Chapter 278 - Daddy~

For the longest time, Ryuu has been trying to hold himself from decimating the entire Vatican and the fallen angel that tried to trick Asia. He knows and is aware of everything which includes every human suffering yet it is hypocritical of him to be mad for someone like Asia. In his perspective, she is but a grain of sand on an endless desert which meant she wasn't special. However, the same argument can be said to his lover when he can easily have every woman in the multiverse with a single thought but he is evil and not Madness. For only madness can be considered truly evil. 

Ryuu only cares about his avatar that he physically interacts with and doesn't care if the logic seems illogical when he is beyond those terms. He just knows that Asia life is unfair for someone who is as kind and innocent as her. She was good in every sense of the word who does not wish to harm nor hate and only help and love. She is naive but Ryuu aims to help her yet wants Asia to remain innocent and kind. He shall be the merciless while Asia shall be Mercy. Ryuu will be retribution while Asia shall be redemption. 

He walked out of his hands fishing his overcoat looking at the bright sunny sky that started to be cloudy as Ryuu used his power to telepathically link to Rias who quickly answered and said.

"Oh Ryuu, let me guess, it's about the fallen angel?" Ryuu nodded and said.

"That's right, I'll be heading there to take them prisoner." Rias merely giggled and said 

"More like turn them into slave." Ryuu was about to refute when a panel screen popped up and read the description that said. 

[ Side Mission ]

[ Description: A certain nun had been tricked into following a group of fallen angels and seeking to steal her sacred gear, a power only wielded by humans.

Objective: Enslave the Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt .

Reward: Black Imperial Sword Judecca. ] 

He was surprised at the reward since the weapon was from a show called Trinity seven and was a powerful sword that has its own will that acts like an A.I. Rias once again giggled and said.

"Fufufu did you get a mission about enslaving them? As expected of my Ryuu~." He rolled his eyes and chuckled since he was already thinking about enslaving them instead of killing considering it could leave a bad impression on Azazel but with his luck even killing them won't affect his goal that much. Ryuu thought it would be a waste to kill them beside that fallen angel guy as he was under Kokabiel unlike the other three.  Ryuu then replied with.

"Well, anyway I am just letting you know and maybe inform Sirzechs about the situation." Rias nodded when she normally wouldn't contact her brother for small things but that was in the past and she took her responsibility more seriously than before. She understood that an immature decision of handling a situation that could cause another great war is not a joke and even if they are just unimportant subordinates doesn't remove the fact that they had killed a member of their race if she acted too immaturely. 

"I'll be on it but….make sure I get my dose of Ryuunium." Ryuu chuckled as they're conversation ended, feeling a disturbance in the Force, as if millions of people suddenly cringe and suddenly felt like dying. He shook his head and took out Rebellion and Yamato that were hovering beside him as they sprouted Six wings each pair of the three factions, Angel, Devil and fell as he flew into the sky with great speed and said.

"I should do this with style and swag! Maybe I should place Ego on my weapon later." He would make his weapon into a living blade like Judecca and would ask Alaya to give part of collective consciousness that focuses on fusion/Union and Separation/Severance to create their ego. He could just use his power to create their soul and ego but it won't be as good compared to Alaya. 

He places the thoughts at the back of his head and turns his weapon into a pair of rings where Yamato had blue gems and rebellion had red gems. Ryuu placed his index and middle finger as he descended into the ground where he started walking towards the abandoned church sensing five individuals, two males and three females. He took a very enthusiastic walk through the woods and was confronted by a crazy guy with a lightsaber that he recalled to be a free sellzen who said.

"Oh my! What do we have here? A poor so-" Ryuu rolled his eyes and he flick his hand grabbing something as Freed vision change and saw his own body suddenly fell into its knee and saw his own headless corpse spewing blood everywhere as life slowly fade away as Ryuu had severed his head by manipulating space and folding it like sheet of paper before ripping his head from his body and throw the head into the ground. 

Ryuu dislikes long monologues if it's not necessary since most are just exposition and he dislikes Freed to just kill him without hesitation. Though, it might be a problem for the future since Kokabiel need someone to wield the Excalibur fragments but he doesn't care considering fate itself bend over and let him fuck it.  

There would be someone to replace him or even change the course of things but the amount of F he gives is less than Ayin's domain. He threw the head to the entrance where he merely flicked with little to no momentum yet the force made the head act like cannonball. Getting the attention of four fallen angels as he place his on the back of his hand while an old man that wore a fedora and overcoat said. 

"Who are you? Are you a servant of those pesky devil's?"  Ryuu ignored him since he wasn't important and glance at the other fallen angel as young a girl with blonde hair which was styled into twin-tails and blue eye that wore a Gothic Lolita attire, which consisted of a black dress with white frills, a large black bow on the front, and a green jewel embedded on the collar, white thigh-high socks, and black shoes. She also wore a large black bow on top of her hair. Her name was Mittelt. she suddenly said in a mocking tone. 

"What are you looking at, Human? Scared, are we??" 

A tall and buxom woman with brown eyes and long, navy blue hair that obscured her right eye.Her attire consisted of a maroon, trench coat-like top with a wide collar, a matching miniskirt, and black heeled shoes. The trenchcoat top was open at her chest, giving view to her breasts and cleavage. She also wore a gold necklace around her neck. She appears to wear a white shirt underneath her top, but it can only be seen from the bottom. Her name was Kalawarna.  She joined the conversation and said. 

"Shouldn't we just kill him and be done with it? Though, I'd like to play with this handsome human."  Her erotic words only made Ryuu smiled and said.

"Careful, don't want to be the one screaming my name." He wink at her, making the woman bewitched by his charisma and power and was instantly enslaved as she gained the womb tattoo with the addition of a mark on her neck that is currently invisible as she is unable to resist him anymore. Meanwhile, another one who appeared to be an attractive young woman with violet eyes having a slender body. She had long silky black hair down to her hips and possessed two black feathered wings. 

Her clothing also changed dramatically, now consisting of black, strap-like objects (resembling leather) around and under her breasts, a thong-like piece held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heel boots. As she said created a light spear and said.

"Tell us who you are, why you are here, then maybe it will make things easy for you." He shrugged it off then suddenly released his aura making them fall into the ground instantly marking the three women and said.

"Who am I? I'm your Daddy."