Settlement (4)

Zou Liqin hesitated slightly before she meekly and softly said,


"Good... little brother Yang Qing, one for my sister.." Zou Yi roguishly said before his body suddenly shivered. His eyes narrowed as he knew that feeling all to well. Living at the edge of death since he was eight, and the four-month experience in that hell they called the Golden Twilight Forest had engrained in his body the ability to sense dangerous situations and right now every bone in his body was wailing, telling him that something was coming for him.

He tightened his fist, as he prepared himself to retaliate. Even if he had half given up, he wasn't going out without taking a swing even if said swing would amount to nothing more than an ant facing off against an elephant. Out of principle or petty vengeance for all he had endured, he didn't want to be defeated without getting at least one shot in.