What about the rest?

Yang Qing's mouth started salivating as his gaze locked onto the enchanting silver scrolls before him. Each one likely concealed a blue-grade art that quite possibly he had never encountered before.

By his estimation, there were at least a hundred scattered across this side of the mountain alone. And that was just one side—what about the others, or the peak? How many more would he find?

The thought of it sent a surge of excitement rippling through him, but just as quickly, his focus shifted to something else.

"What about these grey scrolls? Could I pull them out too?" Yang Qing asked, gesturing toward a few clustered nearby.

"You can," Wei Shen replied curtly.

With the answer he'd hoped for, Yang Qing wasted no time. He walked over to one of the grey scrolls and, with ease, yanked it free.