Hao Da’s transformation (1)

The Zou siblings' expressions eased up once they heard Yang Qing's words.

Within a few seconds, the dot of dark clouds and thunder had already arrived a few meters away from them.

They became visibly petrified once they saw the source of that dark cloud up close.

It was a grey-headed albatross that had a wild and tempestuous aura to it, that even made it difficult for them to breathe. 

It had rough-looking dark grey feathers that faintly produced thunder noises, though they were less intense than before when it was announcing its presence. Its irises were swirling like it was brewing a storm.

"Don't look at its eyes for too long, otherwise your souls will be swallowed into its swirling storms."

Yang Qing's voice pulled the two siblings from the brink just as they were about to be sucked in.