Chapter 304 - Aftermath


Draconic Deus. 

Greece, Athens. 

Standing before the gods whom he had punished from his homeworld for their immature action. Ryuu under the disguise for Adam Kadmon stared intently at them noticing their power to be around Super class and by using Sirzech as an estimation then the two would be lower considering they should be equal to Hades in terms of overall power. 

Frankly he disliked the Greek pantheon as whole but knowing that things might be different decided to remain open minded. He doesn't care much about their past actions as long as they don't act the same like they did in the stories. 

The only reason why he punished homeworld Zeus was because he acted like a manchild when his lightning bolt was stolen from him rather than try to find it.

Ryuu remained relaxed and stoic despite sensing their killing intent ready to fight at any moment. It wasn't enough to consider them as enemies and more of a way to intimidate him. This is also a way to hide their weakness and stand stall which was admirable in his opinion. 

On the other hand, Zeus and Poseidon remained on guard while also trying not to antagonize them since even how hard they tried their battle instinct is telling them not to fight despite sensing almost nothing in them. They knew that a single wrong move would cause their entire pantheon and perhaps would have done it in the past if it weren't for countless years of contemplation that began to change them. 

Most of their stories had been misunderstood and misinterpreted in this world that it almost became too ridiculous. Zeus was indeed a pervert in the past and even till now but it was not that horrible as the story was written by humans. The same goes for Poseidon and had many sins that Ryuu would have vomited if weren't for his superior mental capacity. 

"Identify yourself!" Poseidon recalled how they were observing the pocket dimension that was supposed to contend with the Titan Gaia who was fighting the collective consciousness, Alaya.

They couldn't interfere considering their strength is beyond their control and merely observed until they found them and arrived where they were unable to see clearly showing them but a blurry image that seemed to disorient them which made them wary and  continue their observation from a distance. 

The two gods immediately knew that this person was not to be messed with when he stared directly at them. They decided to confront them and descended in front of the barrier where only a few minutes it took for them to exit the pocket dimension and witness it disappear, making them anxious to know what happened inside. Ryuu felt a bit of their presence yet didn't change his demeanor and said. 

"I am….Adam Kadmon, Leader of an independent and newly established faction called Sarkist Henosis (unified flesh/Body)." The two gods were taken aback from the introduction and Zeus decided to introduce himself.

"Hmm well then Adam, I am Zeus, The god of Lightning and the King of Mount Olympus." 

"I am Poseidon, the God of Sea and may I ask for what purpose for someone such as yourself in a place like this?" 

They wanted to ask more but were too worried to offend him and cost a devastating battle against him. Meanwhile, Ryuu nodded and began rubbing his chin and said.

"I'll be frank, My goal is to unify all factions and gain something close to peace. I'm no fool in believing true peace is achievable when every creature may be god, devil, Yokai, Fallen angel or whatever would have different views and opinions. However, I know most if not all desire a world where even a second of peace would be enough to help the world to become a better place." 

There is constant conflict and an agenda that it would be naive to think everyone would come to the same banner of peace. However, Ryuu is aiming to achieve it in this world and aims to establish the Council of Godhead where every pantheon would discuss how to manage their world similar to world leaders but on a larger scale. 

In the upper cosmos, the Council of Godhead is a loose committee of the leaders of every Pantheon designed to gather information and share consultation upon menaces or threats which no single pantheon could handle alone. It consists of all god Kings from every pantheon, even Godzilla but he didn't accept it and remained akin to natural force on the Human Realm. Zeus and Poseidon were intrigued, affected by his insanely powerful charisma and Poseidon gave his remark..

"Hahaha Quite the interesting ambition, Adam. How do you intend to do this?" He was interested to know more since this person boldly claimed to have a dream of achieving peace despite numerous attempts before.

"I have many plans, however, the time and place is inappropriate for discussion. I wish to have an audience with you in mount Olympus to see how we can provide our help and establish the treaty of peace." Ryuu already gave Styx the Commander Slate which was an artifact he made that certain rules in them would result in specific punishment. Zeus nodded and said.

"Very well, I agree that this place isn't suitable for us to discuss your ambition. Then tell us an appropriate time and a way to contact you? I am curious what you are going to offer." He nodded and threw something where Zeus caught the item and saw a coin emblem of an eye and said.

"This is a coin that symbolizes our faction. You just need to pour your energy into the coin to contact me. We can discuss more about this around a week from now since they are things I need to do first." Zeus nodded, placing the coin in a pocket dimension storage before speaking.

"Well, I'll make sure to discuss this with the others. I'll contact you if they agree to discuss the treaty." 

Ryuu nodded since he knew full well that not everyone would be on board with the peace treaty like Hades and perhaps Ares. The god of the sea glanced at the two women since he could feel that they were familiar and said.

"Excuse me Adam but may I ask who this woman is? They seem familiar?" Ryuu looked at the two and gave the two gods a smile and said. 

"To tell you the truth, I am a consort of Gaia and Alaya." He couldn't lie causing the two to be shocked and jaw dropped making Gaia giggle and said.

"Fufufufu, Zeus you should consider my consorts offer. There is nothing to lose and more to gain." She decided to speak since Ryuu cannot lie and took his place in making up the story. Ryuu can make up lies but telling them is another thing. Alaya giggled as well, deeply thought and said.

'Maybe steal your wife but it is irrelevant.' Ryuu glanced at Alaya knowing exactly what she was thinking, making her playfully smile. He shook his head and heard Zeus speak.

"My word!? To think Mother Gaia and Alaya would actually have the same consort!! Hahaha here I thought I'm lady killer! Well, I'll surely take your word, mother Gaia into account." She nodded and said.

"Good, to think you'll mature past your pervert antics. Tell me how your marriage is with Hera." Zeus gave a tired sigh and said.

"I know my past sins and bare it everyday. As someone who loves her despite my past actions, I wish for her to find someone who truly gives her the love she deserves. Unfortunately, her role prevents her from such infidelity and now I seek a way to free her. Before she was my wife she was my sister who I adore dearly." 

He spoke his heart, surprising even Poseidon that his brother thought this way to his wife and willing to free her after realizing his mistake. Hearing all of this made Gaia lit up looking at Ryuu who crossed his arms and said.

"No, Gaia."

"Yes, Gaia!"

"Arggh…Alright, I don't like using pity as excuse to get woman but Zeus I have way to severe your marriage without affecting her." Zeus was surprised hearing his words and said.

"You have? How?" 

"Just believe me. However, no need to accept it now and I'll speak to Goddess Hera about this first." He nodded and felt relieved that there's a way to free Hera. After a while the two gods gave their farewell and left the three of them as they headed back home.



Draconic Deus. 

Romania. Vampire Territory. At the same time As Gaia and Alaya. 

Having healed both the Body, Spirit and Soul. Three aspects of Life and Creation. Valerie had her two Sephiroth Graal while one was still in the hand of Rizevim but Ryuu let him be for the time being. He focused his energy on the young dhampir before him who was confused and lost while Ryuu smiled and began patting her head the shower her with a calming Aura and heard him speak.

"I am a lover of whom your childhood friend, Gasper Vladi, is under her custody after the two of you got seperated." 

Her eyes lit up upon hearing her childhood friend. Ryuu still finds it strange that Gasper, a trap, would turn out to be in this world to be a girl. He blamed Khaos for being lazy and didn't bother changing his or her name. 

"Gasper!? H-How is she? Can I see her?" 

"Of course but it's best to wait until you have completely recovered. Anyway, I haven't told you my name, call me Ryuu while this beautiful woman right here is my wife, Kie." She blushed a bit but got a lot better and giggled at the compliment and said.

"Fufufu always smooth with your words dear. Well, I've restored most of your soul, spirit and body but unfortunately, it takes time until you completely recover. Around a week of rest and exercise would be enough." 

"Then, after that I can finally see her?" Ryuu nodded and said. 

"Yes, you can but you'll stay at my residence in order for us to monitor your progress. Also, I don't think you'll like to remain in Tepes, am I correct?" She didn't say anything and nodded while Ryuu continued his words.

"Well, I already planned on giving the responsibility to Carmilal or Elmenhilde but things had changed. For now, once you've come with us we'll help you recover and teach things about what you miss in the world. " 

Valerie has been nothing more than a tool her entire life after her sacred gear had awakened and everything was blur to her. She lacked common sense and understanding of the world around her. After a while, Ryuu and Kie along with Valerie headed to the campsite where he let Kie take the young dhampir and head to find Carmilla and Elmenhilde where the two quickly greeted him and said.

"How is our progress?" 

"Most if not all the nobles under the Tepes Faction had surrendered. Excluding peasants and civilians, We've given everyone a slave mark for good measure." (Carmilla)

"Then what about our forces?" 

"Beside your Daemon and familiar, my lord, there are zero casualties on our side and it is all thanks to your gifts." (Elmenhilde)

It shouldn't come as a surprise that they wouldn't have any causality when most Carmilla Faction had the base power of an Ultimate to Satan class and they are still new to their newfound power and hadn't gotten the time to train it. However, it was fortunate that they acted now since it was the perfect time to let them adapt to their newfound strength. 

"Then our lovely prisoners?" 

"Follow me, My lord. They are currently being examined by our medic."

Carmilla gestured for him to follow and took him within the tent where he found the two women sleeping where he noticed how Mina Tepes had reverted into a young girl wondering if it was Khaos shenanigans or trait that vampire has? He wondered if he was lolicon in the pass but didn't try to go deeper. 

He saw their blood and was impressed that Marius managed to forcibly awaken his blood within these two women but unfortunately it was unstable and slowly killed them as well as destroying their soul. 

"My lord…" His thoughts were interrupted when Elmenhilde and Carmilla were looking at him, seemingly waiting for something. Ryuu chuckled and said.

"Well, come here, let me give you your reward since you declined it earlier." Their eyes glimmered before moving closer to him and transformed into their petite younger form since it was easier to have more space and bite into his neck sucking his extremely rich blood that anyone compatible with it would acquire immense strength and power along with an endless amount of life force.

It felt like a drug to the two vampires while Ryuu used avatars to tell his personal world about them and worship them as vampire goddesses. The benefit of lesser divinity is immense and would be useful for the two women. Was he spoiling them? Yes! Does he enjoy it? Absolutely!

The two finished drinking and licked the residue after it had completely closed and said.

"Mhmm~♥️ such a refreshing taste, my lord. We devote our being to you and will do everything to redeem ourselves." (Carmilla)

"Same goes for me, my lord. I'm grateful you took me despite my previous action." ( Elmenhilde)

"That's great to hear, however, do not push yourself. It is partially my fault for not revealing and my impure blood passing into you but regardless, I'll be relying on you two. I leave the Carmilla faction to you Carmilla while Elmenhilde you'll remain by her side and help Carmilla to the best of your ability." 

"Yes!" The two said in unison while Ryuu turned to the unconscious prisoner and said.

"The Tepes will be under these two since it is better if someone manages this side of the vampire faction." 

They nodded and watched as their master leaned closer to what seem to a young petite version of Mina Tepes and couldn't help shake his head but proceed and bare his fangs on the petite young girl where it spasmed when the fang dug into her flesh where he turned her into yet another concubine fixing the damage soul that she had by turning her into Transcendent vampire.

She moaned from the sensation and opened her eyes in a clouded manner feeling the overwhelmed power flowing into her then saw the memories of the person before her and calmed down letting him be then soon enough Ryuu licked her petite neck.

"Lord Maacah…"

"Quiet and drink my blood." 

She did as told and bit into his neck where she was able to taste his wondrous and flavor blood then soon her body gradually turning back into an adult form before she pulled back and saw her face where it still had blood in her mouth before he leaned in for a deep kiss where their tongue twirl and twist.

"Ara~ quite a lot of new sisters had been added."