
After a year of love

I wished that time didn't exist. That the obstacles could just be removed, that waiting for him to come back to me could just come faster. Time was a problem I faced. Time wasn't my friend at all, it would either fast forward my life or rewind it.

My blonde swirls were jumbled up by a thin striped band and my awful smell spread out in my room from the two horrible days I spent with Ryson. The bed sheets tumbled under my bed from how moody I got. My room was a mess with papers on the ground and my closet doors wide open. Anyone could come in and tell me I looked messed up.

"Well, sure," Alexa appeared to tell me after she scared me half to d-I promised myself I was never going to say that word, "you do look like shit." She gave me a hard stare when she analyzed the state I was in. I had no clue she had my extra key.

Oh right, I gave it to her before.

"Did I miss something?" She asked with confusion written all over her face. She was away with her family when dad d-I reminded me and stopped thinking about it so she had no clue.

"How was your trip?" I tried to keep my voice cheerful but that failed miserably when she held my cold hands but pulled away as her hands shivered from the impact, yes, my hands were that cold. I didn't want her to know so I couldn't have these reoccurring flashbacks. I couldn't handle it. Alexa obviously didn't take the memo.

"Don't even try missy, I haven't seen you back at school before two days." She noted as her eyebrows furrowed at me.

Her eyes looked worried at my state, she was even tanned than before, Hawaii had done her justice.

"Did you break up with Ryson?" She gasped as she guessed, and stood up with dough eyes in anger, "where is that son of a bitch?"

I laughed for the first time, Alexa raised her eyebrow at my sudden burst of laughter. It wasn't because of her assumption, I was delirious from all the crying and I was laughing at how life just turned upside down for me. I was out of it when I began to laugh more hysterically.

But one person made me stop as my eyes met his. He kept his promise, I stood up and yelped when I hugged him tightly, he held me in his arms as my legs wrapped around his waist and he twirled. It had been three hours of waiting and sudden hysterics in front of my best friend.

"I told you, Evange," his forehead was against mine as his eyes stared into my dark emeralds, "I would never leave again." He pecked my lips.

"Um, hello guys?" Alexa waved her arms up in the air, "what the heck is going on?"

I got down on the ground as Ryson held my hand.

"Well," we looked at each other when Rys began, "it's kind of a long story." I believed in one thing and one thing only, my dad would have wanted me to accept fate the way it was even through all of the sharp thorns of life. Things were meant to happen, I smiled warmly up at Rys, the broken beautiful boy as he told our story to Alexa and when he tilted his head back to laugh at my weird best friend then I glanced at our hands with a wider smile on my face.

Everything was meant for a reason. Ryson was at the right time, I wouldn't have known how much he meant to me if he didn't watch me play the piano. Our feelings were united and I hoped it was this way forever.

As Alexa talked back to him, his amber eyes looked down at me due to our height difference in an unbreakable connection. She had to wave again like a fangirl to get both of our attention again. She hugged me as she comforted me when she knew about my father and made sure to check up on me throughout the days.

Cherished memories were locked inside of my heart as the melodies of Beethoven embraced my senses. I found happiness in that instrument, It wasn't only piano keys and a lid, it was much more than that.

The piano was the key to Ryson & I's beginning. Even after through everything, I couldn't take my eyes off this perfect human playing the piano while I sat next to him.

He even became better at it than me. Every day he came from work and therapy, he directly goes straight to the piano beside my bed. He could feel what I felt when I first started to engage more in my music sheets. He had the chance to be like me in every practice.

Ryson would come back in the middle of the night exhausted from his job and cuddle with me. Some days, he would get earlier. I didn't know why he desperately worked extra shifts on Tuesdays and Mondays but I was glad he returned back to stability.

"Evange, I need to take you somewhere special." He announced as he grabbed my hand with a sad smile on his face.

"Where are you taking me so early in the morning?" I said as he urged me to go get ready.

"Somewhere special." He repeated as he smirked.

I huffed at him but decided to get ready anyway, I had an event to play in school, it was four hours ahead still so I had time.

We both got ready as the winter snow covered my windows, I giggled as he pushed me down with him in a rush and we rode his new black convertible car, a gift from his grandfather, who was a lovely man to meet when we went over in the weekend.

My heart stopped as he brought me to the cemetery. We got out of the car as my face showed more confusion, he held my hand and silently led me to a gravestone colored with red roses and peach colored lilacs.

"Hello, mom," he uttered as my eyes widened at him, "I want you to meet the girl you saved me for." He smiled as his fingers traced the letters of her name.

Savannah Adams


A loving mother and a happy wife.

May God rest her soul.

I kissed my fingertips and touched her tombstone where her name almost glowed like magic. He smiled affectionately at me.

"Mom, I know that I have been bothering you quite late before," he chuckled when he spoke, "but it's your thirteenth anniversary, I never stopped loving you, mom." His tears rolled down his eyes, my heart reached out to him as my hand took his hand and squeezed it.

"Hi, Mrs. Adams, you might think I'm nuts for saying this," I said with a giggle, "but I love you for creating this baby that made a miracle to my life. Yes, he was a delinquent. Yes, mom told me to stay away from people like him. I couldn't help it anymore, I fell in love with a tattooed bad boy and I don't regret any of it." Ryson grinned as he held me in his arms and twirled me in front of his mom.

He stopped and turned to his mom, "mom, I also have something to show you..."

He got down on one knee as his eyes sparkled, "I want you to be my forever, Evangeline." The ring was simple and had a red ruby in the middle, I couldn't stop my happy tears this time.

"Yes, a thousand times yes." I choked out as he placed the ring on my finger and spun me around again.

"I love you, Evangeline Hart." He said.

"And I love you, Rys Adams," I said back. We both were inseparable this time, we were Evangeline and Rys, nobody was going to change our story anymore.