Decay of the major families (6)

Yang Qing slightly raised his eyebrow when he saw the eight Zhang clan members show emotion, and it was one of relief when Zhang Guiren acquiesced to whatever Zhang Su wanted to say.

"First of all, just like I've just told our vice clan leader, whatever punishment the court deems fit, we wholeheartedly accept.

We all knew what we were doing, and we didn't necessarily go to great lengths to hide it either, otherwise, there'd have been no witnesses if we were looking to hide it.

I say this with utmost sincerity if the war with the Five Clover Kingdom ended today or even tomorrow, or whenever it ended, we would have voluntarily turned ourselves in.

I don't excuse what we did, but what we did, we did out of necessity.." Zhang Su calmly said.

"Judge, can I ask you something?" 

"You can.."

"Why do you cultivate? To you what do you think the purpose of cultivation in its whole, especially when it comes to cultivation arts?"