Chapter 233 - Alaya

December I won't be active and only post at least 1 chapter because I'll be busy doing my final projects

But once we got our winter break then oh boy, expect shit ton of chapters. 


Justine was amazed by her power and how it benefited her from continuously growing stronger without rest that she growing addicted by the exhilarating feeling for continually breaking through her power reaching a power that shattered the entire reality where Ryuu created a extremely power barrier where the two fought where she acquired a number forms where the strongest being True Legendary Super Saiyan God Full power limit breaker. 

She looked like a female super Saiyan 4 gogeta where each other can decimate the entire universe but it does put a lot of strain in her body yet this doesn't stop her and trained for quite a while until she got used to her power. 

They were forced to be reckoned with and Ryuu thought about a mission on Dragon balls and joined a tournament of power. He can represent his own universe and enjoy the fight but wondered if magic was allowed and decided to see. She actually reaches a level of Xeno Goku where it is terrifying that her power reaches this far.  

Ryuu wondered what kind of monster he was making and placed a seal on Justine to not accidentally destroy the fabric of reality. In the universe, it could only hold so much energy until it burst despite continuously expanding like Ryuu's harem that faster than the speed of light.

Regardless, he made her some weapon like Riyu jingu bang and asked if she was going to continue having her Asura Form and said that she will have two forms. Ryuu nodded, helping her until the two finished training and went on date with the two of them. 

It was rather mundane like walking around and just relaxing but it was enough to strengthen their bonds as they reminisced about the past and thinking about the future. Ryuu finds it funny since he can see the future and virtually know everything but things are ever changing and aren't fixed unless he grabs what he likes. Justine asked him about telling his parents and her parent in which he replies with.

"My parents are already on their way but I wanted to let you get to know each other along with Elsa and Anna." 

Justine was a bit surprised and looked at him and said. 

"Let me guess, she is using her mighty tsinelas to beat the shit out of you?"

Ryuu chuckled and said.

"Obviously, even my absolute Invulnerability is no match for the unstoppable force of an angry asian mom."

Justine burst out laughing at his words while Ryuu joined in as he said.

"You're laughing because you're not the one being beaten."

He shook his head and pulled her closer to him as the two were riding a dragon into the sunset. Ryuu has been exploring the world and planes that his reality had form where other races reside like dwarfs and elves. He let them be letting it grow and interfere when needed. Justine's laughter quieted down and said.

"So…you're going to be a father. I'm a bit salty that I wasn't the first one."

Ryuu felt her emotion and hugged even tighter but she shook her head and said.

"I don't mind it and frankly I'm excited to see them since they will be my step daughters. Not to mention, I'm not ready to be a mother."

He nodded hearing her words as the two went on their venture until they headed back where Ryuu helped Kie prepare their dinner and asked how she was feeling since a month already passed in their dimension and said that they were all doing well looking at their abdomen that was growing as if 3 months had passed. Ryuu nodded and rubbed his on her stomach feeling the life that was growing.

Ryuu can see through the future of his children and see nothing more than a blurred outline because of how powerful they are. He was happy that was the case for them and continued preparing their food until they gathered at the dinner table.

They chatted about their day where Jin-Ah told how she been playing video games with Anna and Elsa while Ryuu noticed the two been acting out of place and knew that they were planning on doing it with him as Jin-Ah encourage it since she was also planning but she will wait until she felt it's time. 

Jin-Ah didn't feel that jealous since she got closer to everyone and treated them like her close friends. She has been teaching Nezuko and the girls that are the same age as her on things that are trending. Ryuu discussed their plans where Styx Said.

"Mother Gaia…indeed she was in hiding but the reason is unknown."

Amihan joined in the discussions and said.

"She isn't hiding instead slumbering, growing weaker because of her word being poisoned by men and couldn't interfere because of the Olympian gods."

Ryuu rubbed his chin hearing her words and said.

"What would happen if I let her use my world as her body?"

Amihan took a moment to think before speaking and said.

"That could work, she's been sending calamity in hopes of stopping humanity but obviously this is countered by Collective consciousness of humanity."

Cha Hae-in was a bit confused about what she said and asked.

"Collective consciousness?"

Amihan nodded and said.

"The collective consciousness is also known as Alaya. Think of the Collective Unconscious as a gigantic sea, an unfathomable sea where various creatures are born daily. Every day new entities are being born from the human unconscious, like a great number of fish jumping out of the sea."

Ryuu knew about this and Alaya is extremely powerful as when human mind combined would result in psychic energy that turns imagination into reality. Though, the phenomenon is rare because of how difficult it is for humans to agree on one thing and this is the reason why gods with faith gain divinity because humans wills it. Amihan continued to explain.

"The Collective Unconscious exists as the shadow of the ego of human beings, being the place of unconsciousness where the archetypes of humanity inherited from their ancestors are stored. Through humanity's faith and their aim to create a story for themselves, humans have given birth to entities that embody their ideas, fears, philosophies, thoughts, as well as their desires and dreams."

He rubbed his chin while Amihan said.

"For example, The Boogeyman, Sandman, Jack frost, tooth fairy, etc. They exist because many people believe in their existence." 

Cha Hae-in jaw dropped hearing her explanation and Amihan said.

"Those known as Tulpa born from Alaya. Regardless, Alaya is fighting against Gaia's influence and continuously perseveres. She even sent a pandemic in hopes that they died down but in the end it only slowed it down."

Amihan spoke in a way that she didn't see much problem in human death because she is an old god and has seen many things in her lifetime. Ryuu nodded since he's been noticing the collective consciousness forming within his world and plans on connecting to earth Collective consciousness. Ryuu then said.

"I'll try to see if I can talk to Gaia about but does Alaya have a humanoid form?"

Amihan nodded and said.

"It does but rarely takes permanent form. Gaia and Alaya more or less have this sisterly rivalry. Are you planning on taking both as consort?"

Ryuu shook his head and said.

"No, at least not now. I plan on letting Gaia control my planets and Alaya to keep humans from getting out of hand."

She nodded while Trese, Tawata and Justine all shook their heads since they were the only ones sensible in the matter and continued their dinner while the girls spent their time watching movies until he headed to his bedroom where he knew that Anna and Elsa had been surprised. 

He went inside and saw Anna and Elsa wearing lingerie that had their style where the former had a maroon garter belt while Elsa had blue and white as Ryuu smirk looking at two who were extremely nervous but under his gaze made them breathless and panting heavily eager and head to business.