Chapter 245 - More lore


Alright I want to say is that God or Yesh, is genderless which is why I use He, here but when HE met Yaldabaoth, he became a she and definitely became a female like how Ophis is.

It's not gender bend when he doesn't have gender.


Ryuu slowly remembered everything and made her stop as he began to recall everything that happened feeling the overwhelmed power coming from tapping into his power and recalled how the story continues.

After Yesh created the beast, the angels were then created and acted as both his emissaries and soldiers, the first of which was named Empra. Their ranks were made and each given a specific task that was overseen by his archangels and himself. Lucifer was the most perfect of all his creations and thus appointed him into lightening the stars by condensing clouds of hydrogen into star-masses and setting them alight, earning him the title of "Morning Star", and also being the brightest angel in existence. Lucifer was so loved by God, even more so than Michael himself. Because of this he was prideful of himself. When God created the animals of the Earth, he created the last of his creations which was man.

He placed his two beloved creations known as Adam and Lilith in the Garden of Eden alongside his most prized creations. However, upon seeing that Lilith would not submit to Adam, He had his angels escort her out of Eden before forming the woman known as Eve from Adam's rib as a replacement for Lilith. Samael was then tasked with watching over the humans, however, ruled over by his pride and his role as an arbiter, Samael saw that these humans were flawed and was angered that he would be tasked that he would have to guide and protect such creatures. Lucifer in the meantime, due to being His favorite, was exposed to God's plans and would only see that everything, including His children, would be under His rule and thus having no free will of their own. In his paranoia and pride, Lucifer became against this and rebelled against His creator.

Lucifer gathered one third of the angelic host and waged war against God. However, there was resistance as God tasked His greatest soldier, Michael, into leading His armies and defeating his brother. After a titanic struggle, Lucifer was defeated and was cast out unto the Earth alongside their legion of rebellious angels by Michael. The collision of the fallen angels to Earth was like an endless stream of powerful fiery lightning, which soon ended as they fell into a deep abyss of its own known as Hell that became a realm of endless punishment for the sinful.

God then continued to oversee Adam and Eve's development in the Garden of Eden, He told them that they could do anything they wanted but were prohibited to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam would name all the animals and creatures in Eden whilst Eve would name all the plants. 

Seeing this, Lucifer had asked the fallen angel Samael to possess a serpent before entering the Garden, then enticed Eve into eating the Forbidden Fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, in order for Lucifer to show how flawed they are and for Lucifer to cut God's hold over free will of mankind. He succeeded as Eve and then Adam was tempted into eating the fruit, from which God specifically stated not to. In the process, God had Uriel cast Adam and Eve to Earth and were cursed with the mark of sin; Eve would have labor pains while giving birth and menstrual cycles. 

The feeling of loss, rage, anger, the corrupting madness, everything that he has experienced as Yaldabaoth comes to him instant feeling how vast the omniverse is as every thought, words, ideas, concept, etc endless fluctuate in a never ending stories. Ryuu understood that he had many consorts with being Yaldabaoth creator, his true mother and soon took Yeah as well when they created the angels, devils, and Humans. 

However, how he came to be was nothing more than an accident as Yaldabaoth was the first child of Aeon Sophia. Sophia came across a lone spark that dwelled within the waters of chaos, lifelessly attempting to breach its surface but to no avail. In truth, it was a piece of God that existed during the clash between the three titans.

Sophia took the spark and wrapped the petals from where she blossomed around it. However, even with the Tree of Life's power, she sensed that it could not develop properly and sought a solution for this dilemma. She bathed the petal wrappings in the waters of chaos, mixed it with the flames of life, then planted it in the Pleroma gardens, resulting in the birth of none other than Yaldabaoth himself. As benevolent as her actions may seem, it caused instability to the Pleroma. The reason why Sophia even resorted to such a course of action is because she desired to create something apart from the divine totality, without the receipt of divine ascent.

In this act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being ashamed of her deed, wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him within it. The Demiurge, isolated, did not behold his mother, nor anyone else, and concluded that only he existed, ignorant of the superior levels of reality.

With this mind, he created the physical realm along with his own Heaven with his Archons to serve his every whim. Yaldabaoth, having received a portion of power from his mother, sets about a work of creation in an unconscious imitation of the superior Pleromatic realm. He is blind to all that is spiritual, but he is king over the other two provinces.

Yaldabaoth was a child who arrogantly believed himself to be the only god but everything changed the moment he met his mother that everything became clear and had fallen for her while Sophia felt it was her fault that his ego became corrupted and sought to fix it. 

Though unsuccessful, Yaldabaoth found his place and created Man, beast, and every material life base from his foolish imitation. He became the consort of Sophia's creator, Yesh, who is genderless because his above such concept but decided to be female for Yaldabaoth and birthed Humanity while Sophia birthed the beast with the addition of the primordial with Khaos and the Immemorial with Order. Everything changes when the war against Azathoth sacrifices himself as he is the only one lasting the Madness of Depravity from the Daemon Sultan. 

In the end, he banished the lord of all Eldritch into the outerverse and force to be sealed using the body of Mekhane to hold him in place until now. Meanwhile, everyone felt his power growing or rather became more tame than before with Ryuu opening his eyes where his iris had red outline and a black inner outline then everything was pure blood soaking red inside. 

"How frustrating, I expected more but I guess this is all I can remember. Still it is helpful, thank you, Daughter." Ryuu said looking at Gaia who smiled gleefully while Alaya was annoyed feeling jealous that his father praised her sister as he chuckled seeing the two and said.

"No need to fight, let us head home and meet my new wives….Khaos." He was about to head back home when the sky seemed to crack and open were monstrous eyes looking at him wherever god felt the presence of their progenitor making Amihan and other gods to quiver but Ryuu made a barrier to protect the outside while he smiled softly at the entity that appeared and heard it giggled and said.

[ You've gotten stronger, Darling but you must understand that is not yet time for you to come into the upper cosmos. ] 

Ryuu rolled his eyes crossing his arms since it was rather obvious that among the entities called Pre-existential Entity then his nothing but a speck of dust. The Pre-existential Entities are the oldest entities in existence, having been born before the beginning of Creation and took part in the creation of the world. There are many Pre-existential Entities but most of them have yet to be revealed. They are the prototypes of concepts that don't even exist yet, such as matter, antimatter, darkness, madness, chaos, oblivion or infinity, and many others. Gaia saw her mother and screamed out.

"Mother!? How come you appeared when father returned?" Khaos didn't respond and looked at Ryuu to answer and said.

"She couldn't contact and Khaos is already running out of time. Anyway, just wait for me until I get my power." He vowed looking at Khaos and seemed pleased and said.

[ I'll be waiting in the upper cosmos. Until then, focus on the chat group and complete the mission. Make sure to bring at least a hundred women back. Well, farewell. ] 

Ryuu nodded and soon the sky returned to how it was leaving Gaia eager to reunite with her mother but before that she had to meet her father's consort and said.

"Father, if Amihan and Izanami is your consort does that mean we can conceive a child in an intimate way?"

Gaia obviously had children but they are more molded using her power rather than the conventional way and didn't want to taint her father since she wanted to give it to her father. Ryuu just chuckled at her since he already had Izanami and Amihan but wondered how the girls felt about it once he told them about his past but put it aside and said.

"Of course, but let's wait until your siblings are born before we do anything." Gaia's eyes shine cutely clinging tightly to Ryuu while Amihan Giggled and Alaya frowned and took his other arms and said.

"Me too, Right Father?" Ryuu just smiled since he realized how a mess his relationship was but didn't care anymore because morals and human standards don't apply to him anymore.