Chapter 305 - Cute~


Draconic Deus. 

Kuoh. Teacher faculty. The same time as Alaya and Gaia and others tripped.

Within the school faculty, Ryuu within his Female form was busily filing paper works for Nezuko, Jin-ah and Asia but decided to let the latter to adjust with her life for a week or so and the same goes for Ingvild and Valerie who he is currently rescuing. 

Having Omnipresence was rather convenient as he was able to be anywhere at any time without delay. People would find it strange why he accepted the mission to turn himself into a woman and the answer is quite simple. 

He simply doesn't care and would turn to any form to fulfill his woman's sexual fantasy but won't do Gangbang or even get rammed by them. Ryuu would be the one enjoying pounding them and never be on the opposing side. 

Not to mention, he finds it funny how they would stare at his body and would be disappointed if they find out his true gender. Ryuu finds it funny that there are numerous events happening on the same day that he pity the author who is writing a similar story as his life and the reader since it is quite confusing at this point. 

'I should visit the student council and show the new school regulations. Those two perverts need to be suspended.' He shook his head and left the school office heading to the student council. Ryuu knocked at the door and heard Sona before heading inside to find her playing chess against someone familiar.

"Ara~ miss Ryuuku." (Akeno)

It was Rias who had a knowing smile while Akeno who was behind Rias acted surprised and pretended to know that it was Ryuu in disguise and found it fun to see that he can transform into anything a person desires. Meanwhile Sona observed him and smiled as well.

"Oh hello there, Ryuuku. Is there anything we can do for you?" (Sona)

"Here, I just want to be informed about the recent activities of those perverted duo and want to take their reports to suspend them or even expel the two." He approached them glancing at the chess board and heard Sona said

"Checked. You've lasted longer than before, Rias." 

'That's what she said.' He couldn't help but make the joke while Sona noticed Ryuu gaze on the board and heard his remark.

"Ah, a chess game."

"Are you interested in playing Ryuuku?" 

Sona was curious, sensing some unknown force drawing her in as if being enticed, making her think something was worth investigating. For weeks, Ryuu had been in kuoh she had been investigating everything about "Her" yet nothing was suspicious and found that he lived near Osaka and only recently moved to Kuoh. 

However, she's unaware she's walking into an abyss of no return as the more she wants to know about Ryuuu the more her feelings blossom. Was everything brainwashing? Yes. Ryuu somewhat gave up denying it and only wanted to make the woman who would Come to him with all the love they deserve excluding the slave unless they behave. 

He can't say Mittelt and Kalawarner are changing as it's only been a day since they've begun working as maids to him. They were being taught by the maids who serve him and take care of his homes. Ryuu softly smiled hearing Soma's words and said. 

"Not my forte, but I have time to spare." Sona nodded, looked at Tsubaki and said.

"Great, I'll let Tsubaki gather the documents while we play a short game." Ryuu perplexed  at her words and felt like he wanted to facepalm while Rias and Akeno wanted to giggle but composed themselves and were curious at the outcome. 

It was not a lie because Ryuu isn't the greatest analytic and strategies, however, higher dimensional mind isn't something to scoff at. This is literally thinking outside the box as 3rd dimensional beings can't beat 2 dimensional beings as they are unable to comprehend certain things. Though Ryuu won't actually use it and has an increased dimensional scale within his mind.

"It will only take a moment, Kaichou." Tsubaki nodded and went to find the document while Rias moved to the side giving room for him to sit down. 

"Come sit here, Miss Ryuuku." 

Sona watches in confusion wondering what is going on with her childhood friend since she's acting rather…flirtation with the female teacher. She wondered if she's into women? Sona decided not to delve too deep since it's not her right to invade her friend's personal life unless it endangers her.

'This girl….' Ryuu couldn't help but shake her head knowing what Rias was planning yet didn't try to stop it since he began to follow his desires and also stop lying to himself. 

'I wonder if I'm Yaldabaoth or Ryuu Cinco….' He couldn't help ponder it at every moment but accepted the fact he was both of them nothing more nothing less. His parents are still his parents and nothing changes that. 

"Which color piece do you prefer?" 

"Black piece. It's my favorite color next to red and a bit of blue." 

His tone was rather flirtatious with Sona but she didn't think of it and understood that the teacher before her is into women despite being in the form of a woman. If only she knew. 

"How can it be your favorite if you have more?" Ryuu chuckled a bit while setting up the pieces and said.

"Depends on the situation. There shouldn't be a limit when having a favorite." Sona was unaware that he was speaking about his woman and how he does his best not to be biased and find the perfect situation suited for his woman. Not everyone thinks the same and shouldn't be treated the same.

"Well, let's begin." She took the first move and followed by Ryuu moving his pawn. He didn't try to use any skill and only followed his intuition and acted like a risk taker. This was easily noticed by Sona and was confused at the orthodox tactic that he was using.

'What is she planning? Is she purposely losing to set a trap?' Everything seemed to be in her favor and began to feel suspicious since she saw the expression of Ryuu and couldn't help but blush. 

'W-Why am I blushing? I'm not into women!? Gaaah it's My sister's fault!' 

"Hmm? Is there something wrong?" Ryuu paused for a moment to look at Sona who shook her head while Tsubaki walked up to Ryuu and said.

"Here you go, Miss Ryuuku." 

"Thank you, Tsubaki. Sona is quite lucky to have you around fufufu." Tsubaki only smiled and turned back to Sona who spoke up.

"I'm fine, I just find your movement to be rather unique." 

"Is that so? Well, I don't know much about what I'm doing. Checkmate." 

Ryuu laughed it off before Sona heard his word and looked back on the board and saw that her piece had fallen into a trap, shocking everyone in the room with their own reason. Tsubaki was surprised to see her king lose to a game and hadn't seen her lose even once before with exception of Ajuka but that is a losing battle as the Beelzebub Maou is known for his intellect. 

Regardless, Sona is nearly unrivaled in strategic analysis allowing her to carefully predict the outcome but she was in disbelief seeing that she lost to someone who for the most part acted at random. She composed herself since she believe that it was fine since she was woman and said 

"It's hard to believe that I actually lost. How did you manage to trap my king?"

"To be honest, I only followed my intuition and for the most part helped me win. I'm not the best when it comes to strategy games hahaha." 

Ryuu always finds it rather confusing how her engagement rule of whoever defeats her in chess will become her husband without question which was surprising to how she managed to remain single. 

He doubts there wouldn't be anyone capable of defeating her and finds it always used as reason for fanfic or rather Dreamer. They are people who meet Rob, an entity molded by humanities beliefs and turn it into a reality but most of their advantage is nothing more than a lie. 

They often use it as an opportunity to have Sona and Ryuu find it unfair but he can't deny his hypocrisy. Regardless, he'll give her the best and pitied Saji hoping that those two other chick confessed and he will accept them. 

"Well, it's been very interesting but I must go. Akeno, Rias, I'll be visiting your occult for some inspection." They nodded and watched him leave while Sona couldn't help but ask her friend and said.

"Do you notice anything strange about her? My instinct is telling me there's more to her than she lets on. I've investigated her background and everything seems clean." Rias put her fingers on her lips and said.

"You'll find out soon. Let's just say she knows about us." She seem taken aback by the revelation and intently stared at her friend before speaking her mind.

"Whatever you're hiding, make sure it won't end in tragedy." She heard someone giggling and it was Akeno making her confused.

"Fufufufu I doubt it will be a tragedy but it is certainly a shocking revelation. Well, we've said enough and it's up to Ryuuku to tell you more about Herself." The two left while Sona, deep in her thoughts as Tsubaki questioned her king.

"What do you think those two are hiding from us?"

"I'm unsure but whatever it is, they have a reason for hiding it. Let's take a close eye on her for the time being." 

The two continued their Student council activities while Ryuu headed back to his office finishing the report before heading back to her class finishing it rather quickly and giving everyone a break. He was wondering what he should do for the time being since he isn't hungry and Rias and Akeno class isn't over yet. 

Ryuu glanced at Issei who walked out with two of the Kendo girls which he recalled to be Katase and Murayama along with two white haired women who he tried recalling but felt something blocking him. 

'Whoever those two girls are, they are likely part of my brother's harem….hahaha bastard, guess blood is thicker than water. Well, I wonder why he hasn't solved the faction problem? Or perhaps something prevented him? Regardless, everything is in my favor.' 

While he was deep in his thoughts and was about to walk out of the room was suddenly called out by someone and turned to find Aika Kiryuu and said.

"What can I do for you, Miss Kiryuu?" 

"Uhmm…I was wondering if you can help me with this? I feel confused at some part of it and wondering if you could help me?"

"Sure why not? How about you showing me around the school campus while I answer your question? I haven't explored many parts of the campus." 

"That sounds great." Ryuu gave her a warm smile making Aika blush a bit and couldn't help but her perverted tendency seeing his beautiful and hot body. They stroll around the campus while Aika asks things about their class, giving her a simple answer and breaking them down. 

'She would be great if she learned how to use magic.' 

He can see an amazing innate talent in magic and wondered if he should give her Yogumuth Shard to gain the Magic master and knowledge that he has. And it was suited for her unlike his previous candidate who was Lavinia Reni as the shard wouldn't show it's potential if it was not given to Aika. 

"Oh that's a lot easier, thank you." 

"No problem, it's my job and I should be grateful that you showed me around. I find it enjoyable to see someone grow and guide through their adversary. Well, this is where we depart. I'll be heading to the Occult Research Club to discuss something."

"Isn't that the club run by Rias-Senpai and Akeno-Senpai?" 

"That's correct. I'll be helping them in their activities. And If you're going to ask what it is, well it's confidential." 

She winked at her making Aika flustered while she quickly excused herself and walked away leaving Ryuu to chuckled then glance to his side and saw people playing tennis. In the past, he couldn't do much sport but enjoyed Badminton and seeing tennis, despite their differences, made him recall the past. 

He spotted a busty young woman with long, brown hair arranged in multiple drill-like curls, who emenate a enticing scent and aura that it was rather noticeable to him. 

'If I'm not wrong, she is Kiyome Abe, the only college student character shown in the series. She seems quite the beast tamer and would likely be a great friend with Nezuko.' 

Ryuu is Primogenitor of the earthly beast and he can see that her Aura was in perfect sync to the beast allowing her to tame them quite easily. He took a moment to watch her match and saw her wearing a tennis uniform that started to get soaked in sweat, easily winning her match. Kiyome was given a towel by her friends and spotted Ryuu who gave a smile before leaving. 

'Hmm? Who was that? She felt like a beast??'

Kiyome was confused, sensing something similar to the beast she had collected and tamed but somewhat different as well. Her thought was soon interrupted by her classmate and forget what she was thinking while Ryuu walked his way to Occult club and spotted Yuumi.


"Hmm? Oh, Ryuu-I mean Ryuuku." 

"Just call me Ryuu when we're alone." Ryuu reverted back to his male form since they weren't any more students close by while Yuumi smiled and said.

"Then call me Yuumi."

"Alright, Yuumi. Don't you have a class today?"

"Oh, our class is on break. I was thinking of joining the others."

"Well, perfect! I prepared some meals for everyone." She nodded as the two headed their way to the occult research building while Yuumi stayed quiet taking a quick glance to Ryuu who decided to speak.

"Is there something in my face?"

"Ah! N-No, it's not that. I'm just wondering if you're free on the weekend?" 

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"W-Well, I've asked Buchou and she said yes."

"Of course, who would refuse a pretty girl like you?" She blushed since Yuumi was still pretending to be a man and looked like a pretty boy and said.

"T-Thank you. Do you think I'm pretty even though I'm disguising myself as a man?"

"My weeb blood would say that's the best part. But yeah, I see as a pretty if not beautiful woman with the heart to back it up." 

She felt her flutter hearing his kind words and everything he said was true since Ryuu always speaks from the heart and hardly lies. 

"Anyway, I'm free on the weekend. We can have our date but I won't lie to you that I might also have a date with one of my women but don't worry I'm omnipresent. Just tell me where you would like to go on our date?" 

"W-Well, can you surprise me? I'm not that great when it comes to dating even though people think so."

"Hahahaha alright. You're so cute when you're flustered." He laughed making her redder and tried to hide it but Ryuu can see it without looking as the two continued their way into the building.