Chapter 281 - Let shall see

Ryuu smiled at seeing the weapon that were capable of doing amazing benefits turning Isla back into her Yamato form and slash at something that surprisingly works as he slices every ugly bastard across the hentaiverse making them fall from like flies across every timelines. He was pleased with the weapon while Isla seemed to smirked and Elanor to frown suggesting it be used and display her power and grasped the weapon, slashing something amaze how it allowed Ryuu to fused a few timelines into one lessening the numbers. Ryuu knew that these powers will be useful in the future and turned them back into human form and heard a voice.

"I knew I sensed something was going. What were you doing, Darling?" They turned to see Lucifer walking towards them as he spotted the two living weapons and said.

"Oh, I see you've made your weapon a human form. This one, I like." She glance at Elanor who had the same sadistic tone as her while the two weapon introduce themselves making Lucifer nod and kiss Ryuu who asked.

"How was the Hell I've made?" Within Ryuu's own personal world there is an underworld where sinner are place to be cleanse until they serve their sentences while those who are truly heinous are place in Slaneesh realm to be tortured endlessly in the most horrifying way possible. Though, only those who truly deserve are placed in the realm. Lucifer nodded and said.

"It's still a work in progress but it is more manageable than my own Hell back in my homeworld. Though, I would prefer it if you would have the power to help me." Ryuu smirked and said.

"Well, good news because I might be getting just that with the new reward." Lucifer perks up hearing that he had gain a reward and said.

"A reward? You've another side mission with incredible reward? You know this chat group is incredibly unfair." Ryuu shrugged it off, crossed his arms and said.

"Ain't my fault my charms work even with my dear Khaos.". The creator of Chat Group, Khaos had been tampering with the system and giving him incredible reward with his only goal being to get a hundred women before they meet which was a lot in his opinion but not impossible for him. Lucifer rolled her eyes and said.

"So what is that reward you spoke of?" Ryuu grinned and held out his hand when suddenly, a black aura appeared before them, though it only lasted a second before disappearing, leaving behind a black sword floating in front of him. It was a longsword consisting of a jagged blade with a hook at the tip. Inside the crossguard contains a round gem, and attached to the pommel of grip is a long skeletal lanyard.

[ Side Mission (accomplished) ]

[ Description: A certain nun had been tricked into following a group of fallen angels and seeking to steal her sacred gear, a power only wielded by humans.

Objective: Enslave the Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt .

Reward: Black Imperial Sword Judecca. ]

With a smile, Ryuu extended his right arm, and reached 

out for the sword, grabbing it. At the same time, the 

skeletal lanyard encircled around his right arm before 

stabbing it. Almost immediately, he heard a feminine voice coming from the sword.

{ "Ryuu Cinco/Kazuno/Yaldabaoth/Adam Kadmon Soul Identified" Activating Judecca }

{ First requirement "Demon King Physique Identified"}

{ Second requirement "Demonic Force Identified" }

{ Third requirement "Demon King Bloodline Identified" }

{ All requirements met. Good morning, my Demon King }

With a grin, Ryuu suddenly released a massive power that reached the entire Draconic Deus as the pressure affected the entire population of the devil as they felt the dreadful birth of the True Demon Primogenitor. Yaldabaoth was the creator of Daemon, a completely different entity from Devil that was created by Lucifer and Demon that was created by Ayin as the complete opposite of Angel. The Daemon are spirit and Devils and Demon can sometimes classify as Daemon if they become spirit. 

The Hell that he made began to solidify having their own circles and a throne where it governed the entire land. His form started to change, having his hair grow longer and deage to appear pre-teen as the sclera of his eyes turn black leaving only the shimmering red pupil akin to a mystic eye of distortion. They witness the sword within his hand reform changing into something suited him. 

[ Image here ] 

Lucifer and Styx were mesmerized by his aura that suited their divinity and authority making them more attracted to him than before. Ryuu felt the immense power that came from regaining his power as the True Daemon Primogenitor but frowned as it gave an edge as Deamon and Demon. It was useful against fellow Daemon and Angel but for the most part it won't be effective. Still he rubbed his chin looking at the weapon and said.

'Judecca, can you give me a full scan on my full power and do you know anything about my origin?' Judecca quickly answered in a more robotic tone and said.

{ Master, your full power is immeasurable and infinitely expanding. However, if use the scale of 12th dimension then it is around 100x stronger than infant born from the 12th dimension. } Ryuu sighs realizing how meager his strength was compared to higher dimensional beings since he transcends space and time having gained the absolute Transcendent quite a while ago and said.

'Are you factoring my true form?' Judecca responded and said.

{ Negative. If I use Master's true form then it is incalculable even for me. } He merely nodded as he  tried to swing Judecca in front of him causing a large fissure that split the ground in two. And with another swing, the entire was restored almost immediately and was repaired as if they were never there. Ryuu carefully observed Judecca and thought.

'You are truly a fine weapon, Judecca.' The sword seemed to blush hearing the praise of her master while Elanor heard it because she was connected to Ryuu and wrapped her around him and said.

"Master, don't forget me! Just because she's slightly stronger doesn't make us any less useful!" Her sister sighs and says,

"The way you said it made it sound so." Ryuu chuckled and said.

'Judecca, can you turn into your human for me?' Judecca didn't respond and quickly transformed into a young slender woman with a large bosom, dark skin and long white hair, as well as short pointed ears. Her main attire consists of a white short one piece dress that exposes her shoulders, back, and hips, opera gloves and thigh boots with neapolitan cuffs. Lucifer whistled and said.

"How many girls were added? At this rate, you'll fulfill great sis Khaos request." Ryuu nodded not bothered by his tease as the new addition were Mittelt, Raynare, Kalawarner, Elanor, Isla and Judecca with the former three were more akin to slave rather than love interest at the moment while the latter three are weapons and be considered as Concubines. 

"How about we have a little spar and see how good that weapon of yours is?" Ryuu rubbed his chin, nodding knowing that among his women Lucifer is the strongest as she can be considered Conceptual and embodies Hell itself. Though, her scale doesn't equate to his true form but when it comes to serious mode then Lucifer is terrifying since unlike the game, Lucifer before him is a hardened warrior who fought against her father or at least a variant of Yesh. He nodded as they all followed to the training dimension where every material was 10 billion times stronger than normal, where even a superclass devil wouldn't be able to crack the ground.  

The girls were on the spectator seat to watch the show where Alaya, Gaia and Izanami place barrier to protect themselves as they cheered for their husband and friend as Ryuu remained in his [ True Demon Primogenitor form ] while Lucifer power began to churn releasing her Demonic energy that cause the entire Devil society to shiver simultaneously as if an Asian parent find out about their bad grade wielding the mighty tsinelas. 

In that moment, Lucifer sprouted wings that were not devil rather it was a shimmering light of an angel containing an indescribable power of the Morningstar. It was beyond beautiful seeing her wings that shine even in the darkest land making Lucifer happy that she likes her wings even though she is disgusted by it and usually never uses her power but this is an exception. 

As she began to shroud her body with black armor that had bits attaching into her wings as she manifested a flaming blade making Ryuu feel slight pain as he billions upon billions of sin seemed to scream in his mind and heart as he recognized the sword and said. 

"The Flaming sword huh. I recalled your father using it against me when we fought. I wonder if a replica can hold a candle to it." Ryuu eye's eyes shimmer as the released their power and began to crack the entire ground by just powering up while Lucifer merely smiled and said.

"Then let's find out shall we, Darling~?"