Shock And Retreat

Ferdinand was panting as he heard the shocking news that came before him. He was so utterly shocked that when Owl stopped talking; he froze at the spot which he was standing on. Many thoughts raced through his mind. Including those that if he didn't notice the opportunity before him a while ago and if it wasn't for his quick thinking and quick reflexes, he would have surely died ages ago. After all, the one he was fighting was a mutant horde stalker. Mutant stalkers and walkers have been the enemies which he had faced the hardest to fight, though this is the first time he had fought with a mutant horde stalker. Everything that has the horde's name on it is apparently hard to fight with.

Ferdinand was so drowned in his thoughts that he didn't hear nor see the agony of the stalkers as they retreated to the forest. Waylen and Simpson didn't fire a single shot at the stalkers, as they need to conserve as much ammo as possible. What's important to them is the safety of their commander. Commander? Then it suddenly dawned on them. They haven't seen their commander for the past few minutes.

Waylen and Simpson were panicking as they searched for their commander when they made an extensive search on for their surroundings. They found their commander staring menacingly at the abyss while there was a headless stalker lying beside him. This raised some confusion at the sight they were seeing. They didn't let it bother them, as the commander probably have good enough reason to be staring at something.

Waylen and Simpson marched towards their commander to see him upfront. When they saw Ferdinand, they were even confused because the commander didn't even hear their footsteps near him. There must be some kind of problem happening to the commander, so they tried to grab and call out to him.

"Commander!" said Waylen

"W-what?" said Ferdinand

"Commander, is there a problem?" said Simpson

"Ah! I was just reminiscing about how I almost got killed if I weren't quick enough. I didn't know I was fighting with a mutant horde stalker. I was so shocked that it was so intelligent and strong as it ambushed me in front of me," said Ferdinand.

Waylen and Simpson were quite shocked at the revelation as their commander got ambushed on their watch. It is at this time that Ferdinand and his subordinates realized the humongous capacity of the world they are currently in. They have to be vigilant and more alert than ever if they want to survive in this world.

"Are you alright commander?" said Waylen.

"Besides almost being killed so far, I am alright with just a few scratches here and there. It's nothing to worry about as the first aid kits can remedy these light wounds and we won't have the risk of infection," said Ferdinand.

Ferdinand, Waylen and Simpson all nodded together after they talked, as a sign of everything was alright. Still, as they walked out behind the rock, they were still shocked that there were many rods impaled at the ground. This battle will surely teach them a lesson about tactics and the things they should and should not do in this world.

Sunset is already happening, so Ferdinand and his subordinates need to move quicker than ever. They still have to go back to the resource location, because they got lost when moving back to their operating base. They still need to create their barricades and set up light post through the forest so that they would be able to see through the darkness of the night, and to enable them to be able to use their small arms at battle.

Time is running out as they swiftly moved through the forest, bypassing each obstacle they encounter. They jumped, ducked and sprinted, establishing a comradeship among them. Then sooner than later they arrived at their destination. They were swift as the wind as they placed many torches in the forest. Though some of their spare clothes and water have to be used up to prolong the life of the torches.

Now it's the time for the building of the barricade, the placing and making of the torches only took a few minutes as they acted quick. So they had more spare time at building their barricades. They didn't opt to use wooden material for their barricades. Instead, they pushed large boulders into position. Which also shocked many of them as they felt their strength increased than their previous lives.

Now after placing the many placed boulder, they have now built some makeshift trenches, but the building of the trenches has to be dug at a quick rate, though they made it halfway through. Night has already set. Still, they continued digging for another thirty minutes. When it was finished, they now lit a campfire at the center of their location.

They were now sitting ducks at their make shift trenches. They have to vigilantly watch on guard, and it is now dawning on them they aren't going to get any sleep tonight. The world is cruel to those who know nothing of this world, and they were in fact summoned and transported here makes them at a disadvantage.

At the center of the trench there sits Ferdinand, he was staring at a piece of paper. The paper was filled with incomprehensible language, so to pass the time, he was trying to decipher it. Unfortunately, to no avail, he couldn't decipher any of them. Fortunately, one thing struck to him and that was there was some kind of wax marking at the bottom of the paper.

It seemed like this is utmost importance to the person who died earlier that came from this world. Sooner than later, they would also need to establish a connection to the people of this world. It is an undeniable fact that he will have to do so. He can't stay isolated forever, but before that he needs to strengthen his army, as medieval world usually works with others using gunboat diplomacy.