
It was time. I wiped my hands on the rich navy long dress I wore in anticipation. I had done a lot of these shows before but none of them meant something like the bigger inside of me. This was my chance to show the Julliard executives that I was worth it.

Mom, I hope you're watching this.

This is for you.

The sound of the audience rushing in to get to their seats made my heart beat faster and my hands sweaty. I closed my emerald eyes and prayed for success, prayed that I don't mess this up.

The white stage lights illuminated the stage like a circus show and the audience stopped making noises of approval, the red curtain that was in front of me opened, the grand piano that was my friend in all my times of need placed in front of me on the slippery wooden flooring of the wide stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the host, Mrs. Davidson introduced, "I represent to you one of the finest pianist known in Michigan, Evangeline Embers." She smiled encouragingly at me as I attempted a confident stride to my black colored piano. The crowd cheered for me which soothed my nerves a bit but didn't entirely when I spotted Julliard executives' judgemental eyes.

Rubbing my hands on the sides of my lace dress, I felt whole, complete, like nothing could ruin my gravity.

I sat on the plush white bench and my hands found the piano keys after I adjusted the already placed music sheets of my original sonata. My eyes gleamed as my fingers started and the audience's cheers stopped.

Every sound reached my ears in passion, my fingers knew to which piano key it belonged to and with every breath, my eyes focused on the sheets of melodies as my mind was in the spur of the moment. Soft after soft notes of the piano as it went to a lighter C-chord was enough to soothe my nerves.

The audience displayed on my right side never made me stressed, they were always there for me in Michigan, they helped me and I wasn't scared of them, I was scared from the Julliard members and their greedy eyes.

All thoughts away, I played on as I closed my eyes as the beam of the light made my skin glow like Juliet as my hair was braided to the right of my shoulder. Him. The moment I started from the moment I played, the crowd in standing ovation, Julliard people looked warmly at me but I didn't pay attention anymore.

It didn't matter anymore, he was here.

I tried to understand as my eyes connected to his, his dangerous amber eyes glinted as he stood up in the second row and in front of me. Why was he here? He was the one who pushed me away and never explained.

He was the one who walked out no matter how hard I tried to make him stay.

It all went too fast. I never felt such an exhilarated adrenaline rush in my life, I wanted to continue and play on but my time was up and there were other performances.

"Thank you." I held the microphone tight as I spoke. He was leaving again, his amber eyes disappeared as his back was to me again when he stepped away.

My hands trembled as the microphone fell when he left and I had to restrain every courage I had to go to him again because I felt like I was his puppet. Something he could unleash every emotion on and expect me to oblige without any feelings.

I quickly went away from the main stage when people calmed down for the next performance.

"I never seen you play like that," Alexa teared up as she complimented like she couldn't believe what she saw, "you played like an angel." She wiped her tears and I felt my heart tighten when I remembered the way I felt on stage.

"Alexa, don't cry please." I calmed my best friend as I rubbed her arm in gratitude. She was the one who didn't let me stop playing the piano after mom died.

The heavy memories weighed on my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe from the emotional play I showed to the audience.

My eyes averted from the appreciative best friend to the boy who stood with hands inside his pockets and wandering eyes backstage. I tried to take a deep breath but I forgot how when his eyes found mine like they were home, shelter, destined to be.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my hands clasped tightly together.

His eyes glowed with pride beneath all that stone cold facial expression and I could see how my performance affected him. I never thought he would see me play. Ever.

"I just wanted to say that you were good out there." He replied smoothly as his eyes betrayed him, even more, when he stared into mine.

"Let's go, Evangeline," Alexa called out from behind him as she walked out to wait for me.

"Uh, yeah, thank you." I smiled when I thanked him and he gave a small smile back before returning to his armor.

"Have fun celebrating." He awkwardly said and when I didn't reply, he looked like he was about to say something but turned away frustrated and stormed out.

He was always the one who ran away.

Sighing as I watched him walk away again, I dismissed my thoughts away and tried to convince myself of having fun. I couldn't wait for the Julliard meeting tomorrow. I gave it my all and I hoped that the result would show on their wrinkled faces.

"What did he want?" Alexa questioned when I got in her car. I was tired and my fingers were sore.

"To congratulate me," I responded weakly as my eyes looked out of the window to the bad boy who threw his helmet in anger.