Her Revenge

The albino boy who was about to fall backwards, quickly being caught by Nine. After that, he placed the boy down on the ground that had an empty space. The injection which contained an anesthetic drug was applied right on the boy's neck and now he is sleeping peacefully. He then gave the injection towards Eight and now a few of them were staring at the boy, wondering if what they're witnessing right now was a hallucination.

"Nine, isn't he..." Eight could not even finish her sentence. She began to freeze after seeing the unconscious boy. Then she moved her gaze to her surroundings. Everything inside of the Room 80 were all destroyed and everything was completely ruined, nothing remains.

"What in the world is actually happening here? How did..." Her question fell flat as she saw Four's body lying unconscious and bloody on the ground.

"Oh my God! Four!" She exclaimed and rushed towards the fallen Four, followed by 81 and the securities.

Nine on the back, also stunned by what just happened, remained frozen where he stood. It was not until Eight's scream of horror echoed through the empty room, that he finally snapped out of his shock.

He hurriedly approached Eight and put his arms around her shoulder, pulling her away from Four's body. "Eight, Four is still alive. You can see that he's still breathing. He's a strong man and he will recover soon. Don't worry," he said softly.

He then turned to 81. "Hurriedly take him to the ICU and call for Doctor 90. Ask him to prepare for a surgery right away."

81 nodded and started giving an order towards the securities. After a while, they brought Four in the stretcher and took him away from the ruined laboratory.

"How about the Subject, Professor?" 81 questioned while glancing at the albino boy who got piggyback by one of the PAD.

Nine giving a second thought before answering. "Take him to the Private Medic and make sure to tie him up so that he won't run away after he wakes up. We still didn't know of his true nature."

"Yes, Professor."

He turned his attention towards the girl who almost threw up. Automatically, he takes out a new folded mask from his coat and gives it to her. Eight quickly took it and covered her mouth and nose. The scents of blood were too strong, making her feel very dizzy and nauseous.

"...Thank you. But..." She raised her head and gazed at Nine with wide open eyes. "How...? I mean... How did this happen?! Nothing like this has ever happened before! And Four... this is my first time seeing Four got heavily injured! I never thought that he would get hurt like this. Just... just what is happening?!"

Nine lowered his head, looking down as he thought of an explanation. "I guess, we are in the same boat. I'm also lost, but at least we both have a clue as to what happened here. The main problem now is the Subject himself. Looks like we have got bigger problems than we realized."

Eight blinked. "Are you saying that the Subject is dangerous?"

Nine nodded his head. "That's exactly what I think. Don't you find it kind of weird, Eight? The prey that we hunted before, now has turned into a predator who will hunt us back. He almost took Four's life and once he woke up, who do you think will become his next target?"

Eight stared at him wide eyed, trying to figure out why Nine is telling her that. Finally, the answer came to her. "His next target will be either Two or me, right?"

Nine did not say anything else but his silence was enough to answer her question.

She let out a sigh before standing up slowly. "I need to inform everyone about this incident."

"Are you sure you want to tell Six?"

Eight just shrugged. "I have no choice. It's better to let her know sooner. If I keep this matter from them, I will be dead and I'm sure you are aware of that."

"Have you made sure to tie both his arms and legs tightly?" 81 asked.

The PAD nodded his head before pausing when his eyes caught something.

"Sir, do you have a handkerchief or tissue or anything?"

81 frowned but he still gave a handkerchief towards the PAD. "That handkerchief belongs to the Informant."

"Huh? How did you get it?"

"It fell on the ground when she ran towards the Commander. I was about to return it to her. Why are you asking for this?"

The PAD was silent for a while and looked at the albino once more. "Did you see that black spot on his cheeks? I'm not sure if his right eye was bleeding or what but don't you think, it's kind of weird?"

81 immediately stopped and looked at the subject. "What is strange about it?"

The PAD hesitated slightly before he answered. "Well... take a look at the blood carefully."

81 furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the young boy carefully.

"No. It's not blood. That's his tears. He... cried."



Doctor 90 and the nurses who were fixing the ventilator to Four's chest after the surgery, jumped startled upon hearing the door of the ICU room burst open. They turn their heads to the direction of the newcomers and their eyes widen in shock once they see that it was the Infinities. They immediately moved back a little and bowed their heads in respect, keeping their hands clasped together.

Six is the first person to enter the room, followed by Five, Eight and Nine. Whereas Ten was told by Nine to stay outside of the room.

"Four..." Six muttered while walking towards the bed. She reached out and took hold of the unconscious man's hand. She caressed his skin with her fingers. The coldness of his skin felt scary, but there was a faint warmth radiating from his hand. For a moment, Six felt like she was about to lose him. Like a breath was taken from her lungs.

"You scared me. I thought..." She paused. "...We thought... that you had left us."

A tear rolled down her cheek. "I know you don't want me to cry... but please wake up soon... Please..."

Eight walked forward and placed a hand on Six's shoulders, trying to comfort her. "How was his condition? What was the result?" She asked, looking back at the Doctor.

Doctor 90 looked at Four before shaking his head. "There is no change. It is good enough to know the fact that his heart is still beating properly despite yet to show any signs of consciousness. I'm afraid that we might need to wait for him to wake up before taking a proper diagnosis."

"What happened to him that he would have such a severe injury?" Six asked quietly, staring at Four.

Doctor 90 sighed. "As far as I am concerned, Commander injuries are due to penetrating injuries. That alone was enough to cause severe damage to his organs, especially on his stomach. However, it looks like he is lucky because he somehow managed to survive without getting infected. But judging by the state of his wounds, it seems like someone was trying to ki- I mean..."

Six glared at the Doctor. She knows that the doctor is trying hard not to say the word but she already caught onto the meaning behind it. She wiped away the tears before asking him. "Someone tried to kill him?"

Doctor 90 looked at her and nodded his head. "Yes."

Five spoke then, breaking the uncomfortable atmosphere. "But Four is not someone people can beat easily. There must be some other reasons."

He turned towards Eight and Nine. "Both of you? Could there be any possibility that the Subject may have been involved in the incident? You told us earlier that he came back alive."

Eight gulped. "That's why it's confusing to me. How come he is alive when all of us already confirmed his death? Moreover, he survived without any oxygen to support him? Doesn't make any sense at all!"

"Then I will kill him myself," Six murmured and her voice sounded dark. She was ready to leave but was stopped by Nine.

"Calm down Six. We still don't know what the Subject is capable of. If he could put Four, the strongest Infinities amongst us, into a coma, there will be a high chance that you might be the one who wouldn't make it out alive."

He paused for a few seconds before continuing. "I know you care about Four but for now, don't try anything funny. We have no idea what's going on and we can't act recklessly even though we know the causes behind Four's condition. Also..."

Nine let out a sigh. "We are still unsure if the Subject was the cause behind his injuries. For now, we were just assuming things by what we were seeing. But when I think about it again, it would be impossible if that Subject was the one who tried to kill Four."

Six bit her lower lip but she understood what he meant and she decided to just remain quiet. She went back to her seat and turned towards Four.

The man was sleeping silently with an oxygen mask on his face and the bandages covering almost every part of his body. What a sore sight to see...

Silently without anyone realizing, Six's magenta eyes narrowed dangerously.

I swear, I will take revenge for you, Four. And I will make sure that Subject will suffer until the very last breath...


Five walked to the door and called out to the boy who had been waiting outside. The reason they did not give permission to Ten to enter earlier is because Ten did not know the dark truth behind Infinity Premise.

Ten never saw any experiment nor meeting with any subjects because Eight was the one who told the Infinities to keep silent. One day when he grows up enough, that is the moment where he will know everything.

"Ten, you can enter now- huh? Where did he go?" Five mumbles while looking around.

"What's wrong, Five? Where's Ten?" Eight asked.

"Dunno. He suddenly disappeared without warning."

"Maybe he already went to his room."

"I highly doubt that. Earlier he told me that he also wants to see Four. I wonder where he has gone too."


Doctor 90 takes out the pages from his white coat pocket. "Professor, the Leader told me to let the Infinities know that there will be a new meeting after this."

"Must be regarding Four. Alright. Five, can you ask Eleven to call for Ten?"

"Roger that. Ele- KYAA! You scared me!" Five screams when Eleven suddenly popped out of nowhere beside him.

Eleven didn't show any reaction to it at all as if he had been used to Five being dramatic.

"Not room." He answered shortly.

Frowning Five replies. "See! I told you!"

Nine turned to Doctor 90. "If Ten went back here, please tell him to go to the meeting room."

Doctor 90 nods before all of them leave the ICU.