Chapter 4 - Offer

Kouh School is a girls private school but this year, they announced that it will become a co-ed. As an elite school, hundreds of very motivated(read: horny) boys tried to transfer here, but being an elite school, it was very hard.

On the back of the school building, there's an old building that looks so old that maybe a small earthquake is enough to destroy it. But don't judge a book by its cover, for inside it is elegant designs and furnitures aligned beautifully

Inside the said building, there is a very beautiful young lady sitting comfortably on the sofa. Beautiful long red hair, attractive pink lips, seductive face and a voluptuous body. She's wearing a student uniform of Kouh, indicating that she's only in high school. 

But her body is the very dream of every man. Her boobs are so big that the logic of physics is not working. However, her two beautiful eyebrows are currently frowning.

' Tsk...I can't come up to break that engagement...sigh...even Oni-sama can't cancel it ' 

The girl thought of her fate with that arrogant fried chicken. Her fate had been sealed when forced into an arranged marriage by the old coot of the Devil faction.


The sound of knocking interrupted her deep thought and heard an enchanting voice resounded on the door.

"Come in." 

She replied and what came in was an onee-san(big sister) type of girl. Like herself. She's also wearing the same uniform, same heaven defying, physics defying and logic defying body. But her hair is black instead of red and she has the flirtatious vibes around her.

"Ara~Ara~ what is troubling the Gremory Princess?"

"*Sigh* Didn't I tell you that you don't have to knock? " the red head said tirelessly.

"Fufufu~ But maybe Buchou is 'releasing her stress'~ won't it be embarrassing?"

The onee-san type girl said as she covered her cute mouth with her one hand teasing the other girl who blush upon hearing her words. 

"*Cough*, enough of that topic. Did you buy it?" 

Thinking about the time that she was caught in the act by her 'Queen', her fair white cheeks had a shade of red, but she immediately changed topic.

"Ara~ yes I bought it. Here you go "

The onee-san type girl said as she took a paper bag on her other arm. The red haired girl happily took the paper bag and immediately opened it. Inside of it is a manga book.

The onee-san type girl tried to say something, but she chose to stay quiet. As a devil, she was prideful and she doesn't want to hurt the pride of her 'King'.

She could only pray silently despite being a creature opposing such practice. The one-san girl was a close friend of her 'King' and understood that she was stressing herself out. 

"Then Buchou, I will excuse myself "

"Okay. Thank you, Akeno."

The red haired girl said to the other girl named Akeno Himejima. Hearing her, she silently walked out of the building while the red haired girl happily read the book.

" this a phone ? Maybe this is Akeno's phone. No, it doesn't have a brand? Weird." 

As she was reading caught a glimpse of a phone on the desk next to her. At first she thought it was her friend's phone but giving more thought recalled that they had the same brand of phone. She curiously took the phone and pressed the start button.

[Do you want power?]

[Do you want the power to control your fate and break off the engagement with your own power?]

[Then come and join the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[ If you agree, press  [Accept] if not [Decline] ]

She was a bit wary and surprised since she lived in the world where magic exists, Devils Angels and Fallen Angels walk among mortals, supernatural phenomena happen.

Rias thought it was some kind of sick joke but the only one who knew her situation was limited and knew no one else had been in the room besides her 'Peerage'.

The offer had tempted her thinking of the arrogant bastard, she would rather kill herself than be tainted by him. Besides, it seems that this group is not bad and if it was just a prank then she could always throw the phone. She then pressed [Accept].

Rias close her eyes, afraid that there's an unexpected thing that might happen, but seconds pass. But nothing special happened. She opened her eyes to look at the mysterious phone, there she saw a text.

[ Congratulation for joining the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group ]

[ Using the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group, you have the chance to travel to another Verse, otherwise known as World for simplicity. Become a God or rather Devil God.]

Traveling to another world didn't pick her interest because she thought that it might be Heaven Realm, Underworld or the other dimension were the other Gods live in. 

What piques my interest is the word 'become God'. It might sound funny because her brother can't be called God even though he is the strongest devil. But still, she found a little hope.

[ Exhibitionist Girl : Ara ~ wait wait...what is this nickname ??! ]

She was furious with this mysterious phone. How can she be called exhibitionist. 

The only one male that saw her body was her brother, and she was 1 year old. After that, her brother stopped taking a bath with her. Only maids and her 'sister-in-law' saw her body. How can her nickname be Exhibitionist Girl?


In the world of Earthland, a place where humans have the mystical ability to use magic and perform unbelievable things. Those who are proficient in the use of magic are called mages and these people are typically seen in a place called Guilds.

It is a place for mercenaries where they can acquire a quest and be rewarded for their hard work. There are three types of guilds, namely the normal one, the Dark guild which defies the laws, and the independent guild which could be considered as an unofficial guild.

There are numerous guilds, however one of the top guilds, the Fairy Tail Guild located in the kingdom of Fiore. The building of the Fairy Tail was an imposing structure consisting of three floors and incorporating several architectonic styles: it took on a shape reminiscent of a pagoda, with each floor being smaller than the one below it and sitting on the latter's roof.

The roofs also bore great resemblance to those of real pagoda, consisting of extremely long, arched tiles lined up one after the other and possessing simple curved protrusions jutting upwards on the building's angles. 

On the highest roof, topping the summit of the building, sat a simple, round-pointed dome, highly reminiscent of those seen on Arabian buildings, which bore a flag on its point.

The roof below the one with the dome, the middle one, housed a large banner with a symbol that appeared to be a fluttering fairy, held up by a pair of vertical poles. 

The building's large entrance was again Arabian in design, with its shape being reminiscent of that of the dome on the summit, and above it was the guild's name, topped by a protruding, stylized heart shape and flanked by a pair of carved fairies. 

Stylized heart shapes were also visible on the frames of the numerous, large pentagonal windows located on each floor, with the top floor housing smaller, arched windows partially covered by banners.

Inside was similar to a large lunch hall, and mainly consisted of wood, possessing a parquet floor and a mezzanine held up by wood beams overlooking it. 

Several long benches and the related tables stretched across its length with a bar managed by a white haired woman dressed in an elegant outfit giving a calm smile to the people sitting on the long benches. There was also a board that was filled with quest papers beside the bar.

At one particular seat was a young woman with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes. She has creamy white skinned and tender lips along with a slender, voluptuous figure. Her attire consists of a silver armor with a golden cross on the right side covering a fairy tail mark, a blue skirt, black boots, and diamond shaped silver earrings. 

She emits a regal aura that was in contrast to her gleefully eating a strawberry cheesecake. The people around her found it adorable but were afraid to voice their opinion. The young woman was known as Erza Scarlet and had a strict personality that everyone feared her wrath.

However, if one can describe what her past is, then it could be said to have been filled with insecurities and trauma. As a child, the place she lived in was raided by a group of fanatics that worshiped the being known as 'Zeref'.

They had enslave children including Erza to build a structure known as Tower of Heaven' where they were tortured to work until one day of their escape but this had many tragedies had happened. Namely the betrayal of her close friend and the death of the person who had told her about the guild known as Fairy Tail.

She had deep regret in being unable to save her friends even after getting stronger and felt her strength was useless when those people are forever gone. 

However, her newfound strength is vital for the new home that she finds herself growing up in. The Fairy Tail guild were everyone and willing to protect them at the cost of her life. 

'Huh? What is this?'

After finishing her meal, Erza noticed a small device on the table and knew that no one had been in her area since she would have noticed considering the level of her overall strength. 

She picked up the device and it suddenly glowed displaying a set of text that intrigued her interest.

[Do you want power?]

[Do you want to know your true origin and fate?]

[Do you wish to have the power to protect those that you love?]

[Then come and join the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[ If you agree, press  [Accept] if not [Decline] ]

Erza read the text and was skeptical at what the message said. She felt interest with the offers as her own intuition is telling her something interesting is going to happen if she joins. 

'The power to protect those that I love??'

These simple words sold her as she knows that despite having high rank did not mean she was capable of protecting everyone. Erza instinct told her to accept and pressed [Accept] expecting something extraordinary to happen but nothing, nothing happened. 

What happened next was that the device displayed yet another text.

[Congratulation for joining the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group]

[ Using the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group, you have the chance to travel to another Verse, otherwise known as World for simplicity. Become a Wizard Saint or even a God]

She felt confused about what the text said. Another world? Erza became more intrigued by what this [Omni-Dimensional Chat Group] has to offer.


Deep in the forest, where the moon dimly, an old man calmly sat in a balcony enjoying a hot tea as he deeply contemplated his life. He was once general and had experienced countless things and lost many things yet he never fell into despair and only enlightened by the experience. 

'How can I help my nephew? My niece is too far gone, I can't lose him as well."

He spoke having tried his hardest to pull awayhis family from the horrible influence of his brother who had poisoned the mind of his own children from his selfish ambition. This person was the beloved Uncle Iroh who's wisdom had helped many people. 

'The best I could do is be by his side and help him realize the truth of what he truly needs.'

Iroh looked into the stars, smiling how calming the cold breeze contrasted by the warm cup of tea in his hands as he took another sip. 

'I hope I can see a world where peace is achieved, then I can finally rest easy.'

He smiled at the thought where all four nations finally united and brought the true philosophy of a fire bender that had been lost through time. Iroh then spotted a strange object beside him that he had just noticed.

'What is this? There wasn't anything there before?'

Iroh picked it up and inspected it then suddenly lit up surprising him then saw something on the strange object.

[ Do you want peace?]

[ Do you want to taste  every tea in the world and beyond?]

[ Then come and join the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group!]

[ If you agree, press [Accept] if not [Decline] ]

Iroh was confused about what the object was but the words written quickly tempted him. The first paragraph instantly caught his interest and without hesitation, he pressed the [ Accept ] button. He wasn't even bothered if it could be trapped since his intuition would have told him. 

'I'm truly weak for tea hahahaha.'