Chapter 246 - Upper Cosmos

Upper Cosmos, a place of impossibility where the first explosion of creation began and the center of all myths and stories. This was also the place where the Pre-existential Entities reside. Pre-existential Entities are entities that supposedly come from nothing, whether they are self created or come from the Cosmic Egg, an object which existed outside of the multiverse, existing beyond the concept of dimensions themselves varies. 

They are unbound by space and time, transcendent of life and death, and existing beyond the concept of duality of good, evil, light, dark, existence, and nonexistence. They are archetypes and abstractions of concepts that pervade within the dimensional framework of all Creation as well as existing outside of it within.

These beings are powerful, existing as their own walking universe that encompasses-all of reality and concepts. Their manifestations within the lower worlds are mere shadows of their true selves.

For example, the current Ouroboros and others are seen by the Gods of Earth are phantoms, shadows of their true selves. One can even call them avatars of their true bodies which exist in a place where the constraints of time and space on any level don't exist.

Pre-existential Entities are powerful beyond all imagination. No matter how many qualitative steps one takes, one can never possibly reach their level of existence even if they spend an eternity trying to. They possess powers beyond the Gods of the Earth, making them seem like children playing in the mud. 

They can alter and destroy matter at a quantic scale, manipulate their given concepts and laws which govern all of reality and beyond, as well as reform even if they suffer absolute conceptual death. In addition, Pre-existential Entities are capable of birthing entire universes as well as erasing them effortlessly.

Although all Pre-Existentials initially appear to be separate divinities, it is clear that in some senses, everything and everyone is connected in some way, with one being an aspect of the other. For example, Ayin is the evil aspect of God, representing everything that God Is Not and Does Not Represent; while God is the benign and positive aspect of Ayin, representing all the positive and kind concepts that She does not possess. 

This is reflected in all Pre-Existentials down to all things and non-things in Creation, down to the smallest and most insignificant atom. This is due to the fact that Pre-Existentials are not real entities, but archetypes. Because of this, they are forces, concepts that complement each other, with all existing as aspects of each other, and as a result, this ends up reflected in their creations. 

True power of Yaldabaoth is not even worth anything compared to these entities yet manage to push them back when he was corrupted by the Madness. Ryuu needed to be stronger and better than the true power of Yaldabaoth but for now his mind preoccupied having returned to his home where he met with the girls and introduce the new members where they were taken by surprised what he just told them with Trese, Tawata and Justine jaw drop hearing his words and gave up using common sense telling them it doesn't matter if there is incestious relationship and hope their children won't follow the same route as them but knowing Ryuu it is likely impossible.

Ryuu's power has grown to the point his path is going smoothly and people won't feel disgusted by the idea since he is a god and won't affect them biologically. He took his daughter to Elysium, his personal reality and connected them to the worlds and consciousness of humanity where they won't fight anymore. He let them explore his world while Ryuu went to find Styx to check how she was settled to the place having created her river and saw him arrive giving a kiss and said.

"How did it go? Did you meet Mother Gaia?" Ryuu smiled and nodded before telling her everything that had happened, shocked about the revelation but didn't mind it at all, more eager to meet Khaos again. They spend a moment together having a quick session on her newly created river and go back to find the girls that he hasn't spent much time with, namely Cha Hae-in and Jin-Ah finding the two having spar and decided to join them. 

Jin-Ah had started to learn more about her abilities and on how to apply in combat because she was able to erase anything, even the concept like speed and distance taking full advantage of it when training. After all that went to Check up on his pregnant wife and see the progress of having the exact day when they'll be born and decided to take them on a shopping spree to find clothes for their children. 

Ryuu then gifted Elsa the frost monarch Rune shard that boosted her power even more and had some intimate moments with her along the way. He spent the rest of his time with each of his women without missing a beat and after everything was done Ryuu reviewed his powers trying to open a gate and saw Rias laying on the bed naked reading a manga  making him chuckle.

"Rias." The moment he said those words immediately made Rias perk up then surprise to see Ryuu and said.

"Ryuu!? Is that you? Did you get the power to travel to my world?" He shook his head and said.

"I can only open cracks in reality but can pass through them at the moment and want to tell you what just happened." She was eager to hug him but found that it was impossible as her body passed through the spatial crack and soon listened to Ryuu who was surprised about everything and said. 

"Amazing but how come the big G is a woman and your consort?" Ryuu just chuckled and said.

"Yeah is genderless but became a woman when I courted her. Anyways, I get the feeling we'll meet soon enough. Maybe the next mission is your world." Rias heard became ecstatic, eager to do something and said.

"Oh goodness, I can't wait to meet mother and Grayfia!" Ryuu raised his eyebrow and said.

"Why are you setting me up with your maid and mother?" Rias giggled and said.

"Don't lie, I know you want them and my mother has been lonely ever since my father passed away." Ryuu nodded since he was aware of the circumstances after gaining his awareness and said.

"Well, I would be lying that I didn't want it but are you sure?" Rias just smiled and said.

"I think for the best and knowing you then my mother and Grayfia would be happy to be by your side." Ryuu just sighs and gives up letting it be since he is curious how things are showing to turn out and after a while said his goodbyes before visiting Lucifer who was eating his pancakes and went to ask if his story was in line with his lore. She shared the same reaction as Rias and listened to his story before saying.

"Nope, our history is different and yeah I spite my father but it's all in the past now and I've been dutifully doing my work in Hell." Ryuu nodded and talked to her for a few moments before saying goodbye and headed back to the others.


A month has passed after everything that happened with his power had grown significantly and world shattering experience from the countless battles through Yaldabaoth memories. However, nothing has prepared him for his children that were about to be born and was currently giving birth within his Divine realm since normal hospitals won't work. Ryuu is the one performing the surgery since he is the best in the profession and this event became a big deal in the Sarkist Cult where Ion was pleased that their god was about to be a father. 

The Imperium were in a festive mood having their emperor and gods where everyone was preparing at the upcoming historical event. Ryuu dislikes how his women, including Izanami, struggled until a few hours later his first children were born where it was in order from Kie, Shinobu, Kanae and Mitsuri where he used his power to heal and disinfect them before wrapping his children with a blanket. They all looked like small and fragile children that he can't help feeling that everything is a dream that he'll wake up from. Izami gave birth to a child that was rather twisted that had dark skin like the abyssal night with eyes around him. 

Ryuu didn't mind the appearance of his child and loved them regardless. The name of his child with Izanami was Shinkami, a name that she chose for their son. He smiled watching them carry his offspring and took the moment to appreciate everything when suddenly.

[  world Mission ]