Mission To The Rescue

The night breeze carried the sounds of guns with it as well as a few screams. The moonlight above the tallest building was still shining brightly to someone who was standing on top of it, watching all the commotion that was taking place on the ground.

A tall figure dressed in burgundy hood, with arms over her chest, observing every action that took place below. There were about ten agents on the scene, each equipped with an automatic machine gun. They are trying to hold back the intruder while simultaneously making sure that no one gets shot by mistake.

"Looks like he is having his fun again. That guy will never stop doing those ridiculous stunts." Two commented casually, glancing at the direction where Five seems to be hiding, but she does not really know where he was exactly located.

Among the Infinities, Five is the only one who has such a weird personality. While the rest of them are less likely to be normal, he seems to be the most unique and unpredictable. Not to mention he has the ability to trick people by using the so-called magic tricks. Although they know he is just pretending to be a magician, nobody stops whatever he is doing. After all, Five's 'magic' is basically just fake illusions created to fool people. That was why they named him the 'Wizard of Chaos', which suits him very well.

Her finger taped onto the speaker on her right ear.


['One and I have already met with the attorney who handled Ten's case. It looks like only the attorney and his secretary knew about it.']

Seven's voice can be heard coming from the speaker.

['Why didn't they told to the higher-ups?']

Six questions.

['Do you think people would believe someone like Ten to do such dangerous things? Even the attorney himself still can't accept the truth.']

Seven answered her.

"Have you two made sure that he and his secretary won't be able to remember us?" Two speak up.

['One said to not worry. He already gave them the Unustav Plants']

['Oh, that forgetful fragrance. If that's true, then I'm glad to hear that. Sh*t! They're starting to attack us with their lame guns. I have to go now.']


Six ended the line connection and Seven also did the same thing.

After listening to their conversation, Two began to move. She let go off the railings, letting her body fall freely from the high place with the help of the rope that tied on her waist.

One of the agents did not seem to realize the incoming enemy who suddenly jumped from the roof, and instead was focusing his attention to search for Five.

Two landed directly on top of the agent, causing him to lay on his face, unconscious. She quickly threw the dagger towards the other agent who saw her appearance.


He did not get to shoot the gun and it flew away from his grip once the gun got clashed with the dagger. Seeing Two walking closer, he quickly put both his arms and kneeling onto the ground.

"Please~ Let me live! I still have a family..."

Unexpectedly, Two did not mind him and she moved towards the Cargo van before opening the door. Her eyes widened, staring inside the van without noticing Five already standing beside her.

"Well... Looks like he got teleported to the other van, huh?" Five joked.

He then turned around to see the fallen agents. All of them were lying on the road but they were still breathing with minor injuries.

"Right, we should also teleport before their backups arrive. Vámonos Two!"



Both of them quickly dodged from being shot by a hundred bullets with their own speed. The gunfire continued for a moment after, however, they could not keep avoiding all of the attack forever.

"Eleven! We had to split up! Try to distract them while I'm going to search for Ten!"

Six gave quick instructions to him and he only nodded in response.

With one last dodge, the guy in a blue hood jumped onto the tree branch, allowing him to stand up steadily. His left hand took out the arrow from the holster while he pulled the bowstring back with his right hand. The arrow was released from the string in a quick movement and headed straight towards the fire hydrant at the side of the street.


In seconds, the arrow hit the target and caused water sparks to fly everywhere. It splashes all around the Vicinal causing the whole area to go into complete chaos. Without wasting any second, they ran away as fast as possible, thinking it was some kind of acid that had been thrown at them.

The blue-hooded guy or Eleven, purposely took this chance in order to prevent him from killing the agents and getting him to get killed. This is what he has been trained for: To never kill. The best way to deal with a problem that might come his way is to solve it as soon as possible. That means avoiding the fight and staying out of trouble.

He glanced at the Cargo van on the side of the road, seeing the door was still unopened. A thought crosses his mind.

Maybe Ten is in there...?


The Cargo's door opened from the outside. Six looking around the darkness until she found someone sitting on the corner of the van with his back facing the door. With a soft sigh, she entered and walked towards the figure before...

"AARRGHHH! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!!!"

A shrill scream sounded from the silent night. After a few moments, both of them went outside, revealing Six pulling the little boy's ear.

"That's why I told you to listen! Don't you know, we had to show our faces to many people only to save you from being taken to court! What would happen to you if we were too late? Huh huh hmm?!"

Six shook her head and glared angrily at the boy. Whereas Ten, already made a duck face with his lips pouting like the youngest brother who was being scolded by his oldest sister. His hand rubbing the place where Six pulled him earlier.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I will never do it again."

Six's anger expression fell apart upon hearing his reply. Looking at him with an eye filled with relief. She sighed again before brushing the boy's turquoise hair, making it even more messier than before.

"Well, you still did a great job catching those miners from stealing the jewels. This side of yours is what makes us proud. Just be careful next time."

"Next time?" Ten shows his teeth while raising his eyebrows.

Six glared at him. "No. Never. I take my words back. There will be no next time. You can only stay on the premises and never go out all by yourself, okay?"

Once again, Ten pouted. Even though it is for his own safety, he is still a child who wants to enjoy whatever happens in his life. However, it seems like he had no choice but to follow what Six said. If only he was being careful and not getting caught by the Vicinal...

His eyes fixated towards Eleven who is pulling out the arrow from the fire hydrant. The guy casually running his hand through his soaking wet black hair, completely did not care of the water sprinkling onto him.

Eleven turned and gave him a small nod.

"Let's go home!"



Six who is chuckling with Ten's excitement, distracted by Eight's voice coming from the speaker.

"Yes, what is it Eight? Is everything okay there?"

Eight hesitated a couple of seconds, apparently not quite confident to tell Six the truth but she had no other choice.

['You better hurry back. I mean, all of you need to hurry. This is regarding to the last Subject.']

Six frowns. "The last Subject? What's wrong with it?"

['This is a very urgent matter,'] Eight replied seriously. ['I know you might not believe this but please, I'm telling the truth. As you all know, the last Subject was supposed to be dead two days ago. And the important thing right now is the Subject... he came back alive.']

"Eight, I know you're not the type to joke around unlike Five and Ten-"

['Yes? I heard someone calling me.']

Five's voice can be heard interrupting whereas Ten is already frowning. "What did I do?"

Six ignored both of them and continued her sentences.

"...But this is not the time for that."

['I'm very serious right now, Six. And one more thing. It's about Four...']

Listening to Eight's words made her heart drop at the mention of the man's name.

"W-What did you just... say? Four got what...?"

Ten hearing her talking from the beginning, he walked up closer to her. "Six, what happened to Four?"

There is no answer. But seeing Six's expression alone, Ten could take a grasp of what was really going on. Even though Six is the nagging type especially towards Ten, she rarely shows her real anger to everyone. The only time when she gets really angry is when it involves someone she highly respects and the only person she looks up to.

['Four got in a coma, Six.']