Chapter 5 - Rules


Like I said, it would mostly be the same with minor changws up until the second world where it would be changed into Naruto Mission to save Konoha from Obito's attack. 

I'm sorry if y'all disappointed but anyways from that point on there would be new content.


Japan, at the early industrial era where humans remained ignorant at the ensuing danger that lurks in the dark. These dangers were often called Demons (Oni).

[A/N: Note that the term Demon is vastly different from how western describe them as well as how Devil is used.]

The normal humans are nothing more than mere livestock for these creatures who had inhuman ability and strength that one would've hoped for. However, these did not stop humans from fighting back and eventually found a way to combat them.

This gave birth to the Demon Slayer Corp. Those who had joined these organizations had been trained in the art of [Breathing Techniques]. These techniques allow them to enhance their strength and senses that are capable of standing against the Demons (Oni). 

There are many styles of these techniques that replicate elements or creatures and those who have mastered these techniques and have killed a powerful Demon (Oni) are given the title of Hashira.

Deep in the mountain where the compound could be seen. The place was the main headquarters of the Demon Slayer Corp. and inside one of the Japanese building named Butterfly Mansion, was a petite young woman with a pale complexion and large, compound-like eyes that lack pupils, only a haze of gradient purple, making her eyes appear similar to those of insects. She has shoulder-length wavy hair that fades from black into dark purple, styled at the back of her head into a flat yakai-maki bun, fastened with a white, turquoise and light purple butterfly ornament. 

She has center-split, ear-length, voluminous curtain bangs that flow down to frame the sides of her face, with two slightly thinner chin-length locks of hair in front of her ears below them. The young woman was short in height and may be described as having a small and weak-looking build.

The young woman wore a dark purple standard Demon Slayer uniform with gold buttons, consisting of a dark-purple tinted straight-lined black jacket and matching colored tabi socks and hakama pants, tucked into white butterfly patterned Kyahan fading into pale turquoise then pink around her lower legs, fastened with white ribbons.

Over her uniform, she wears a white haori that previously belonged to her older sister, which has a butterfly wing pattern that fades into a pale turquoise then pink color on the sleeves and hem which are cuffed with a black and white dotted trim. She wears white zōri sandals with purple straps for footwear, with a hidden blade in one of the heels.

'Ara~ the weather seems so nice today.'

The young woman named Shinobu Koncho thought while enjoying a cup of tea looking at the azure sky. Those who meet her for the first time would think she was a harmless flower due to her physique, However that is, in fact, a very grave mistake as she is one of the Hashira, the Insect Hashira.

[A/N: I fuck up and made her into butterfly Hashira but whatever. I'll still call her that way.]

[ New A/N: Wow I fuck up twice now, who knew? And called her Poison Hashira this time? Well whatever ]

She is sadistic toward those demons who had slaughtered what she loved. Shinobu to her core shows no mercy towards them but is kind to people. Her proficiency in healing helped a lot with her fellow demon slayer. 

Shunobu's calm demeanor might fool those who do not understand the depth of her character. Deep within were filled with sorrow and regret at the pain of many loved ones. She hides everything behind a mask of hers. 

'Oh? What might this be?'

Shinobu notices a small box beside her and curiously inspect the object before getting a closer look. She flinched when it glowed and showed a text that caught her interest.

[Do you want power?]

[Do you want to end the enemy of humanity?]

[ Do you wish to have the power to protect those that you love and revive those you've lost? ]

[ Then come and join the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group! ]

[ If you agree, press  [Accept] if not [Decline] ]

The second paragraph piqued her interest as her only purpose was to stop the Demon (Oni) from endangering Human civilization; moreover she wanted to embrace her sister once again after being killed by a Demon. 

Her hatred towards them was near bottomless having seen countless innocent dying by their hands. Shinobu was tempted by its sweet words. 

'What a strange object… Where did this thing come from, I wonder?'

She ponders knowing no one else would disturb her peace unless it's important and had been alone for several hours. Shinobu would have noticed if someone passed by, even if it was a Hashira or a Demon.

'I am curious where this thing leads.'

She soon pressed [Accept] before the screen loads and changes the texts. Shinobu would soon find her fate changed completely.

[Congratulation for joining the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group]

[ Using the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group, you have the chance to travel to another Verse, otherwise known as World for simplicity.]


After a while, Ryuu finds himself showing how to use the phone and its functions to each member. He found it a hassle since only Rias was capable of using a mobile phone without a problem. 

She seemed to be in a timeline that was similar to his, unlike the anime who was shown to be in a time where flipped phones were hot in the market. 

This reinforced the idea that her world was not entirely like the anime which calmed his existential crisis.  

[ Exhibitionist: Amazing! Even sacred gear is within this system! ]

Rias was speechless upon seeing all the items in the shop. It could even allow pure blood devils to use them. Though, the only issue is the price, having a huge amount needed to buy even the weakest sacred gear.

[Simp for Makima: I hope everyone doesn't get ahead of themselves. To buy powerful abilities in a shop would mean you need Points and depending on the ability would cost a lot. Furthermore, the reward from mission is completely random. ]

Ryuu explained still felt weird about how calm and logical he was speaking without his usual low self esteem. He wasn't complaining and only questioned how his family reacted to this sudden change.

[ Simp For Makima: Anyways, the best thing all of you should do is find skills in the shop then save up some points.]

Everyone nodded from the other screen before sending  their pictures in the chat after learning how to. 

[ Titania has sent a picture ]

[ Tea Lover has sent a picture]

[ Insect Hashira has sent a picture]

Each one of the members showed their faces. Shinobu and uncle iroh were surprised at how the device captured their likeness.

[ Tea Lover: Interesting, with this I can take…photo was it? This is useful to store memories. Also, I must say you are have beautiful hair, Young Rias, Young Erza. ]

[ Exhibitionist: Thank you, Mister Iroh. It is a trait from my father's side. ]

[ Tea Lover: Just call me Iroh, I don't mind the informalities. ]

[ Titania: Thank you for the compliment. ]

[ Exhibitionist: You know, your hair color can pass as Gremory. Though yours is more like scarlet than our crimson hair. ]

[ Titania: that's where my last name…it was given by an old friend. ]

As they were chatting another additional information popped up on the screen getting everyone's attention.

[ Now that each member has gotten to know each other a bit, we are now obligated to explain more things about the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group.

Another feature of Omni-Dimensional Chat group is Normal mission which would give small Points to the members. This quest ranges from cleaning your home or killing an enemy. These points would be smaller 

World missions.

Now for the Rules and regulations.

[ First Rule: None should kill a fellow member and should any of you break this rule, you shall face very severe consequences for your actions.]

[ Second Rule: Every member must respect the privacy of each other. If one forces another to expose their secrets, one would be punished. However, there is an exception of this rule that is if the other party already knows your secrets then they won't be punished, and they have the right to tell everyone about it, but for the sake of other member protection, blackmailing is absolutely not allowed, and the punishment would be equivalent as the First Rule. ]

[ Third Rule: You cannot directly share the information regarding the Chat Group would receive a punishment beside the Admin. ]