The Rise Of A Vigilante

Room 80 is filled with a peaceful environment, shaken by a sudden loud bang. All of the occupants in the room could hear an ominous sound coming from the second floor. They looked at each other with questioning looks; What was going on?

"83, 84, 85! Three of you go check if everything is okay and 81! Go call the securities! And the rest of you, please leave the lab immediately! Hurry!" The Chief commanded with a strong and clear voice.

They nodded and ran off to do as they were told while the rest of them had already left Room 80 but not before grabbing what they needed to take out the project they were working on at the moment.

As soon as the door closed, the Chief turned around to look at the second floor. She squinted her eyes when there was a thick cloud of smoke covering the whole floor, obscuring the entire floor's view. What was actually happening?

On the other hand, three of the PAD who had already arrived at the second floor, were looking at the scene before them with wide open eyes.

"This doesn't make any sense... Why would someone break into our lab?! This has never happened before!" 84 said with disbelief evident in his voice.

85 replied, "I agree! Something is definitely wrong here. But why did this happen?! It was like someone purposely blew up the entire laboratory!"

"Come on guys! We need to hurry!" 83 interrupted him. "We should check if there's anyone still trapped inside!"

The two nodded and walked into the smoke that was blocking their vision. When the smoke cleared some minutes later, what stood in front of the group shocked them to the core.

The first thing that caught their attention was someone standing on top of the broken Ice Capsule with impaired wires all around him.

"W-What happened?" 85 whispered, unable to move due to shock.

84 took deep breaths before answering the question, "I'm... not sure. But, doesn't he look familiar?"

"Guys, he was the twelfth subject. The one who was supposed to be dead and now, he's..."

83 gulped before finishing the last sentences. "...Coming back alive."

The next thing that made their blood freeze was when the broken wires produced electricity that surrounded the entire area where they were standing, letting out loud electric sparks.

"It's going to explode!!" One of them shouted before the lights started flickering. They thought they didn't have much time to escape, that was until someone grabbed the two of them by collars and pulled them away from the explosion zone.

"GET DOWN!" Shouted the Chief while shielding the third PAD with a metal shield she held in her hands.


The explosions continued for what seemed like some minutes. The laboratory shook violently, making everyone fall on their sides. At some point, the explosions stopped and everything became silent.

The Chief put down her shield and helped the PAD to get back on their feet before looking at her surroundings. The laboratory was damaged but mostly intact. After making sure nobody else was injured, the Chief turned to the person who saved both of them. When she saw who it was, her eyes widened.




The situation inside of Infinity Premise became dark for a moment before emergency lighting came on turning the building into a dim red glow.


"Four! Nine! There are invaders in the facility!!" Eight shouted through the wireless headset on her left ear while her fingers frantically pushed some buttons on her computer keyboard.

'Can you find their location?' Nine's voice can be heard

in her headset.

"Yes! They are in Room 80!" Her eyes caught the video in the monitor which connected to the CCTV before the screen glitched and turned black.

'Room 80? How- I mean, what are they trying to steal there?' Nine asked again

"Don't ask me. I didn't even know either. Four, can you hear me?"

'Who the f*ck are messing with my nap time?!' Four angrily roared.

"Okay! Sorry! But this is an emergency. Remember, try to reduce any damages especially on the second floor. There's something important stored there." Eight informed.

'Whatever you say.' And he disconnected the line.

'Four with his destroyer Instinct, it's gonna be even more dangerous if we disturb his sleeping time...' Nine sighed.

Eight smiled. "Because of his strong Instinct, he's the one we needed at the time like this. But you? What can you even do? Only know making weird medicine and chemicals that I don't even understand. I have asked you to learn combats from Eleven but you always refused. What a cow-ward."

'What the-?! Did you just call me a coward?!'



"What the hell is going on here?" Four asked with his sharp gaze scanning the place. He seemed very tense. 82 who also arrived beside him, had her jaw dropped after seeing the place turning upside down.

"I'm afraid I do not know, Commander. There was this big explosion that suddenly appeared in this area. Have the three of you found anything?" The Chief turned to the PADs.

The two of them nodded their heads violently, however no words came out from their mouths due to the shock and fear of the events that just happened.

83 sighed and answered, "you might not believe this Chief, but the Subject in the Ice Capsule. He is still alive."

The Chief frowned upon hearing that.

"What kind of nonsense are you telling me? That is impossible. I already checked his vitality and it has been two days since I put him in an Ice Capsule. So how can he still be alive, without any oxygen to support him?"

The PADs exchanged glances and then spoke, "well, we are not sure about it either Chief. But-"

Suddenly something flew in the air between them, striking the Chief's leg causing her to scream in pain. Looking at it closely, it was a shard of glass from the broken window.

"Chief!" The three of them immediately moved towards the Chief who had collapsed on the ground in an attempt to stop the bleeding from her wound.

The Chief raised her arm to try to block the attack when there is another glass shard trying to hit her.


Four quickly deflected the shard with his ax, making it fly far enough from them.

"Damn it!" Four shouted as the shard hit the wall behind him.

He glanced at the Chief again who was frowning while clutching tightly onto her bloody leg. "Take her away from here and call Eight and Nine for help. Tell them that something is seriously wrong here." Four ordered them sternly.

"Yes Commander!"

As soon as 83 gave a piggyback for his Chief, they began rushing to get out. Before following them, 82 turned towards Four and made a sign, 'be careful, Commander.'

Four only nodded before turning his full focus on the direction where the shards were coming from. He gritted his teeth while glaring at the smoke that slowly faded, revealing the person wearing a white long sleeved shirt, lifting his head up to the ceiling with both his eyes closed.

Four's brows knitted together once he recognized who that person was. His eyes widened at the realization.

"At first, I thought some moron intruders were trying to infiltrate this building but it seems like our little Subject was the one who created the havoc here. What a surprise."

Four stepped in closer with a smirk on his face. "Now, should I kill you with my own hands this time?"

Right after he said those words, the figure slowly opened his eyes and looked sideways, glaring at him who was standing a few meters away from the subject.

Four's smile slowly disappeared when he suddenly felt the heavy pressure all over his body. In addition, a sharp pain shot through his skull and the sound of his own heartbeat echoed in his ears while he could feel his body beginning to collapse. The last thing he realized was he was already on both knees on the ground. He blinked several times to try to make out what just happened to him.

A scoffed escaped from Four's lips but the veins in his neck were clearly visible. His green eyes were bloodshot with rage.

"F*ck! Nobody could make me kneel down so easily, not even Master Zero but a weakling subject like you dare to challenge me!" Four cursed under his breath as he struggled against his own mind.

'What is happening to me?! What are these feelings that get me on my knees!? It's like I'm facing some kind of fear I've never been confronted with before. My Instincts are screaming at me but it would be cowardly for me to run from this battle!'

Four glared at the subject whose expressionless face remained unchanged. "So you really want to die now, huh? Well, I think I can take care of you myself. Don't worry, I won't go easy on you."