First Battle

"Now, should I kill you with my own hands this time?"

Hearing those words, I slowly opened my eyes and glanced sideways, glaring at the man who was standing a few meters away from me.


I thought to myself while looking at the man who was suddenly kneeling on the ground. Fear and shock was clearly shown on his face as he stared wide eyed into space; As if he was doing that was not an intentional thing.

I could not hear what he was muttering, but I could see him shaking slightly and it caused my hands to tremble for some kind of weird reason. I do not know why but I could feel the excitement rushing through my veins, which was confusing because I'm not a masochist who is excited if people threaten to kill me. It was almost scary how calm my body is and somehow, his words triggered me to test him.

'If he is really capable of killing me…'

After a few seconds later, he glared at me with such intense hatred and rage in his eyes. "So you really want to die now, huh? Well, I think I can take care of you myself. Don't worry, I won't go easy on you."

He took out something from his back and showed two axes that gripped tightly on his both hands. My eyes stared at those weapons as memories started flashing inside my head. That was the moment when I remembered who that guy was.

"So, it was you. Both you and that woman were the one who turned me into this. My life was gone forever because of you. If it wasn't for you, I would be happy and living the peaceful life I've been looking for. And because of you, I had to become the monster I was in the past. No matter how long you kneel, I won't give you any mercy."

"Hah! HAHAHHAHA!!" His laughter echoed through the almost ruined room filled with broken glass and other random things. He kept laughing for sometime before finally catching his breath.

"Since you didn't know me, of course you would be brave enough to confront someone like me. You sure have guts. That's what I like for a kid like you to have. Unfortunately, I have no choice but to kill you. I will enjoy taking your life slowly and torture you to death."

His laughter faded as quickly as it came. Instead, it was replaced by a sinister smirk plastered on his lips.

"And since you are a threat to everyone inside this building, I am going to take pleasure in breaking you in every possible way."

Then, he rushed towards me with the axes ready to attack me. As his body was only about five feet from mine, he raised one of his axes above his head and swung it towards me without any warning.

Funnily enough, I could see the movement in slow motion and knew the exact point where he would swing the ax. As predicted, I managed to move my body aside to avoid being killed by his attack.

An amused laugh escaped from his lips. "What kind of human are you to have such speed reflexes? Did you really think I didn't notice you dodging my attack?"

"It wasn't my reflexes. You're just too slow, old man." I retorted bluntly while keeping my eyes locked on him.

The smirk returned to his lips and this time, a crazed look appeared in his eyes. "Oh yeah? Then, can you still dodge this?!"

With a quick move of his arm and swing downwards, he brought his ax right at my face. With my reflexes being even faster than what he said, I jumped backwards just in time to avoid getting hit by the weapon. Unfortunately, I could not stop the sharp pain spreading across my cheek.

I gritted my teeth and held my hurt cheek with one of my hands. The cut itself was deep and blood was already leaking out from the wound. This situation reminded me of the one I had back then. I used to bleed badly whenever I got injured and had to treat it with bandages to prevent the injury from turning infected. But right now, I do not have time to do that.

The lunatic guy stopped and looked at the blood on one of his axes. "Huh... So you are really alive. I still couldn't believe that the 25th Experiment that was supposed to be failed ended up successful."

25th Experiment? I've heard of these words somewhere before.

"Hey, zombie kid. What does it feel like to come back from your death?" He asked with another evil grin, as he began to walk towards me again.

I did not say anything yet, simply staying silent, observing my opponent in case he decided to come close enough to attack me. "If you are that curious, I will enlighten you after you beg for your life."

Surprised by what I said, he froze. After a couple of seconds, he shook his head lightly, chuckling. "You really like to talk big, don't ya? Very well then. Try me."

As he finished, the crazy look disappeared from his eyes and was replaced with a blank expression, showing no hint of anger or fear in his eyes. Just like a switch has been flipped, the insane look he wore earlier completely vanished and in its place, there was pure coldness and cruelty. Not even giving me any chance to reply, he attacked immediately by using brute force.

Even if I tried to dodge his attacks too many times, he could not careless and kept swinging his axes around. This caused everything around us to fall apart under his blow. Some objects were smashed against the walls, others crashed onto the floor and some even broke into pieces upon hitting it. What's worse is when everything falls apart just by getting in contact with his weapons. The air was filled with dust and smoke, making it hard for me to breathe properly.

"You should watch what you say. I could end your pathetic existence any minute." He calmly said with his eyes narrowed at mine. His movements were calculated perfectly to throw me off balance and create openings to take me down. He wanted me dead, and I also wanted the same thing.

I tried to make a decision on whether or not to continue to fight back. While trying to find an opening, my eyes caught one of the broken wires that connected to the generator, lying on the floor near me. At that moment, all my instincts kicked in.

I randomly grabbed the bottle that was rolling below me and threw it at him. Taking advantage of his sudden distraction, I picked the piece of the broken wire and ran at a quick speed behind him. Using the wire in my hand, I wrapped it around his neck. A loud grunt escaped from his mouth as he tried to get rid of the wire.

"Sh*t, you stupid bastard!" The angry voice of the guy resonated inside the room but that did not stop me from holding the wire. I continued wrapping the wire on his throat.

However, I could see the wire slowly loosening its hold. For a second there, I felt like that was the final straw and I had no choice but to drop the wire anytime now, but then, my gaze landed on one of the axes next to his feet. That was the moment when something weird happened to me.

Suddenly, my right eye started to twitch uncontrollably. This caused me to shut my left eye automatically. What surprised me was everything I saw from my right eye turned black. This man has a green glowing aura all over his body. When I focused my attention on the green aura, I realized that a red color appeared near him. It was the axes.

'Red symbolizes danger, and danger is the only way for you to learn how to survive.' Mother's voice, who whispered to me when I was still a child, rang in my mind.

Before I could realize what was happening, suddenly he got on my neck and tightened his grip on me. I screamed, kicking in a panic as he brought his head to my ear and whispered, "you're dead, kid." His voice sounded rough and threatening.

I still struggled to get out of his arm but it was useless. He had me locked in mid air. As my blurry vision cleared, I still could see the ax on the floor. My trembling hand raised up in an attempt to reach for the ax, although it will never work because it is too far away for me to grab.

I slowly closed my eyes, letting the tears fall from the corner of my right eyes. That was when I thought my life was going to end, I could feel something appear in my hand. Something cold and heavy but I still could lift it without any problem. When I tried to look at it, it was a similar ax but with black colors.

The next thing I know, I stabbed the edge of the weapon into his stomach on the side and pulled on the handle violently. Blood gushed out from the huge wound, splashing all over the ground. I could see the shocked expression on the scarred man's face.


He screamed in pain and pushed me with such extraordinary strength. I flew backwards, crashing painfully on the concrete wall behind my head.


A painful groan escaped from my mouth. The impact made me feel a burning sensation on the back of my head. Thankfully, none of the bones on my head were crushed so I was able to stay conscious. The weapon from earlier, already gone.

While struggling to stand up, I looked at the man who was already on the ground while clutching his wound. His whole body was soaked in his own blood. It was clear that the damage done by me was severe. In spite of the serious wounds on his body, he was still trying to regain his composure and stand up. He took a few shaky steps towards me but suddenly fell face first to the ground. The sound of the ax slipped from his grasp hitting the ground was like thunder ringing inside the room.

I slowly stood up. The pain that radiated from my head slowly fading. Still breathing heavily, I bent down and picked up the ax. There were traces of blood staining my white shirt, which somehow still looks pretty beautiful in comparison to everything else around me.

My eyes fixed on the man. With bloodlust filled inside me, I moved forward. My pace is fast and my heart is pumping wildly. No matter what happens, I must not let him live. I must kill him with my own hands. After finishing him, that woman will be my next target and everyone who caused my death.

'Kill him. Kill him. Kill him.'

Mother's words kept replaying in my ears as I tightened the grip of the ax in my hand. Feels like an aura filling inside me as I step closer towards the unconscious man. An aura called Instinct.

Just a few steps before I felt something sharp piercing through my neck. A warm liquid starts running down in my blood causing me to halt. A wave of numbness spreads throughout my entire body and slowly, my eyes closed.



<40, ENTJ>