Chapter 232 - Meeting the girls

After the remaining month that he spent with the two princesses, Ryuu had grown significantly attached to them, having continuously taught them and spent some time together until he was confident enough that they were going to be part of his harem.

They've adapted to their new lifestyle and been diligently training their power where Ryuu brought them into one of the dungeons within his empire where the two hesitated to kill the creature because they were kind but were determined to show their willingness to help him and not be a deadweight. 

Obviously there is almost nothing that Ryuu can't handle and those that he can't is beyond logic that the power scaling became irrelevant because everything is a paradox. Regardless, He didn't let them be a heartless and use to murder only telling them that only defend themselves and kill if it is the last option and give him the finishing blow. 

Ryuu didn't want his woman to be burdened by their emotions and he knew how important it is to have morals since this separates him from becoming the apathetic entity he truly is. He can be everywhere even the beginning of time if he desired but Ryuu refused to let his Omnipotent over take him 

Regardless, he can see through the end of the fanfic but that end is ever changing that it makes it difficult to grab his chosen future. He put it aside and focused on the present, removing his clairvoyance about it and giving the thrill. 

Ryuu continued educating the two sister and often seen them acting more boldly along with being more erotic. He already knew that the internet affected them and was searching for ways to make their lover like them more. They have been showing off their bodies more often and been sitting on his lap when they get the opportunity, blushing when they feel his dick rub against them but remain on his lap. 

In addition to this, he was giving suggestions on how to improve their kingdom and concentrated on the development of the masses. Now that Anna has her power, she was able to improve the vegetation and food for her people along with the livestock due being the embodiment of autumn. Within a few months their kingdom prospered under the rule of Elsa assisted by Anna. 

At the current moment he was beside Elsa and Anna talking about the development of the kingdom having used guidance teaching them what they need. He is always thinking goes with the saying  "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."

Ryuu can do everything but humans often wish for freedom and control which is why he gave them the tools and how to do it then let them figure it out. He didn't want to do more than he should. Elsa looked at him and said.

"The people have been praising me but it should be you, not me."

Ryuu shook her head and said.

"I merely guided you and the rest is yours. Not to mention, my empire already does it for me."

Elsa nodded with a smile and still felt sense of guilty for taking credit but put it aside and looked at Anna who said.

"When will we meet the others?"

Ryuu nodded looking at them and said.

"We can go meet them now if you want."

They nodded as Ryuu took them to meet the others where the two girls looked at the divine realm surprise at how how beautiful the place was and began exploring the place showing them the different section then arrive where the girls at where Tawata also returned that lasted a second in their time as Ryuu been folding time non-stop. 

He aims to let them get to know each other until they meet his parents. The two girls introduced themselves and soon they all chatted with each other to know more about everyone. Ryuu already told the girls about the situation and was obviously surprised at what they found out but didn't think too hard because everything is already too surreal that asking a question is a waste of time.

Shinobu immediately asked if they had already done it with him in which the two sisters blushed telling them that they have no clue on when to start as the nymphomaniac happily taught them the basic whole Tawata and Trese rolled her eyes seeing them. Jin-Ah has no intention of doing it this early and focuses more on enjoying her time in spending it with Ryuu who happily obliged. 

Amihan and Styx noticed something and looked at Ryuu who gestured not to speak knowing that they would immediately ask to have a child with him. Ryuu was planning on taking each girl in time dilution to help them give birth much faster but he wanted to ask them first along with their parents. 

Meanwhile, Nezuko, Jin-Ah and Anna who have similar interests easily bonded with stuff like video games and stories while Elsa got close with Cha Hae-in and Trese who were more reserved chatting about food and how they ended up liking him making Justine eye's twitch looking at Ryuu who shrugged.

His charms had grown stronger especially having transcended virtually everything. She scoffed and chatted with Styx and Amihan who happily told her about the myths and legends. Kie and Mitsuri talked to Ryuu about their pregnancy telling him how they feel that they'll give birth soon and needed to tell everyone about it.

Ryuu nodded, telling them that they will reveal it right now if they wanted to and ask another question about just using time manipulation to let them give birth much earlier and was surprised to ask how before telling them how his reward made him stronger. Kie the first one to speak and said.

"You mean we can spend time alone in a world of your creation?"

Ryuu nodded and said.

"Yes, we can raise them until they reach around 6 years old."

He wanted to raise them like normal but knowing that is impossible seeing that his children are incredibly strong. Mitsuri rubbed her stomach and said.

"I think that would be great and we can go on a venture soon after."

Ryuu nodded, then turned his attention to his parents telling them about the situation and was immediately struck by his mother telling him that he should do it because they want to see the child be born which he nodded and told the girls who happily waited until they meet their in laws and give birth soon after. He decided to ask them if he should reveal and they said yes since it's better now than later. 

He nodded and gathered everyone then revealed the situation to everyone who was shocked to learn that Shinobu, Kanae, Kie and Mitsuri were pregnant while the girls processed the situation. He asked them who wanted to be too pregnant and none seemed ready beside Amihan and Styx with the latter speaking.

"I wonder if you can give a child?"

Styx nodded and said.

"I don't mind baring your child and I'm curious what our child will be like."

Ryuu nodded and told them the Essence of Primarch Caretakers giving all of the girls about it. The older harem frowns, telling him that he can use it later after his woman gives birth. After all that excitement, Ryuu spent his time with his woman going on a date, training, teaching Kie's children, etc. He also checks on this lover who was pregnant with care while creating engagement rings for them since he'll be asking everyone if they are willing to marry him later. 

He often finds Shinobu and Kanae with the fellow sister in the harem teaching them what they know. Ryuu let them be and went with Justine on her training because she is the only one who kept with him against his avatar and enjoyed their sparring until he remembers something and said.

"Justine, do you want to get saiyan powers?"

Ryuu knows that this is perfect for her and looked at him thinking about his offer and said.

"Sure, more power would be nice."

He nodded then held out his hand using the power that he had begun to transform Justine giving her all the power of Saiyan from oozaru to Super Saiyan God and even the Super Saiyan 4 full power limit breaker. Justine's transformation wasn't drastic and confused why she doesn't have a tail as Ryuu explained. 

"Don't worry you'll have a tail when you turn Super Saiyan 4 and everything will be natural to you."

She smirked then tried releasing her power instantly to reach super Saiyan then added her tail reaching True super Saiyan form where her body had golden fur where power increased exponentially. Justin smiled at the power she received and looked at Ryuu having at least the same level as his avatar. 

"Then let's continue our spar."