Chapter 189 - Endgame 4

The Hunters continue to struggle fighting the monster who continuously poured out from the gates. The insect army was slowly overpowering the other rmonster army because of Shinobu superior leadership and most had been strengthened by her skill.

Sound of the explosion resounded in the entire country while those brave enough were trying their best to film it. Though they couldn't get close because of the danger it posed, they got close enough to show the situation to the whole. 

Citizens were shaking in fear as they're whole world was at war against the monsters. However, everyone was praying for the victor of humanity. 

One of the brave few fighting with all they got was Zhigang who flew into the sky with his newly acquired Angelic and became a streak of light the way he was moving, slicing through hordes of monsters. 


Zhigang sensed incoming danger and swung his sword but it was parried by the enemy before him that appeared to be a humanoid monster releasing a powerful energy. He saw that this monster is one of the strongest, made him smirk and swung his sword at an incredible speed that appeared that he made over a dozen slashes.

"Dragon slash!"

He imbued his sword that sliced the monster arms yet it just regenerated and swung his arms destroying nearby buildings while Zhigang kept his composure. He landed on his feet then slammed it into the ground to get more momentum and rush towards the monster. 

Zhigang sliced the monster to pieces until there was nothing left of it and sliced the nearby building in the process. He sheathed his weapon then sensed the magical power from where Ryuu's woman were fighting.

"I'll be damn I can't imagine myself dealing with those kinds of women. On another note, I wonder what Gina would like to do after this? Maybe, Ryuu can give me some advice."

He thought to himself before continuing his support. Meanwhile, the Iron Body Monarch was dumbfounded looking at the woman that he was about to fight. 

"Yggdrasil Armament."

Kanae shrouded her entire body with plant like armament having rose like theme armor that constantly absorb the surrounding magic and convert into hers allowing her to churn even more power. 

[ Image here ]

She burst with immense power that made the whole china shake violently but her magic allows her to manipulate nature itself now after awakening her magic. It gave her a limited reality warping power turning the whole world as it was the Yggdrasil. 

"Mantra Asura Form."

Justine on the other hand stood up bursting with raging magic energy that exploded making everyone close by to feel unbearable weight in them. She roared in a beastly and feral manner baring her teeth where her eyes shimmering in fiery glow looking at her opponent.

She was rapidly growing stronger by every passing moment and her Aura manifested into an enormous monstrous demon.  

"Bankai. Mugen Jigoku Kodoku."

Her appearances change, turning into something similar to her Zanpakuto Spirit having trained incredibly hard in order to obtain a bankai. She turned the whole space around her into poison where the ground, Air, molecules, everything was poison. This was a world of poison now. 

The space is isolated from the world and has full dominion over it, trapping the Iron Body Monarch. He couldn't let it happened and roared in angered.


Once again before he could speak, Justine appeared at his face where her fist inches away from it then slammed her fist and sent him flying into the sky and before she could do anything was struck once again. 

Justine proceeded to move at immense speed leaving a trail of light bouncing around the air and continuously punching the Monarch who barely defended himself and then she clasp her hand before slamming the monarch back to the earth like he did to her. 

She then sends a flurry of punches into the ground creating fist imprint while the Iron Body Monarch struggles to stand up being punched countless times. He roared in anger and attack Justine but Shinobu move her hands and turned his arms to dust.


He felt humiliated slowly feeling his inevitable end but refused to give up and roared once more before sending a wave of attacks destroying even more buildings and even the nearby mountains were destroyed. 

Shinobu stepped back while trying her best to maintain her Bankai since it's difficult to control unlike her Shikai. She stabbed the Iron Body Monarch sending needles of poison and eroded his body but it was able to regenerate. 

Kanae appeared close and soon swung her sword but this time The Iron Body Monarch was unable to resist and was diced into pieces while his body tried to regenerate but he ended up falling into his knees in shock. 


She then proceeded to kill Iron Body Monarch by slashing her blade and cleave his body in half that soon began to disintegrate and left his runes behind. She picked it up while the other girls walked closer to her.

"It's finally over, what do you think Ryuu is doing? Damn is my body stiff."

Justine said, cracking her body while returning her form into basic state. 

"You acted reckless again. Wait till Ryuu hears about this or maybe he already knows?"

Kanae saw Justine face shiver and started to turn pale imagining the upcoming punishment that she will be receiving soon for getting overboard. 

"I don't care, he knows that I need it to get stronger."

Justine shrugged it off and tried to play it cool but knew Ryuu won't let her off easy. Shinobu giggled before saying.

"Sure but it's better to be prepared than sorry. Anyway le-"

They then feel the entire world shook and senses the immense power coming from their beloved Ryuu and realize that their fight is starting. 

"Ryuu fighting, let's stop our chat and help the people."

The three of them nodded before vanishing and joining the Chinese hunter slowly dwindling the numbers of monsters and stopping the monster army from coming.

Meanwhile, in Canada the hunters were also occupied looking at the gate waiting for it to open. They were all the same feeling anxious knowing that death would be upon them but determined to survive and overcome the calamity that they are about to face.

"I wonder what Ryuu is doing?"

Leading the team was Trese, Erza and Rias who were bored, wondering about her lover more than the upcoming threat upon them. Trese rolled her eyes and said.

"The sooner we finish this, the quicker we can go back home."

Trese misses her home and family which is why she wanted to end the fight quickly and head back home to relax. 

"Oh come on, you can spend more time with Ryuu after this but I can't. It feels unfair if you ask me."

Rias said since she would return back to Draconic Deus after they finished the mission and won't be able to visit Ryuu for some time. She was extremely sad and jealous that the others could be with him. 

"I know but didn't you spend more time on this trip with Ryuu than anyone else?"

Trese said having spent more dates than the other girls and they all understand it because they discuss their feelings about every situation and let Rias have her moment with Ryuu until they could be together permanently.

"'re right but I just can't help it. That aside, I'm surprised you haven't fallen for him, Erza?"

She turned to Erza who was in her strongest armor battle ready. Erza shook her at Rias's question and said. 

"There's still a lot going on in my mind for me to like him and we barely spend time beside training. Though I understand why you like him so much."

Erza said remembering the time the two spar and when they are in the kitchen baking her some Strawberry Cheesecake. She knows Ryuu to be the type that is understanding and fun to be around. There are many good and bad traits that make Ryuu an interesting person but she can't fall for him. 

"Understandable, I think until you overcome that holding you back then it's best to focus on it than distract yourself. But remember we're to help you, Erza if you need one even though you're not part of Ryuu's harem. We are still your friends."

Trese said to her, making Erza smile and nodded at her words before they sensed the gate opening and began to prepare their next move.