Chapter 117 - Anomaly

They all gave their full attention to the soon to be newly acquainted S-Rank hunter. Everyone wanted to recruit or at least make sure he remained in their country as it would definitely increase their power and status. 

Each one of them heard him take a deep breath sounding like a steaming pot then within a flash where none of their eyes able to see instantly vanish from his spot and then saw him appear back in his spot before the training dummy was diced into dozens of pieces. 

[ Third form - War Slash ]

Ryuu executed numerous slashes in specific areas making sure to slice into the weak points that made it easier to dice them. Everything, even the thickest defense will always have flaws and once it is found then everything will crumble.

He started from the weakest point then made his way to the strongest point performing well coordinated slashes. 

'Such speed!! My eyes barely keep up with it!'

Baek Yoon-ho was dumbfounded only by witnessing glimpses of how quick his movement was. 

'He might be the deadliest S Rank with that kind of speed. This man didn't even make a single sound from how he executed those movements.'

Choi Jong-In thought still smiling but certainly disheveled by how strong the new S rank was.  

'His footwork was well coordinated and every slash was too graceful. It's clear that he's a master in Swordsmanship, yet prefers to use a dagger instead.'

Cha Hae-in evaluated his performances and was drawn by his swordsmanship. No to mention the aroma that emanates from his body. It was alluring her to something that she surely found interesting. 

"Hahaha, quite the performance, Cinco-nim."

Go Gun-Hee bellowing laugh caught everyone from their shock while Ryuu just twirls the dagger before handing it back. 

"So how did I do?"

He asked as the evaluator told him to follow and finish up his Identification. His woman and member also was evaluated with Shinobu, Erza, Justine and Kanae being a fighter class, Nezuko, Rias and Trese being a Mage class and Kie obviously a Healer class. 

After taking his hunting license he was about to leave. But Ryuu saw Cha Hae approached him rather quickly. She was known for her speed but...He wasn't surprised, as she expected after witnessing how quick he moved. 

Ryuu gave a friendly smile, smiting her a bit before asking.. 

"Can I help you with something Hunter Cha?"

Cha Hae-in blushed as she didn't know how to respond to his smile and asked him.

"Where did you learn swordsmanship?"

She didn't meet His eyes and looked down forgetting that she was near him and didn't cover my nose.

"Hmm, do you wish to learn? I don't mind teaching Hunter Cha."

Ryuu said willing to teach her breathing technique if needed and with her talent it won't take long for her to master it. Her [ Aura ] intrigued her, it was bright yet sharp, showing that her attributes could be Light magic. 

"I-I…well…Yes-I mean if it's alright. I'm quite interested in learning how you are able to perfectly swing your blade in a coordinated manner."

Her movement is slower than her reaction speed making it easier to see how he moves but even that made it difficult to predict his movement as his footwork was too flawless. 

"I don't mind, give me a call if you want. Well, see yah!"

He vanished into thin air leaving Cha Hae-in in a daze looking at the spot where he disappeared. 

"Hunter cha are you alright."

Chairman Go's voice brought me out of her daze as she saw that everyone was looking at her guild master was looking at me with a teasing smile. 

And Chairman Go was looking at her like watching his grandchild. She was left speechless and didn't know what to say since this was the first time this has happened to her.

"Hunter cha is your nose alright." 

Baek-ho asked her as it wasn't a secret about Cha Hae-in having an extra sensitive nose which caused her to cover her nose in the vicinity of hunters and as Baek-ho also has a sharp nose although not to her extent. He understands her problem, after he asked this it caused her to panic as she realized that she didn't have my nose covered.

"Did he not smell like other hunters do?" 

Chairman Go asked.

"He didn't smell Unpleasant but rather had an aroma that I can't begin to describe as if something drew me."

She said since her aroma was intoxicating that made her drawn to him. Cha Hae-in could only be compared to life. The true essence of life.

"Oho~, is that so Hunter Cha." 

Guild master Choi said smiling teasingly and Both guild master Baek and chairman Go were smirking looking at her. I just ignored them as I had my mind occupied with thoughts.

"Ok, now I'll say why I invited you all even after telling you that he won't be joining a guild." 

Chairman go said. All of us nodded and waited for his next words.

"If any of you are planning on recruiting him then it's unfortunate that I have to tell you that he's planning on making his own guild soon."

The guildmaster already suspected it since with his power only meant that he's aiming to have some influences. 

'I wonder if I could join him?'

Cha Hae-in thought to herself then blush when she realized what she was thinking then recalled his words.

'Who are you, Ryuu…'


Unknown location. One would see an individual whose power was unlike any mortals whose presence alone breathed dread and calamity. Their power eclipse those who are capable of obliterating the entire city. 

"Are we going to make a move against them?" 

Asked an old elf with blue skin, long silver hair with a single long strand dangling over the right side of his face, blank white eyes, and round ears. He wore a ragged white cloak with a black collar over a tattered white shirt, ragged black pants, and a pair of black boots.

Then he looked towards the other three people who were present. He didn't want any of this as he didn't think the person they wanted to deal with was worth their time.

"Yes, we can't have another unknown factor coming into play when we don't even know where Ashborn's vessel is." 

Said by a muscular man with tan skin, glowing yellow eyes, sharp teeth, and wild black hair. When using his powers. He also wore silver fur pelts, a ragged skirt with a thick silver fur waistline, and gold-trimmed white armor on his right shoulder and over his groin area. While releasing killing intent if there was a hunter here they would have passed out from the intense killing intent but the people he was with didn't even feel a tickle.

"That's why I am saying that we should find the vessel of Ashborn as soon as possible."

The old elf said, causing the Tanned man to be annoyed as he was about to say something.

"We are going to kill them all anyway, a couple more doesn't matter."

A beautiful young woman with glowing red eyes, pale skin, long flowing black hair, purple lips, a perfect hourglass figure, a large bust, and insectile hands and feet. She also wore greenish-black armor that left her upper cleavage and shoulders exposed said with a blood-thirsty expression.

[ A/N: Should I add her? ]

"I also think there is no need to go this far for a feeble otherworlders. We should use this time to find Ashborn's vessel" 

An old man with gray hair, light red eyes, and a blood-red blob symbol on his torso. He wore a tattered blackish-purple hooded cloak, a pale yellow bone-like mask over his mouth, and two metallic horn-like objects extending from his upper back. 

Also, when using his powers or agitation, his eyes glowed pinkish-purple said while looking at the tanned man.

"Cowards, you do not dare to kill a mortals." 

The tanned man said while snorting at the rest. Trying to provoke them into taking action but...

The old elf ignored him while making his plans.The woman was thinking of how she was going to slaughter the humans. And the old man was thinking that it wasn't worth his time.

The tanned man was furious when saw that no one was paying any attention to him. He wanted to shout but…

"Why are you all causing a ruckus here don't you have anything to do?"