
I was resurrected to life when the tears of pain formed a huge puddle on the bathroom ground. I wasn't going to cry out for him anymore; my howls became silent and my beating heart calmed down after the mental exhaustion I had put myself through. He was going to leave sooner or later and I had to come back to my stable tracks.

I had to go back to my piano. The only thing that brought me back to solace silence.

I stood up from the ground and walked with my wet blue hospital gown and severely pink aching cheeks with dried tears. I tried so many times to keep him just like my mom but he left. He didn't want anything to do with me in the first place and I was slowly starting to embrace it.

"We were looking everywhere for you," the nurse grabbed my arm when she saw me at the front of the men's bathroom. "Come with me, darling." This time I didn't rebel, I complied. Like the goody-two-shoes I was.

She didn't question the state I was in, she just brought me back to my room and helped me lay down on the hard hospital bed, I should have listened to mom.

The dark night sky didn't help in calming me down. I thought about that man and the doubts I had about him being in some sort of a gang with Ryson. I didn't want him to get hurt because that man was vile and if it wasn't for Ryson, I was going to be either dead or raped.

I stared up at the ceiling until a shadow of someone made me avert my eyes quickly to the door and sighed in relief when I saw that it was Alexa, she came in and closed the door behind her.

"What happened to you?" She rushed to my side and held my hand, frowning at how devastated I felt.

"I had a panic attack and forgot my inhaler," I answered automatically. The name "Evange" that came out of his mouth was whispering in my head in repeat now and I wasn't concentrating on what she said next.

"....your dad." She finished and I nodded with a poker face. I was literally out of it.

"You're right," she grabbed her phone from her small purse, "I should call your dad." That got me back to reality when I stole the phone out of her palm without hesitation.

"No, Alexa," I sighed heavily, disagreeing with her suggestion, "I am fine." I had been saying that a lot and when I realized that I didn't actually mean that, I was sad all over again. I wasn't expecting to return to the darkness after mom died but I did.

The way he let out a smile once in a while when he played the piano and the way his eyes never knew anything peaceful could sound so stunning when he gazed at the way his fingers softly tapped the piano keys.

"You're not fine." She snapped. Ryson's smile faded as my eyes took in the concern my best friend was feeling. Her forest green eyes had a foreign color when the hospital bright yellow light illuminated her face.

"Alexa, dad doesn't need to be worried and neither should you," I stated, "the annual winter is in two days and I am better now," I explained to ease her worry.

The heart monitor beeped steadily and the needles were numb to my pale hand, I wiggled my toes in the conditioned room and my body was relieved from the sweat when the cool air was released from the Air conditioner to my face.

"I won't call your dad," my stressed shoulders sagged in relief to Alexa's surrender until she talked again, "unless you tell me what happened." I huffed at how annoyingly nosey she could be and decided to tell her.

"A man tried to kidnap me when I was walking back home," a gasp sounded from Alexa at my confession, "and Ryson saved me and brought me here when I had a panic attack from the man." Double gasping, Alexa's eyes couldn't have gone any wider.

"Oh my God, Ryson, the bad boy," she squealed, "saved you." She laughed like she couldn't believe what I had said. It might have seemed that he was a bad dangerous boy but to what I saw before the bare emotion he released- made me immune to the fake act he put through.

"Yeah. I was shocked too." I admitted truthfully; the way he looked at me was raw and so passionate, that I had lost my breath. I was surprised to see that coming from him, I was a bit judgemental when it came to him but when I saw how he could act so normally, I knew that he was having trouble and that wasn't anything to be ashamed of.

"When are they letting you out of the hospital?" She asked with frantic eyes. I knew that dad would cling to Alexa until she told him the truth.

"Don't worry, they let me out in an hour," I responded. The clock read 8 pm and an hour was going to bring me back into the previous unforgettable events. I didn't want to go back there.

Alexa stayed through an hour with me, talking about our future and how we would remain the best of friends. She was the opposite but she was special to me in her own way.

"I hope you feel better later." The nurse that brought me in earlier reappeared and wished me luck when she told me I was going to be let out.

"Thank you." I breathlessly said with a smile. I was aching to go back home and read even more about how to have piano control and the basics.

I wore my previous clothes and packed my bag again, Alexa and I trudged out of the entrance.

The entrance that he walked out of.