
The pure rush of the air blasted against my cold pale skin as I drove the red burrowed motorcycle to where she was going, I just had to make sure she got there safely with no trouble.

You're not forced to do that.

I dismissed my jumbled thoughts and concentrated on the road ahead. It would have been mighty fine if mom was with me, laughing as the wind sweeps her hair out of her face and her precious blue eyes look up at the sky. I could only hope she comes back again.

Her friend's silver-colored Jeep stopped in front of a big mansion that had blasting music and neon lights out of the window, they got outside and my eyes stuck to Evangeline's back as she walked with her friend.

I left the motorcycle a bit far off from her friend's car so they didn't get suspicious and walked to the mansion with an accelerated heart.

I better hope no bloody fucking idiot would lay a finger on her.

Based on what happened earlier when Mr. Yeman caught her, I began to get paranoid for her because he could appear anytime and make me regret not watching over Evangeline so I had to make sure she was good. He had eleven souls and wasn't dead since his men caught him in time.

I adjusted my crumpled shirt and barged into the mansion as crowds of people took body shots and licked lemons off of each other. The way people handled wine never failed to gross me out.

My eyes found the emerald-eyed beauty that was dancing with another guy and the veins in my hands flashed purple and blue as my eyes hardened on the big hands around her waist, if that was her game of making me jealous then she sure as hell won.

"Hey, man." Ben snapped me out of my rage when he clapped my back in a friendly gesture. I nodded back at him, my eyes still locked at the way they danced.

"So, are you coming to my party on Friday?" He asked me and I nodded in a daze again, my hand broke the welcome plastic cup and Ben stepped away when he saw how furious I looked.

"Okay, okay," Ben tried to soothe me, "you gotta move on, man." My angry eyes stared at him and he backed away even more.

"Oops, shouldn't have said that-" I ignored the douchebag and couldn't resist the urge anymore, any chains of sanity flew out the window when I went up to them dancing and landed my bruised fist onto the side of the guy's face.

He tried to swing back at me but failed miserably when he tumbled on the ground like a useless stripper.

"What the fuck are you doing with him?" I shouted at shocked Evangeline, I knew that she wasn't drunk, she had danced with that guy purposely in front of me. The whole crowd watched to stop the commotion and she looked embarrassed.

"Don't shout at me." She calmly ordered, her dress swaying as she walked away. I followed her with excessive fury upstairs.

I tried to get in the room but she continued to push me away until my back hit the wall and I winced due to my dad's previous bruises littered along my spine.

"Mom, why don't we just leave dad?" I asked.

"Because we love him." Mom sadly smiled.

"Oh my god, what have I done?" Evangeline rushed out when she saw me still against the wall in pain. She was genuinely concerned and I furrowed my eyebrows at her, trying to figure her out.

"It's okay," I whispered but Evangeline didn't listen, she grabbed my arm and dragged me with an arm around my waist and mine around her shoulder to the nearest bathroom.

I chuckled a bit when she roughly placed me on top of the closed lid of the toilet seat.

"This isn't funny." She glared but when I remained to laugh at her, she joined in too. We were two lunatics in a locked bathroom laughing. Her lace dress sparkled elegantly under the bathroom lights and her hair was delicately smooth against her waist.

I let her take off my shirt but then realized I shouldn't have done that but it was too late. Evangeline gasped at the number of bruises covering my chest and down my stomach, making me somewhat self-conscious. Her tears rushed down her cheeks and I grew angry when I stood up in front of her.

"I don't need your pity." I spat out when I glared at her, she turned me around so my back faced her.

"I would be the stupidest person if I cried in pity for you." She sobbed and my hands trembled at her emotion. "It's just...just...that they are so beautiful, I feel like I could finally see you." She croaked and I sighed.

She neared herself to my damaged back and kissed the scar on my neck, sending tremors of surprise along my spinal cord. I felt insane for letting myself be charmed by a girl like her.

"Yeah, the sad bad boy, right?" I asked warily. I was falling badly and that wasn't something I could control anymore. I turned around to face her and looked at her red-rimmed eyes, she still looked stunning when she cried. She held my hands and stared into my soul underneath the bathroom light.

Stay away!

The warning alarm inside my head rang on and on but I just couldn't, the sight of her in front of me just breathed life into me, I was too damn selfish to try to leave.

"No," she smiled when she replied, "you're Ryson Adams, the most beautiful scarred boy I have ever seen."