Chapter 188 - Endgame 3

Beijing, China.

Around a hundred thousand hunters were all prepared for battle where the massive gates were about to break. Everyone was anxiously waiting for whatever was about to come and held their weapon tightly. Many were praying, some were writing their last will while few were ready to lay their life for humanity. 

They knew that the day where humanity would fall if they did not stand and fight. Humans have always been stubborn creatures and faced with the inevitable they are able to show their true power. 

Zhigang the national rank hunter was looking intently at the gate holding his sword tightly having already transformed into his Spiritual Body Manifestation where he had armor like Thomas but much sleeker in design.

He was releasing his magical energy in the surroundings where even the S rank hunter felt the pressure even though it wasn't directed at them. 

"Are you sure it's fine for you to be here?"

Zhigang asked, glancing at the three women accompanying him who were like his sister in law. 

"Ryuu said that you might need the help."

Shinobu responded smiling as if what was about to happen was a normal thing. Though Zhigang could see that the women were a lot stronger than they all looked. They obviously grew stronger when they were training nonstop within the [ Dimensional Training Room ].

"Wherever you go there is always danger and I believe we'll just hold Ryuu back if we are present."

Kanae added that considering how strong Ryuu is, he has no limit in his evolution and adaptation. The difference between Ryuu and Justine adaptation is that one was fighting to survive, Ryuu, while the other, Justine, fought to overcome. 

"Now my hands have been eager to punch something!"

Justine said, cracking her fist and taking her Six-Armed Vajra Asura knowing how serious the fight will be. She makes every hunter feel at edge as her magic was affecting them telling them to submit. She had a fiery aura around her that made them feel weak despite not doing anything. 

"Don't be reckless or you'll be twitching in bed nonstop again."

Kanae teases her having Ryuu punish her for taking on Legia and almost dying. Justine shuddered and felt pain from her butt having Ryuu constantly spanking her and punishing her. She wasn't able to adapt because of Ryuu's [ Essence of the Harem protagonist ]. 

The other hunters watched and couldn't help being dumbfounded by how relaxed they were. 

'What the hell can they still act this way!?'

This was thought of as everyone yet didn't voice it and concentrated their attention at the gate. And every hunter watched as the monster began to pour out from the gates while Shinobu who saw this immediately summoned his own army who intercepted the incoming monster.

"Everyone attack!"

One of the hunters shouted as they rushed towards the monster swinging their weapons slicing through the weaker monster while Zhigang imbued magic into his sword before sending slashes towards the army and killing thousands of them. 


Loud explosions ignited as the hunters below used their power to intercept the monster killing a number of them but more and more gates were appearing and monsters came out in the hunters. 

"Stay focused! We must not let them go into the evacuation center!"

Zhigang shouted at every hunter to raise their morale as he swung his sword again sending a wave of attack slaughtering a number of them. All the hunters understood what they were fighting for and ignited their indomitable human spirit.

Kanae then summoned a plant-like monster and began helping the hunters fight against the monster, minimizing the damage done in the city. 

"This is tiring but once this is over I can have my Ryuu-kun again."

She thought to help before slicing through hordes of monsters, easily killing them and even using a spell where roots sprout from inside their body. 

At the center of it all was a handsome blonde man wearing an overcoat looking down at the sight of humans fighting. He emanated indescribable danger releasing his magical energy smiling at the sight of the ensuing destruction. 

( Tremble humans, the time has come for you-)

Before he could sense something coming and immediately went to shroud himself with his Spiritual Body Manifestation coming tall humanoid monster and struck the enemy where their fist collided sending ripple through the air and shattering the windows of the nearby building. 

The Iron body monarch found himself face to face with a young woman with six arms grinning at him and cocked his arms charging it with magical energy making him step back but it was too late and triple strike sent him flying into several buildings. 

He stood back up and swung his hand sending powerful attack sending buildings away giving them enough space to stare down at his opponent which were three woman with immensely powerful energy. 

( So you're the anomalies that killed the other mo-)

Before he could finish his speech Shinobu leaps into the air and charges towards the Iron body monarch and stings them multiple times with their blade to inject poison that was resisted by the monarch as he swung his hands pushing Shinobu back before she used Kido to trap him, surprising the monarch.

In that moment Kanae appeared and executed a flurry of sword slashes that sliced the body of the Iron Body monarch but it just regenerated and roared releasing a massive wave of energy escaping the binding. 


The whole city shook violently as the buildings were destroyed when the Iron body monarch transformed into his Spiritual Body Manifestation. He then swung his hand slicing buildings like they were tissue paper and forced the girls to evade his attack. 

( I will not let you go for this mockery!! )

The Iron body monarcv vanishes and rushes towards Justine who smirks and confronts him head on slamming her fist into the monarch clashing their fist where they attack and cancel each other. 

Those hunters watching were outstanded as they were unable to see the speed in which they were moving and felt the surge of magical energy explode as Justine executed a flurry of punches. 

[ A/N: Imagine Allmight vs Nomu or Asura vs Augus ]

"There she goes again, don't say I didn't warn her." 

Kanae touched her face watching as she and Shinobu were unable to get close from the power the two were releasing. They only watched in the distance for the time being and let Justine have her little fun. 

Another wave of power was send when Justine slammed her fist into the face of the Iron Body Monarch sending him flying several meters away from her before slamming her legs in the ground before crack forms as and form a small ravine in the process as she rush towards the monarch who recovered from the attack and resume clashing with Iron Body Monarch. 


Justine roared as her heart screamed to fight till the end while every passing second her strength was growing and was overwhelming the iron monarch who was shocked to see that a human was able to push her back. 

( I only wanted to entertain myself but now things have changed! You must die human! )

He roared forming a Warhammer and swung it into Justine that cause his additional arms to be destroyed and building along with cloud to be obliterated while the woman was sent flying letting the Iron Body Monarch to appear while she was on the air and slamm his Warhammer with thundering explosion turning her into small asteroid and created a massive explosion. 

Kanae and Shinobu who were watching appear when Iron Body Monarch is about to kill Justine and intercept him swinging their weapon forcing him to step back. Justin was unconscious because of the powerful attack where her body was all bloody and broken. 

"Justine are you alright!?"

Shinobu asked and went to check up on her but they were stopped when the Iron body monarch leapt to action and attacked them forcing the two move away. He swung his Warhammer then changed its size before throwing it towards Kanae who couldn't dodge and blocked it by making a wall of wood but it exploded into a splitter. 

She deflected the hammer as Shinobu went to attack the Iron Body Monarch who was able to render her attack useless and slammed his hammer into Shinobu who sent flying into the building while Kanae saw this and panic but tried her best to fight the Iron Body Monarch alone.

Kanae was struggling to hold him back and fall into her knees while behind her was the unconscious body of Justine while towering before her emanating a dreadful aura. 

( Now do you understand the true power of a monarch!! Surrender then we shall end you life as swiftly-) 

Before he could finish his speech felt danger and turned behind her and saw Shinobu dusting herself walking towards them without worry then felt another danger behind him when Kanae stood up with her wounds healed.

The unconscious Justine suddenly stood up having healed and gathering even more massive magical energy that soon condenses into a ring behind her while her armor of his arms to hulking, godlike, armored proportions. 

Kanae did the same creating wooden armor and sword while releasing even massive magical energy and they all said.

"Yggdrasil Armament."

"Mantra Asura Form."
