surprised by his words, his mother came near him and patted his head and spoke,
My dear money can only buy things and things don't bring happiness and these things give us temporary comfort and happiness is self-created." Her mother replied.
If the brother cannot see, is he happy? He asked his mother once again,
"Yes, he is happy, maybe this is his destiny because if he could see, he might not want to see much. My dear son never regrets your poverty, but learn to push yourself with passion and be happy in all circumstances", his mother explained lovingly.
He smiles at his mother at how calm she is even in these situations and is quite happy with what his mother says.
"Finish your work soon then we have more work to do together her mother says smiling at him."
"Yes just a little bit left then I come", he says while concentrating on his work.