Chapter 279 - Idiots

The fallen angels were crushed under the pressure of the young man before them who seemed to smirk and was delighted seeing them struggle to breath. He narrowed his gaze looking at them and felt losing their consciousness as Ryuu hardly used his Aura. Meanwhile, the pride of the fallen angel refused to yield and tried to fight through the pressure as the male Fallen Angel managed to resist from pure anger and conjured a holy light spear before dashing toward Ryuu who still had his arms behind his back and screamed. 

"Die!!" He thrust his holy light spear toward Ryuu who saw the attack inches away from his eyes and made him evilly smiled turning the smirk of the male fallen angel believing that he had won while his allies felt the same only for the spear to shattered upon impact and grabbed him by the neck and gave him a amuse smile and said.

"You are too young to kill me, child. Death is not one sided, if you want to kill then you should be prepared to die as well." His eyes glowed that made the male fallen angel to quiver in fear witnessing that he was powerless to do anything and said.

"W-What are you!" Ryuu rubbed his chin morphing into his person and said.

"Who am I? Some say I'm Ryuu Cinco or Kazuno." He then shifted into his female self, surprising the fallen angel and said.

"Others say, I'm Ryuku Kazuno." Ryuu then shifted back to his male self and said.

"One called me Adam Kadmon. However….for you." He pulled his face closer and tilted his head showing menacing smiles and said.

"I am your judgment." In that split moment, the male Fallen Angel squirmed and screamed as he experienced like any other making the other three fallen angels horrified watch as their allay convulse on the ground. He narrowed his gaze as if looking at trash kicking him to the side letting him suffer to be in constant pain then turn his attention to his attention to three woman removing his pressure letting the Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner to breath recovering from the pressure and looked at Ryuu and who had his back exposed as they tried to attack but they're body stop moving when they tried as Ryuu said.

"Don't even try to attack me unless you want to experience the same thing as that guy over there." Ryuu turned his head behind showing them his red eyes and evil smile making them shudder looking at their ally who had his eyes tear up blood and vocal cord destroyed after screaming in agony. He created a chair and sat down looking at the three as he pointed at Raynare and said.

"I may know your agenda but I want to be sure. Can you tell me what that perverted governor task you do in this town exactly?" She couldn't resist and told him everything and the reason why they were there making Ryuu facepalm having interpreted Azazel command. This is the reason he made sure the misunderstanding is minimal when it comes to his fanatic followers considering his words can be misinterpreted. Ryuu already knew the reason why they were there and merely wanted to double check as he rubbed his chin thinking and said.

"You three are idiots, you know that?" His words infuriated and the petite girl was bold enough to shout.

"How dare you insult us!? Once we break free what you did to use i-" Ryuu merely glanced, making her squirm and felt her body growing hotter from the second his gaze landed on her body and said.

"W-What's going on!? W-Why do I feel aroused!!" Mittelt is unable to move and moan trying to relieve herself while her friends watch in disbelief and heard him speak.

"I do like to lie and my words are often the truth. When I say you are idiots then it must be true. Even if I haven't met your governor I'm still confident when he means observing the sacred gear user doesn't equate to killing!" Ryuu shook his in disappointment and continued to barrate them.

"Tell me, who told you that killing the sacred gear user was your task?" He glanced at Kalawarner and ogled at her body. It was just the type he enjoyed and made her shudder and surprisingly even blush a bit since he wasn't merely lusting and was appreciating her body.  She suddenly answered and said.

"W-We told you to kill them because that guy you've killed informed us our task had changed and we can't disobey Azazel-sama's command."  Ryuu facepalmed and couldn't help but gave out a laughter thinking at least this world have some common sense but it seem fate always find it's way and said. 

"Don't you think it's a bit stupid that your governor who doesn't want any conflict or war to start would suddenly wish to kills someone within the territory of, Not one but Two Heiress THAT also happens to be little sister of Maou?" His words suddenly made them realize that amount of stupidity they could have done if they suddenly acted because of a single mistake as Ryuu said.

"Well, well, now that your brain cells finally return, I have a task for one of you while the other two shall begin their job as my Maid and servant from now on." They heard his words and tried to refute but found that they unable to as Ryuu narrowed his eyes letting them see his glowing eyes as the sky flashed as lighting pass by as he said.

"This is a payment for trespassing and trying to murder within my Lover's territory. Consider this as light punishment. Now you, little girl, go and tell Azazel that I wish to meet him and I'll be the one heading to his office 5 days from now. Understood?" Ryuu released a bit of dominating aura making raynare violently nodded and said.

"Y-Yes, I-It will be done, M-Master." The last word was the affect of her slave mark as she flew heading back to Grigori leaving the two woman to look at him with fear in there eyes and Mittelt suffering finally ended as she was supported by her friend and said.

"What are you going to do with us?" Ryuu didn't bother glancing back at them and gestured to follow him as he summoned Yamato creating a portal that made the two fallen angel speechless sensing how powerful the weapon was and said.

"A maid, considering killing you would give a bad impression to Azazel unlike that guy who is probably allied with that warmonger, elf reject Kokabiel. You two are loyal to Azazel unlike him." The two realize that they were tricked by that accursed warmonger since the more they think about the more it made sense and understood that Ryuu essentially saved them from disgrace as well save their life. 

Kalawarner can't help being affected by his charisma and words that the thought of serving doesn't bother her that much. Not to mention, he was her type of a man who is dominating and strong. Meanwhile her friend was still affected by the arousal and wanted to relieve himself or be used by Ryuu which slowly depraved their mind into bidding his will.  

Ryuu doesn't care about someone who should have died and frankly if he doesn't see them romantically at the moment. He will treat them as bed-warmers for the time being. They anxiously followed him leaving their male allies to continously be torture where 1 second equals 100 quadrillion years until he crumbled and turn to dust.  Meanwhile, the two fallen angels were greeted by a massive hall where maids and butlers were roaming around as the head butler stood before him and said.

"Greetings, my lord. We've received your command and are these the ones you've mentioned?" The old butler glanced at the two fallen angels and received a nod from Ryuu and said.

"That's correct, teach and prepare them to be my personal maids." The old butler nodded and gestured for the fallen angel to follow. They wanted to refuse but their new master commanded them and said.

"Do your best and if I'm satisfied then I'll reward you two." He leaned closer whispering into their ear making them shiver as if their body had been touched by Ryuu as he slapped Kalawarner's ass much to Mittelt jealousy and seem to not even think about their freedom or their situation merely wish to gain their reward and serve their master.