To Hell And Back



Total Points–55000

It shocked Ferdinand to see his points to rack up exponentially, and it also surprised him to see that the normal quest was only now completed. So he decide to ask the system for more information.

'Why have only now the normal quest been completed?"


'I understand'

Now Ferdinand had an answer for his questions and so he now looked for the bonus reward for his completion of the destiny quest.

'Spatial Inventory!'







Summoning card (Squad size)

Ferdinand was so shocked to find that he has a summoning card that his heart jumped in joy. So he immediately used the card, and he was surprised by what he sees.

Choose your squad.

Rifleman squad

Engineer squad


Ferdinand was saddened because he didn't have more options to choose from. He needed to build a base right now and so he picked the engineer squad. Even though it's just a squad, it would still be beneficial if they could at least establish an operating base right now.

Almost immediately when Ferdinand used the summoning card, a bright blue light came out of the card and into the ground, to which there grew soldiers with full equipment up to which he currently has researched.


Flashes of light came through the sky like a star that is falling on the sky, then the inevitable came forward. Deafening explosions came, one after another, on the far horizon. The sky became even more brightly lit as the night dawns upon. Fiery balls of light rose through the sky, spiraling upwards. When the fiery ball reaches its climax, it then descended upon the planet side to rain hell upon its enemies. A few moments later, after the fiery ball spiraled down on its designated target, thunderous explosions erupted to the opposite side of where the fiery balls came. Leaving the carcasses of the unfortunate souls that were hit.

On a trench there stands a man covering his head from the shells that were landing all over him.

"Argh! Will this bombardment ever end?" the man uttered.

After a few moments of deafening chaos, a tranquil silence followed. Then suddenly an explosive war cry came, breaking the tranquil silence. Hearing this and sensing the impending doom, the man stood up and shouted.

"Here they come, boys! Buckle up! This will be ugly!"

The other men from the same trench exchange knowing glances and prepared their firearms. They all lined up at the top of the trench and focused themselves on the iron sights of their firearms. They waited and waited until the enemies came into view. Then a chopping sound came onto the man's sides. When he looked at it, he saw the machine gun firing ridiculously large amount of bullets. When the man looked forwards again, he saw many dead bodies laying down the front.

This continued for almost an eternity, but then the inevitable came. They have run out of bullets and so slowly but surely the enemy is breaking through their defensive lines. The man keeps on aiming his sights and firing one after another. Sometimes he misses, sometimes he doesn't. The adrenaline just keeps on pumping and pumping.

Unfortunately, no matter how many bullets they throw at the enemy, it's as if the enemy has an endless amount of soldiers and so the most feared thing happened. It was melee battle! The man braced himself for the upcoming battle.

An enemy soldier broke through their defensive lines and is now charging towards the man. The man braced and got into position. It's been a few moments have passed since he had run out of bullets to fire. The enemy entered the trenches and charged at the man with his bayonet at the front. The enemy soldier made a slash forward. Luckily, the man didn't falter and dodged the enemy attack. When the enemy was still charging, the man grabbed the top component of the enemy rifle and kicked it off.

The enemy soldier stumbled down into the mud, to which the man took advantage of this and charged at the enemy with his own bayonet and graciously stabbed the enemy soldier at its heart. Effectively ending all resistance and killing off the enemy soldier.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, but there's not much time to be relieved and so he braced himself for another battle. This time. He supported, His fellow allied soldiers from being overwhelmed. He marched forward and used the buttocks of the rifle to knock out the enemy and then used the bayonet to end the life out of the enemy soldier.

To the man's surprise, a group of enemy soldier came out of the top of the trench and aimed their rifles at the other soldiers and fired. This agitated the man, and so while the enemy was about to reload their firearms he charged forward, stabbed one of the nearest enemy soldier. Not seeing the man coming shocked the enemy soldiers. Unfortunately for them. They have removed their bayonets to fire their guns, which proved to be a blunder in the current situation. They still have the buttocks of their rifle and so they charged forwards at the man.

The man used the dead carcass of the enemy soldier he stabbed to defend himself from the oncoming enemy soldiers. This proves to be effective as the other enemy soldiers hesitated to charge at the man because of their fellow dead allied enemy soldier. The man then charged forward with the dead body at hand and threw it at the enemy soldiers. The enemy soldiers then stumbled down upon receiving their dead fellow soldier. This provided the man with ample time to swiftly stab the soldiers to death.

It's almost frightening at how the man could kill the enemy soldiers within just a few moments with eyed filled with no sympathy towards killing another human life.

Unknowingly to the man, an enemy soldier has snuck up on him, to which the enemy took advantage of it. The enemy soldier used a rock to hammer down the head of the man, which made the man stumble down to the ends of the earth.

The enemy soldier sat up on the chest of the man and repeatedly hammered down the rock at the face of the man, filled with rage at killing his comrade at arms. Crimson flowers appeared at the surroundings and crimson rivers appeared beside the man as the enemy soldier didn't stop on hammering the head of the man.

Shockingly, the man was still breathing, but unfortunately it was hoarse, and his face was entirely deformed, which was totally unrecognizable. The crimson blood keeps on spurting out of his head.

Right now, he wished he should just die already, but he hadn't died yet. He thought of the things that could happen, but unfortunately, all of them he must die. It was just too painful to continue on living. There's no end to war and for that he also can't see now. He wouldn't even have a wife. After all, who would like someone with a deformed face? So the only things that he wished right now is to be given death.

But the pain didn't stop. It wasn't only until that it completely crushed his face that he had seen the light of the tunnel and with it he passed away on the cold hard mud faceless.


"Argh! It's burning! It's so hot! Help!" the man uttered.

The eternal fires of hell are continuously burning and regenerating the man's body. The sky was crimson as the fires of hell burns everyone that descended upon the land. Everything was hot as the devils roamed the land, inflicting massive pain on its inhabitants.

"When will this end? Everything feels so painful and hot!" the man uttered.

"I'm melting! I'm melting," another man uttered.

But then suddenly all their pain suddenly vanished, and a bright white light suddenly appeared before them. What appeared before them was a very elegant and beautiful woman. The woman suddenly spoke out loud.

"Sinners! I bring about a great deal for you lot!"

The men exchange knowing glances and looks. Then the elegant lady continued on her explanation.

"On a faraway world there is filled with death and sins. A man was sent to fix the things up there, and you lot will have to swear allegiance towards him and save the world together with him. If you ever betrayed your allegiance with him, you'll be sent back here and suffer for eternity twice the pain!"

This shocked the people that were listening, anyway they could just wait up for their turn to finish their sentence and reincarnate or go to this so-called world and swear loyalty to him and if you betray him, you'll suffer for eternity. Most of the people didn't like the idea of unconditional loyalty and so most were leaning not to accept the offer after all. The devilishly of the devils only offered sweet deals. But one man was prepared to accept the offer and so he step forward and uttered.

"I am prepared to swear allegiance with this man and save the world with him if you say is true. I have committed many sins in life. If I were to repent for my sins, then I would accept it."

"Good choice, and of course I didn't lie. It will be sure that you won't regret your choice." The woman answered to the man.

"Now, to start off the process, let's begin with the ritual of swearing allegiance. You will swear your allegiance here is not on that world," the woman uttered.

This sent a shock to the men that were present. It looks like you can't really betray him; they thought to themselves. This also shocked them, but he didn't falter and continued on.
