As promised, Alpha lead me to the clues to where my sister could have disappeared, negative thoughts started to invade my mind completely; I was in a terrorized state.

"We tracked her scent yesterday and it stopped here." Alpha indicated at the field where the Moonlight pack was, Alana was going crazy out there and there I was, heavily pregnant.

I decided to help them this morning as the medium sized bump was still ever so growing at an unbelievable speed, I was in fear that I would be able to deliver very early.

"Alana!" I screamed as I walked to the deserted pack house where Moonlight pack members used to live. We had to find the pills in the fastest way possible and Alpha Raden wasn't kidding when he said that we would have a hard time finding it.

We searched everywhere as the sun and wind had a battling match, the sun seemed to be winning as it glared down at us at eleven am, thankfully, I ate enough to satisfy the hungry soul that was inside my womb.

I and the Alpha continued to track the best we could along with the professional trackers but to no avail, I was about to shout out in frustration before my eyes took in the weeping bare body beside the damp river that was filled with blood.

It was Alana, crying out for her mate. I signaled the Alpha to the direction as the guards restricted her movements and she wildly howled as her eyes turned to an odd color of purple, she had no power against the guards and the Alpha.

We took the wild beast that was my sister and strapped her in a stretcher as the doctor was committed to his duties, he gave her a sedative as he scanned her body for the position of the pill, there was nothing to be done.

"I could get the pill out of her but the effect still will remain until she dies." The doctor said at the sight of my sister's pale face and cheekbones.

"No, we can't." I pleaded my mate with my eyes as they shared a teleconnection.

"We have to, it's the only way to free your sister." He strained at the word free as he wrapped his arms around me when I wailed at the thought of losing her too.

"Do it," I told him as he got me out of the room and went in with the door locked behind him.

Tears were my company like before as I scratched my head and slipped down to the floor at my sister's screams since the sedative didn't do any justice to the pained girl. I closed my eyes as she took her final breath, she was dead.

At least she's free from the insanity she has to go through, you did the right thing. Lace consoled me as I cried more into my hands.

The Alpha killed my sister while before, my sister killed his mate's twin sister. It was a storm of mixed killings and travesty. I couldn't handle losing another person I care about.

The boots in front of my eyes made me look up to the appearance of Kavin Daniels, he was a sight to be afraid of for he was the Beta, well, no longer one.

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"I wanted to say congratulations." His devil like blue eyes and strong bone structure hinted malice. I was not playing that game anymore.

I stood up and crossed my arms as he mimicked my posture. My mate sensed trouble as he opened the door and took a stand beside me.

"What do you want?" The Alpha seethed.

"Relax, I'm only going to help you both since I know where the pill is." He mock surrendered with a playful look, we both glared at him, we couldn't trust him easily.

He appeared to be good; healthy. His attire was edgy with a leather jacket and jeans along military boots, I mulled over where he lived now or what did he do after the Moonlight was no longer existent.

"How do we know you aren't tricking us?" The Alpha snapped as he shot daggers at him.

"Because I want to join your pack," Kavin said casually, my mate burst out in mock laughter, the ex-Beta glared at him. It was my turn to talk.

"No way, we don't accept." I clipped instantly at his statement, he thought he could do whatever he wanted, he got another thing coming.

"I also know how to cure the curse." We both went silent, how the heck did he know about my curse? My eyes narrowed at him as the Alpha was impatiently mad and half curious, I could tell by the emotions he emitted to me.

He stood confidently like a warrior as he stared back at us, I had a feeling that we could trust him but I wasn't sure yet.

"Why would you want to join us?" I confronted while raising an eyebrow. He seemed well practiced as he smirked, irritating the already annoyed Alpha besides me.

"Because I don't want to be a rogue." He responded with enough ego to last a lifetime.

I was weary with a grey top and shorts since nothing fitted my already growing belly. I had to stay focused on what was in front of me, the smirk on Kavin was devious, we had so many problems already that we didn't want to add up anymore.

"There must be another reason," I stated, skeptically eyeing him.

"I am Kayla's mate."