Chapter 282 - Faction reactions

In the underworld, the Four Great Maou were discussing the sudden appearances of Ryuu and how it could greatly affect their society. He aims to reform and change their society with the help of Lucifer who easily has the right to control the entire faction for being an alternative version of their creator. Sirzech understood that their society is a complete mess and cling to old tradition rather than accept the change and adapt but the old coat refused and remained stubborn. On the other hand, his clan had an edge now that their in-laws would be someone like Ryuu whose power is unknown even for him. He tried gauging his strength only to find that it was impossible to win even if he goes all out. 

He appears defenseless yet the moment a single thought of fighting causes shivers through his spine. The same goes for his close friend Ajuka and Falbium that combined might of them won't even scratch him or even a single hit. Sirzech and the rest of the Maou could only hope for the best. Meanwhile, Serafall had different thoughts when he met Ryuu wondering how he would appear wearing a magical girl outfit. She stopped in her own thoughts when her friend, Sirzechs called out her name.

"Serafall, how was the investigation with Naberius?" He had a troubled expression knowing how Ryuu would be the one punishing them if they were given a light punishment. Sirzechs can't blame him since he thought if he was in similar situations and understood how it could cause an uproar if they found out the research. Though from the way he spoke seems to be negotiable and can be tamed with his sister helps. 

Sirzech knew that his power was beyond anyone that he had seen, even the Ouroboros dragon seemed to be dust compared to him. He can't at least manage to damage the dragon god if he tried hard enough but Ryuu was beyond power. Serafall responded and said.

"It's going smoothly and we're just waiting for the evidence from Ryuu-tan!" Sirzechs nodded and said.

"That's great, I've already contacted Azazel and Michael in regards to the peace treaty. They seem to be interested in meeting Ryuu." They nodded since all of them understood that he was the key in achieving their peace not knowing it would lead to a large reformation of their society and faction. Ajuka nodded and said.

"I believe he is the one we are missing. Someone who can be a middleman between the factions. He seems to have a harem and one of them is that Alternative version of Lucifer." Falbium raised his eyes brown and said.

"What are you trying to say?" Sirzechs vagule understand his words but wanted to hear more of what he intend to say.

"Though it sounds wrong but if we build a relationship with him and engage him with each of the devil clan. This way we will have a way to strengthen our relations with him. However, this is factoring that he accepts their engagement and forcing him to have political relations might make him mad but it is the best I can think of since we can't provide anything because he has the power to have anything he wants by force." 

The tactic was outrageous but his words held merits and can't deny that it was shameful that they can't provide anything after everything he is willing to give them. Serafall heard this and was immediately interested, wondering if her sister would have a chance to engage with him and by joining him would lead to her having her little sister. Even so, she was just having childish ideas and does find him attractive as well as charismatic but doesn't know anything beyond that.

However, Serafall knew he was the kind of mind that would do anything for his partners and family which only made her interested if he was willing to be a magical girl or at least join her on a trip to an anime convention. It was at that moment when they sensed something that caused them to shudder as if their father had returned and made their blood boil. The four Maou looked at each other trying to see if they weren't the only one who sensed it and the first one to speak was Sirzechs. 

"This….power. it might be from that female Lucifer." She sweated in fear at how incredibly strong her power was, wondering if it was her full power not knowing it was merely the effect of Ryuu regaining his [ True Daemon Primogenitor ] form and was nothing more than the energy that escaped from the barrier. A small wisp of his true power within the dimension that he was powering up. Falbium remarked and said.

"I'm certain that our faction will face a great change very soon. It's best we do our best to prevent those old coat from doing something stupid." They all agreed knowing how stubborn and arrogant those Boomers who keep forcing their lifestyle into the younger generation rather than adapt and change for the betterment of their race. Another moment, everyone sense a similar presence but more dominating and powerful where another middle age man with long white hair was emitting an arrogant demeanor and said.

"This presence? No, that's impossible but if it is then we should find it before the Anti-Maou get a hold of whatever that may be." His aura exploded causing his location to shake violently as another reaction came from the opposite of the devil as the Four Great Seraph were discussing about the Devil faction news in regards to an outsider who willing to help be a middleman for all three great faction in achieving peace and made them wish to meet such a person. A young woman who look rather feminine spoke and said.

"If what Lucifer spoke of then it is within our best interest to prepare and find a way to strengthen our forces." His brothers were reluctant to believe the words of their enemies but can't deny that it will be troubling to know the reason why their father was defeated was due to having exhausted himself after sealing trihexa. Uriel nodded and said.

"Though, I can't completely trust his words until we personally meet this Outsider but agree that it best we prepare our forces if such being arose from its slumber." They were somewhat affected by Ryuu's charisma when his name was merely mentioned, having felt the information can be trusted and at the back of their head something was telling them to meet him. The Angels and the rest of the Vatican did not expect an upcoming crusade and began purging the corrupt within their rank very soon.  

Meanwhile, Gabriel was curious who this person was and wanted to thank him for helping them to prevent the upcoming calamity. It was at that moment they felt a powerful presence wash over the making the three Great Seraph to stare at each other in disbelief and shock as Gabriel was hardly affected by it and Michael shakenly said. 

"This…it should be impossible but…perhaps this is from that alternative Lucifer that they spoke off but…this power." The other great seraph shiver at how terrifyingly strong it was far outclasses their brother Lucifer. As they continue their discussion, another one was happening where tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee was joined by a handsome man in his twenties, with silver-white hair and purple eyes and stunningly attractive woman with sexy hip-length black hair that has bangs hanging on the right side with two ahoges, green eyes, a mole under her left eye, red round glasses, one earring on her left ear and a voluptuous figure along with a middle-aged, gruff-looking man with black hair, matching beard and a muscular body. These were Azazel, Shamhezai, Penemue and Baraqiel. The first one who spoke was Azazel and said.

[ A/N: Penemue is basically Chisato Hasegawa ]

"That's what little red told me, I'm sure he has no reason to lie to us and if this Outsider is telling us the truth then it's time we start working and help in finding that Kokabiel." He is usually laid back but his voice has a serious undertone that shows how dire the situation is if they don't take it seriously. Every faction is on the verge of having another war while a powerful threat like Thrihexa is just waiting to come. Shemhezai nodded and said.

"I agree, however, it is best we meet this Outsider to evaluate if he could be a danger and have a hidden agenda especially knowing that one of them is an alternative version of Lucifer. I can't imagine how their faction is doing with such news but I know it's not good" His words are logical considering they don't know what kind of person Ryuu is and can't just assume he's doing everything out of good will. Nevertheless, they weren't hostile to Ryuu, merely on guard and wished to form a relationship as well as understand what kind of man he was. 

Not to mention, the factor of Lucifer made them more reluctant to cooperate with them but had no choice. He believes that someone like Lucifer even if it is not their Lucifer would still cause an uproar in their faction. Penemue fixed her glasses and said.

"Azazel, have you set a meeting with this outsider? It's best if we have a proper date to set a meeting with them." Azazel nodded and said.

"I have, I'm just waiting for a response and we can't rush things and should prioritize finding Kokabiel before he causes trouble." She nodded as Baraqiel finally decided to speak his mind and said.

"Then I'll be the one to find Kokabiel myself. It is the least I can do knowing what he did." Baraqiel clench his fist burning with hatred having learn that the one who helped in the murder of his family was Kokabiel and had been the one who set up for him to be in mission in order for him not able to save his family. Azazel glanced at his friend and said.

"Very well, but you should be careful. I don't know how strong Kokabiel is but he's no idiot and likely had joined hands with another faction." He nodded, wanting to avenge his family before he could meet his daughter and apologize for what he did. Baraqiel felt guilty everyday and was cowardly for not trying to fix their relationship, burdening himself in avenging her mother. In that moment, Everyone felt the horrifying presence that they were familiar with and Azazel stared at each other and merely said.

"Fuck….I need a drink after this. Who's joining me?"


Outside time 10:00 Am 

Elysium, Divine realm in outside time, Training Room is time diluted for 1:8 hours. 

Everyone watched as young man with long white fluttering hair emitting a dreadful and powerful glow around him as the surrounding violent quake and shake as crack form under his feet while young woman with long hair that also emit similar aura yet it was bright shimmering light that brilliant shine as her wings flap and gripped the flaming sword. They were continuously powerful as the young man, Ryuu held Rebellion, gripping it tightly while two other swords hover around him like a pair of wings. 

Meanwhile back at the spectator seat Izanami who was carrying Shinkami, her son, Alaya, Gaia and Styx were watching with great interest as this is the first time they've seen their husband avatar go all out or at least put some effort in fighting. Izanami was cheering for her husband and said,

"Husband! Me and Shinkami are cheering for you! Right, dear?" Her son seemed to respond by blinking as if agreeing, making Izanami incredibly happy hugging her son tightly while Gaia nodded and said.

"I'm curious how father's avatar wins against Luci. Though, I don't doubt he'll lose but I am interested to see if it is one-sided or not." Styx gave her opinion and said.

"He once mentioned that his avatar can't easily use his power as doing so could cause reality to shift and spiral out of control." Ryuu's had perfect control but understood his power is too immense for a world like DxD and would be used in a strong world like Tenchi Muyo, Gurren lagann, Marvel verse, Dce comics verse, etc. As their world is immensely more powerful than Draconic Deus and can hold his immense power. Alaya nodded and said.

"But now that he has Judecca and given that I have blessed his weapons with an ego rather than artificial ones made it a lot easier to place his power in a single point." They nodded as the four felt a presence and saw Erza, Fubuki and Tawata as Gaia greeted them and said.

"Came to enjoy the show?" Tawata nodded and stared at the screen having sensed the power of Ryuu and said.

"Yeah, I was just training with Fubuki when I suddenly felt something powerful and immediately thought of him but to think Luci-Unnie is his opponent." Her power over gravity was similar to an Esper which is why she normally trains with Fubuki when Ryuu isn't around to have more variation when it comes to the opponent as Ryuu style is different from Tawata. 

Fubuki was speechless, sensing the power of Ryuu and couldn't help but wonder what kind of monster would be able to stop him or even harm him!? She shivers at the thought but realizes how fortunate she was since her abilities had greatly improved and his impression of Ryuu was a positive one.

'Is this your true power?' She ponders unaware of his nothing but an Emanation of his true self having drawn the power of Archon to make it easier to descend his power to the world and the weapon around him being the more direct tool to bring forth his power.

"I guess it will be a sight to see. Where is Justine anyway, it's unlike her to miss a fight like this?" She looked around and didn't see Justine's and Alaya informed her where she was.

"Justine is outside within the mansion in Draconic deus as she wanted to explore the place. Guess she's currently occupied to miss this fight." Tawata nodded and sat down while glancing at Erza.

"How come you're here? Did you find the hero faction and join their ranks?" Erza nodded and said.

"I have and I'm here to report to Ryuu but he's busy so I'll just wait after their fight." Tawata nodded and concentrated their attention to the screen as Ryuu took a stance executing a similar stance as Dante while Lucifer was the same. Their eyes glint before turning into a red streak as the two flash toward each as their weapon clash causing a massive shockwave that could be felt by the other faction but soon the barrier adapts and prevents their power from leaking as they step back staring at each other with an amused smile. 

'Judecca , can you show me Luci, status?'

{ Done, Master. }

[ Status ]

•「Name: Lucifer Morningstar 」


「 Title:『 The Devil 』||『 The Lightbringer 』|| 『 Atse'Hashke 』|| 『 The Maker 』||『 The Mocker 』||『 + incalculable  』」


「 Race: 『True Fallen Angel/True Devil/Demon Primogenitor 』」


「 Base Status: 

Overall Power: High Tier 4-A 

Physical Strength: High Tier 4-A 

Durability: Middle Tier 4-A

Stamina: Middle Tier 4-A 

Intelligence: Middle Tier 4-A


「 HP: ∞ (Immortal) (Average adult man 150) 」

「 MP: ∞ 」

「 Energy: Inapplicable ( Primarily use Divine, Demonic, Angelic )   」


「 Innate Skills :

『 Transcendent Fallen Angel(???) 』||『 Transcendent Demon(???) 』|| 」


「Passive Skill: 『Hell/Underworld Lordship』|| 『Absolute Charisma』||『 + incalculable  』 」


「Active: 『『 Desired Ability Manifestation   』||『Lightbringer form 』||『 + incalculable  』」

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