Verifying the contract

Yang Qing couldn't help but let out a sigh as his gaze fell on the two sides. They looked like they were ready to come to blows. The amount of hate that was in the room was so palpable that even Fan Cai who had no idea of the history between the two sides looked extremely tense and nervous. He had been gulping down his tea at a far quicker pace than before.

His mother had tried to warn him off a few times, but he heard none of it. He was the weakest person present and the youngest and he was also the person who had triggered this whole thing into motion.

With the amount of pressure he was under, his mother was out of her mind if she thought he would lay down the one thing that helped him cope with the current environment.

He had tried to ask his mother about her history with the elder of the Yu Clan, but in typical response, his mother told him off.