
"What the fuck?" I yelled, grabbing my dad away from the prostitute, who was half naked and now on the floor, "you need to wake the fuck up, you just came out of the hospital, you bastard excuse of a father." I spat out at his angry face, I didn't care, I had reached the limit where I was immune to dad.

The living room's stench was unbearable and I had to get out of there before I lashed on dad again.

I pushed him as the stripper dressed up and ran away from the crazy household. He didn't say anything, he was too furious to so I left him.

I let go of that flashback about what happened before catching the man that had Evangeline and wanted to trade her for slavery. Mr. Yeman was a vile man of no morals, I knew him when I was a part of his gang, he disgustingly sold women to boxers and rich men for money.

I was irritated and mad, still walking down the windy bare streets of Michigan, not knowing where the fuck was I going. All I knew was that if it was away from the beautiful blonde haired girl, I was going to be fine.

"Mom, I don't want him to make you ugly." I whimpered.

Her tears went down her cheeks as she held me against her warm chest and her hair flew like the rustles of autumn leaves behind her face, she was always my stunning mother.

"I'm in your heart so I'm beautiful." She smiled soothingly down at me as I smiled back.

"Hey, Ryson," the man from before emerged from the canopy of oak trees next to my house to me to confront me, "long time no see, kiddo."

"Leave her out of it." I threatened with dark amber eyes and jaw clenched.

"I can tell that she means a lot to you," he licks his upper lips after he stated, "this is going to be fun for me." The thirty years old man was sick minded. He used girls like they were his personal play toys.

"Your problem is with me," I calmly said, "just because I left your bloody gang doesn't mean you have to take your piteous revenge on her." I gazed steadily at Mr. Yeman.

"You should know the rules by now," he mockingly said as he approached me, I had my hands in my pockets, "it's a shame that your father sold you to me and made you join that gang, now I have to force you back in." He gruffly chuckled.

Mr. Yeman was a teacher in the Michigan school, dad wanted money and he wanted a new gang member. I had left it a year ago when I was seventeen.

It was a part of their sick plans; they wanted to make me the bad guy every time the police came to stop the rage parties Mr. Yeman had to make and I'd always be the police's target when they disappeared.

"I will not go back there." I seethed as my fingers wrapped around a gun and took it out of my pocket.

"Whoa there, kiddo, don't get too ahead of yourself." He seemed like he was enjoying it when he tried to calm me down.

"Stay away from me or else, I will expose you and your silly gang." I threatened darkly at the cold-blooded man, he remained standing with a grin on his wrinkly face.

"No promises." He spoke out, I pressed on the trigger. The bullet reached his leg. The people around us hollered and the man that once threatened me too many times went down to the ground temporarily. I wanted to aim at his head, but the interruption of the other men caused me to lose my aim.

I didn't want his death to be easy.

"This won't be over." He hissed at me as the rest of his gang came to attack me but they were too late because the sirens were heard and the blue and red lights flashed for the gang to escape with their bloodied boss again.

The usual police officers groaned when they saw me with a smirk on my face. I didn't have anything to lose now, I got rid of the man that was going to hurt Evangeline.

"You never stay out of trouble," Officer Jack, the humorous one said, "we are bored of catching the same person over and over." I laughed as I watched the people who sent me horrible looks and frightened stares from out of their windows.

"You're going to get used to it." I joked back, but my mind was on the thought of the annual winter ball, I saw the posts on the walls and the decorations in the enormous gym hall, I could see her play from far away without her noticing me.

That troubled me. I couldn't see her or else, I would lose all that I had worked on my restraints and revealed more to her, I couldn't risk that.

My frown was etched when I saw Mr. Dalton again. He was going to give me the same lecture and put more security cameras in the house.

"Ryson, I had given you many chances," he shook his head when he said that, his tired eyes looking at me, "enough is enough, you'll go back to Berlin, your hometown." They thought that Berlin was where I had come from but that wasn't true, mom lived there due to dad's force, she always belonged to Michigan.

"No, you don't even know what happened, the man I shot was deadly and the boss of a gang where they traded in slavery," I explained in a rush tone, pleading with my eyes, "Mr. Yeman wanted to kidnap an innocent girl called Evangeline." I testified.

"The one who plays the piano?" He sputtered with wide eyes, I was confused because I thought he didn't know her but it seemed like she was popular enough.

"Yes, I swear it's the truth," I promised him and Officer Jack came, he confirmed it when they looked into Mr. Yeman's police records, he was sent to jail too many times for crimes.

"Very well, then," Dalton surrendered, "we still need to investigate about Yeman and find him." He sternly ordered and I nodded. He called his team for a full on investigation.

"Don't worry about it, we will get to the bottom of this." I told him with my famous smirk. I traded jail for investigation as he let me sign on papers that stated I had to go for trials until we find the demented gang leader.

I might watch Evangeline play for now. Dalton let me go for today, but the trials were going to take place tomorrow.