Passing the days (1)

"I think that water should be added to the list of tasty ingredients we created. You can send Longwei half a cup no quarter no just a drop to tease him. I'd like to see the look on his face after the sip, he'd likely storm all the way here.." Feng Xin said with a cheeky grin.

"That isn't bad. In fact, I think I'll have it sent today. He bad-mouthed me the last time I was there. I'll send a half and maybe a half bowl of cooked rice along with it.." said Yang Qing with a gleeful expression.

"Though the rice Cheng Yuan gave us wasn't bad either.." 

"It isn't. I'll need to collect some more. That reminds me, Peng Zhen's sentence should be starting in a few days now, I'll go see how he performs as I ask for more.."

"Ask some for me too, I already finished the batch they gave me.."

"It was 100kg, how did you finish it all in that short time?"

"Haven't you finished yours too?" asked Feng Xin with a smile of derision.