The salty tears escaped my sleepy eyes when I saw the jail cell open and empty.

Earlier when I finished showering with Alpha, I kept wondering about the stunt he pulled off in the middle of the dance floor where he ran off without telling me anything and blocking the mind link. So, I went down to pay my dear sister a visit but she was gone and the Alpha knew.

I, now, knew and I was mad as hell at him. Admittedly, I did know that I had my fair share of secrets that I hid behind his back but they were for his own good.

"How dare you hide that from me?" I exclaimed as my bump was shown more than before, it was a windy night and at eight pm, I was even moodier than before.

"To protect you, I swear." I felt his scent before when he came in behind me. Anger was not a pretty look on me, I had to know what happened to my sister.

"No, you were selfish enough to hide that from me," I yelled at him as his irises took a darker color, he grabbed my wrist roughly.

"Don't talk like that to me." His Alpha tone echoed the lonely jail walls and I gasped as I bowed my head down in submission. I hate when he uses his Alpha power as an excuse to get me to listen so he could so wonderfully explain.

"For how long were you willing to hide that from me?" I muttered as he took ragged breaths against my face when he stood closer.

"As long as you hid the curse away from me." I clogged in my spot with a very hectic feeling inside of me that was tiring me out.

He knew about my curse.

The stupid doctor couldn't shut his trap. Lace growled as I shushed her so I could have a release from the tirade that was going on inside of me.

I clutched my throat as I attempted to breathe as he quickly realized I was having a very serious panic attack, carrying me to the doctor, who I had visited so many times, he dropped me carefully as they put in the mask frantically.

For an Alpha, he was abnormally fast enough to arrive so quickly inside the doctor's small house, I breathed as I closed my eyes and the little heartbeat almost fainted. Sobs choked me when I realized that I was this close to losing my baby.

"I am sorry, Destalia." My mate said, strained and worn out with a frustrated look on his face when he sensed that we could have lost our first baby.

I didn't utter one word, I was a dead beat and I needed to rest myself, he got the memo as he thanked the doctor, who looked even more disapproving than before, it suddenly hit me.

The Alpha forced the doctor to tell him.

The lack of trust he had was hurtful, he didn't wait and asked me, he had to go and ask him. I hated how nosy he was getting, it was my curse; the Moon Goddess to be specific but it was built inside of me and not him. I was cranky all the way back to the house.

He softly laid me on my bed as he embraced me from behind and kissed the back of my neck. "I am so sorry, princess, I had to know because I was so worried about your behavior before, please forgive me." He pleaded with a thick voice hidden by the tears that dripped from his eyes to the back of my neck.

I turned to the other side as I faced him, holding his cheek and wiping his tears, I kissed him passionately as he took his usual position which was on top and claimed my lips in the most raw way you could think of.

"You have to trust me." I told him and he agreed, promising me that he would do anything to console me.

"I know, I was just too angry that you hid things from me." He explained, taking my hand in his.

"I didn't, I just couldn't deal with the hard truth." I croaked with a dam for tears as I looked into his eyes.

"Don't worry baby, I won't let you leave me." His strong voice soothed my tears down as he wiped the rest and kissed my forehead, the earth-shattering promise hung above us.

He will fight for us and prevent us from killing unintentionally. Lace stated in a determined tone.

I hoped that I was going to try and fight against it, I had to find a loophole for that curse or it was going to affect our family.

"I hope I can fight that." I confronted him with heavy eyes and dried tears.

"You can and you will, I will be here to prevent every curse just to keep you alive." His eyes stared into mine as he spoke those emotional words, our mate attraction strengthened as we both continued to invade each other in the most pleasuring stare.

Don't say it so properly, it's called eye fucking but can we get to the real thing now? Lace rolled her eyes as I let out a squeal, ashamed that my mate heard that.

"I agree with Lace, we definitely should." He wiggled his eyebrows as my legs wrapped around his waist in the most sinful way.

"You wish, I just want to sleep already." With that, I got his hopes deflated as he groaned and called me a tease.