Swift Action

The bottomless flying walker was sent billowing down into the forest as a loud explosion resonated through the surroundings trees. Likewise, Ferdinand once again aimed down his sight, to which he felt the passive skills that he have, have gone to effect. His focus increase to the top and so he fired and fired through the sky like a madman wanting to hit somebody in a civilized area. Many bottomless flying walkers billowed through the ground as Ferdinand didn't stop on firing his Mark 1 Bolt-Action Rifle. When the time is to reload, he reloaded and repeatedly he does like a well-oiled machinery.

Meanwhile, Waylen and Simpson were too firing at a constant rate not falling behind Ferdinand, but they had to keep up proper accuracy as they don't have passive skills like Ferdinand does. Nonetheless, they kept up at a constant firing rate. Waylen and Simpson, while being under the pressure, kept sweating bullets as their hands ached because of their fingers and hands not getting a rest. They had to keep their rifle steady to be able to accurately shoot at a target. Furthermore, they need to reload and pull the trigger, which takes up much needed energy.

Over time, the tally of the dead bodies kept pilling up higher and higher, and the points of Ferdinand are most likely racking up. Unfortunately, nothing good last forever, and so Ferdinand wasn't able to shoot all the bottomless flying walkers to the abyss. Fortunately, he was able to send most of them billowing through the ground.

Now it is time for the melee battle. What the bottomless flying walkers will do will be up to their minds, but right now they need to prepare for the melee battle. It is a fight to the death!

Waylen was the first to be forced to enter a melee battle, as there were many walkers at his side and so he couldn't keep a proper steady control. He glanced from side to side, and found that right now, there were three walkers coming to him from three directions. So he had to move in the direction where they weren't coming to.

Waylen moved in that direction slowly while aiming his rifle and shooting it. Perhaps due to stress and pressure. He wasn't quite able to fire accurately. He stumbled to the ground and dropped his rifle. He hurried up and brought out his knife, but to no avail. It didn't work. The walkers leaped towards him. The only thing Waylen could do was to block the attack.

As he was in despair, as the walkers were about to overwhelm him, he suddenly heard three thunderous shots in the background. Almost immediately, three bodies fell down towards him, to which he looked up and saw Ferdinand, his commander, saved him. He almost cried of tears of joy to see that the commander didn't abandon them and flee by himself. Instead, he took a stand with them and fought like brothers in arms.

Ferdinand then stretched out his arms towards Waylen, to which he accepted and stood up. Unfortunately, because of quick things that are happening now. They heard a loud scream from behind them. That voice sounded familiar. Perhaps it was Simpson. So they looked in the direction where the scream came from and found that Simpson was being grabbed by a bottomless flying walker.

What baffled them was the fact that the bottomless flying walker was trying to lift Simpson, then suddenly it dawned upon them they must have a hideout of their own. Unfortunately, that's for another time and so they quickly raised their rifle, with Ferdinand being the first one and also the first one to fire.

Simpson was already a few meters up the ground as he was being lifted by several bottomless flying walkers.

Ferdinand kept on firing on the flying walkers while Waylen switched to firing on the walkers on the ground. Sooner than later, Ferdinand picked off every single bottomless flying walker on the air that was lifting Simpson up. Simpson then was a few more meters up in the air, so it was quite high already, and so once Ferdinand cleared the flying walkers, he billowed through the air as he fell to the ground.

Simpson fell to the ground with a loud crash as he encountered many obstacles. Ferdinand and Waylen couldn't possibly imagine the wounds that Simpson suffered from. So Ferdinand and Waylen quickly traversed the terrain to be able to get to where Simpson was. When they got there, thankfully, he was still alright and there's isn't any walkers there yet. The problem is Simpson was filled with wounds and scratches, which was hopefully only from the time where he fell. Only time will tell.

Looking at Simpson and looking at the multiple walkers sprinting down before them. Ferdinand ordered for Waylen to first treat to the wounds of Simpson while he provide covering fire. Which Waylen responded with an affirmative nod, and so he quickly opened his first aid kit started tending to the wounds of Simpson.

Ferdinand brought out once again the big guns, which were the Mark 1 Automatic Rifle with one hundred rounds per magazine. Thankfully, before he inserted it back to his spatial inventory, he reloaded it, and so he started blasting through the walkers. The location they were in was in a very hard to get to terrain and so the walkers were forced to be funneled on one entrance to which Ferdinand took advantage of, and so a death zone were formed.

Things were going well as Ferdinand was holding down his position. Many walkers were being killed and were falling down. The bottomless flying walkers were, in fact, all shot down a while ago, which cleared the air. Sooner than later, Ferdinand will have an airforce and a navy that will rule both the waves and the skies.

As the number of walkers dwindles down, Ferdinand and his subordinates could finally relax, or can they? That was when suddenly they heard another explosive shriek from afar as the ground deeply rumbles.