Daily life of a cultivation judge

Daily life of a cultivation judge

Eastern1,030 Chapters1.6M Views
Author: Daynightdreamer
Table of Contents

Yang Qing sighed as he gazed upon the black building that stood tall piercing the skies above with an inviolable aura around it.

"The Order sure is black-hearted," he angrily thought as he made his way into the building begrudgingly.

The building could be considered his home away from home and a source of endless grief for him due to its unforgiving working hours.

The building housed the courtrooms of the Cultivation Order Society, an organization founded to maintain a semblance of order in the ruthless cultivation world of the southern continent who if left to their own devices would sink the whole continent to the ground.

Due to how impetuous cultivators were, the cases never stopped.

"Yi Jie, what do we have today?"

"Two cultivators at the palace realm fought over a treasure and destroyed half of the territory of the blue deer kingdom in their fight,

A rogue cultivator is suing the owner of the falling meteor blacksmith shop for selling him a faulty saber that keeps attracting lightning tribulations.

A cultivator suffering from pill poisoning is blaming it on the white hilltop restaurant as he suspects they are feeding their spirit beasts pills to make them bigger and fatter.

And the last case is 500 families are suing a cultivator by the name of Ren Fu for being negligent as a husband and a father whilst also pilfering their resources dry as he moves from place to place.,"

Awkward silence ensues...........

Join me as we follow Yang Qing in his role as a judge in the Cultivation Order Society with cases and troubles that never seem to end.

Fair warning the story has multiple POVs.

I will also be re-editing the first 50 chapters, since they were missing a few things, one of them being commas and had a tad bit info dumps that I'll also be editing out. Thanks to the readers who pointed it out. I don't know how I missed it. For new readers, please don't shy away from reading, as lovers of wuxia we have all sampled MTL Dao at some point. If you can survive that, this won't be hard at all.

Re-edited chapter (32/50)

All support matters whether it's power stones, comments, reviews, golden tickets, subscriptions, or those who buy privilege chapters or even lurking readers..I welcome all your support in whatever format it comes in and I thank you for it, It really does mean a lot, especially to rookie authors like myself.

50 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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This novel takes quite an interesting take on the cultivation world, with there being and organisation to manage cultivators and the complicated relationship between the organisation and the sects/families. The cases that were presented atleast in the free chapters were quite different from each othere represting the range this novel may offer. The plot of the cases seem interesting and the analysis and evaluation at the end of the first case was just awesome. And not all cases seem to be deep and schematic, some were just simple misunderstanding and a little funny, which provided a bit of comic relief. The main character and the supporting characters are defined well enough that it wouldn't be hard to enjoy them apart from each other. MC is quite an oddball though, more in a funny way and surprisingly enough very stern when needed whithout it being an out of character thing for him. I really would suggest reading till the end of the first case, and his evaluations. After that you can decide whether to continue. I don't usually write reviews but it seemed like a good novel and lacked reviews, so here I am. And yeah, the writing was quite detailed and grammar... everything written by a human seems heavenly to me after geeting deep into mtl and raws so idk about that. That's all. Have a nice day.

2 years ago

Not gonna lie I was intrigued by the first chapter. I love details when I'm reading a novel and so far the chapters that I have read deliver. Secondly, the build up promises for an awesome politics + cultivation adventure and I'm down for it. Five star review for the moment. Gonna review again after reading more chapters

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

a year ago

Very good, Nice characters, Almost no cliches, engaging worldbuilding 👌👍 Its a little bit slowpaced but that Isnt Mich of a problem.

2 years ago

The storywriting is okay but the author seems to add way too much details. Like, around half of a chapter is mostly just them describing things.

a year ago

story has rich world building, the characters are pretty well defined, mc has sense of humor , his actions are logical.

8 months ago

it's really not bad, it's an interesting take on cultivation stories and the characters are loveable. If it weren't for the mood killing infodumps at the worst possible time and the lack of commas, I'd rate it 5 stars.

2 years ago

i will not give a detailed review , i will only tell what i like the most about this novel i like the most about the novel is he does not have a solitude persona and have friends like literally friends with equal standing cause in most eastern novel mc has friends but they seem like little subordinate to mc

a year ago

Too much details, it's too irritating to read, please author, reduce the details by removing the unecessary ones and only focus on the plot, chapter 27 in but the plot doesn't forward at all, over 10 chapters of useless and unecessary details that even if you skip it, you can still know the plot overall. DON'T PAD THE WORD COUNT BY UNECESSARY DETAILS...

a year ago

So far my take is this is a slice of life cultivation novel. Really enjoyed it and would advise you to give it a go and vote accordingly. You can trust me, I'm a stranger on an app. 👍😅😂

2 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

2 years ago

hi there, kinda shameless for an author to review their own book(nervously laughs). Well, I shamelessly gave myself all stars on world background and character design. This is because while I struggle in a lot of areas in writing (fight scenes) pppsch who said that? I try to make my characters not only the MC but also the side characters seem as wholesome as possible, to have a personality that people can actually remember them even 50 chapters later and I hope I did that with this book. The cases featured in this novel some will be cultivation tropes and others will be a little unique. Also just as a heads-up the novel also features multiple POVs..It's hard to just sit in the courtroom when there's a whole world out there. Who knows what might be cooking? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the novel as much as i enjoy writing it and potentially get Yang Qing in trouble.

2 years ago

LOVE the book, really... but like, why the info dumps? It's so great to read, but past chapter 400 and you feel exhausted with every chapter. Like, it has no real content and it feels like the world building never stopped because the author does TOO much world building. We get 10chapters for like every second case, then even the 'short' ones take over three chapters. We get foreshadowed for so many things and there are hints here and there, but it also lacks drastically in following these hints because the author doesn't know how to progress the story. It also feels like the author doesn't read his own novel, because several times it was mentioned he levelled up, then he didn't do that apparently, then he would level up soon, but when is soon? Like, from the beginning of the novel till around chapter 400 we have been in the world like 1 month. Seriously??? In a novel where years are thrown in the thousands, we spent ONE MONTH in 400 chapters? Another thing that really annoys me (besides the missing grammatical skills) is the fact that the author seems to forget plot points he wrote and then makes it so that the mc seemed to forget these points (like ignore the fact that heir memory is hyperspeed), also it's super weird how the info dumps come in the middle of the fights and the talks partially seem to be minutes long while the enemy waits and doesn't do anything. Please explain why a hyperspeed brain needs minutes for three-sentence-discussions?? Like you could be talking with your spiritual sense for hours in other novels, and only a second passed, while here, it seems that spiritual sense talking takes longer than normal talking.

5 months ago

Reveal Spoiler

a year ago

Reveal Spoiler

a year ago